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Posts posted by Berta

  1. My son and his girlfriend are talking about getting engaged. I have been looking at Mother of the Groom dresses lol... Here is my short list lol




























  2. Berta, do you have a link for the Student Log Book?


    mommyfaithe, is there a specific planner you use with the days down the side?


    My daughter loves being able to keep track of her work with the student logbook. Here is the link:



    And this is my planner:



  3. This is how I set up my planner too. I bought out dated Well Planned Day planners from 2012 on CBD for .99 and start the first day as 1 and then number up to 180. I also talked to the owner of My Student Log Book and asked if they could make me a log book for my daughter that are not dated, just numbered 1-180. They now offer that as well as a traditional set up logbook.

  4. I adore my dog. She is, aside from my family members, my best friend and closest companion. I don't mind the responsibility of caring for her at all, but, then I don't have 3.5 kids, too.


    The only issues I have are:


    - The dog does not get along with one of our cats. It's really best if they are not in the same room at the same time. Sometimes, the cat hangs out in the living room, where he likes to sit on my husband or my son. So, if we all want to watch a movie or play a game together in the living room, it requires pet diplomacy (and putting the dog on her leash) to make that happen.


    - I feel guilty when I leave her, and I miss her, too. It's less fun for me to go on vacations because I know she's unhappy at the kennel. (She sometimes refuses to eat when we board her, unless one of the women who works there feeds her one piece of kibble at a time by hand.) We're tried doing dog-friendly getaways, but those have their challenges, too. So, I do board her when necessary and enjoy my time with the rest of the family, but I won't deny it dampens my enthusiasm for vacations just a bit.


    - I'm not crazy about cleaning up after her in the yard, but that is, truly, a very minor irritation. I dislike cleaning the cats' litter boxes much more.


    All in all, my life has been so enriched by having her that all of the above are really insignificant in comparison.



    I can't imagine life without a dog. My dogs have seen me through my darkest hour when I completely lost faith in humanity. Yes, there is a lot of responsibility involved, and yes, sometimes there are large costs as well. But it is all worth it, IMO. (Well, almost...I can't say that I don't utter a few four letter words when I have to clean up...how to put it nicely?...recycled poop.  :ack2:  But that doesn't happen very often, and when it does, it's usually my fault for forgetting to scoop the yard.)



    We LOVE our dogs.   :001_wub:


    They sleep in our beds, eat our food - they're a part of the family.


    The responsibilities do stink. Vacuuming black fur off of a white floor every single day, picking up poop in the yard, expensive vet visits, $$$ electric fence.


    But I don't mind any more than I mind cleaning up if my kids vomit, track mud in the house on their shoes, or make a mess in the kitchen. I don't like doing these things but they come with the territory, and are done out of love.



    Ditto to all of the above. We have 2 dogs and my neighbors big dog is here all day so I consider him to be our 3rd. We always had 3-4 dogs when I was growing up. I will never NOT have dogs. When I met my DH he saw pictures of my dogs before he saw pictures of my kids. 

  5. We call it plastic cheese too.  I think it came from the La Leche League cookbook in the 80's.  It had a long discussion on how hydrogenated fats were essentially one molecule away from plastic, and how if you leave a plate out with real butter and a plate out with margarine, the butter will melt, attract insects, and disappear.  The margarine will melt a little at the corner and stay in place forever.


    Since cheese "food" is essentially cheese flavored hydrogenated fat....  well, you get the gist.


    We call it plastic cheese too, I won't buy it. My kids love cheese for a snack and prefer cheddar, provolone or pepper jack.


    I definitely won't buy anything that isn't real butter. My daughter and I went out to a steak house for lunch yesterday and I asked for some butter for my steak. They brought me a "butter blend". I asked for real butter, they didn't have it, only the "butter blend".  You'd think in a steak house they would offer real food, not garbage fake butter.


    We don't eat any grains, rice or flour. My kids love mock-a-roni and cheese which is cauliflower and cheese.

  6. Some people probably see my dh and I in a similar light. He is more outgoing and talkative and I am more reserved and am an introvert. In fact I probably sometimes come across as snooty or antisocial I am an introvert and can be uncomfortable in situations with people I am just meeting or don't know well.


    However I do better once I get to know people a bit better. I am active in my home school group and am even in a leadership position. It takes me time to get into a "comfort zone".


    I'm also an introvert and have been told that I "look unapproachable", which is actually OK with me. It has nothing to do with anyone other then myself. It doesn't mean I don't like you, it doesn't mean you did anything wrong, it's just ME. I don't mind being an introvert, but I really get bothered when other people think it's something they have done. It really has nothing to do with what anyone else has said or done. It's just how I am. I learned not to be overly friendly because then people want to engage me. That is usually the last thing I want. I am not trying to be rude, I just like being by myself.


  7. Berta- what lesson plans are you talking about that you bought? Sounds interesting!


    We did botany this first year (K). At the beginning of the year, DS couldn't read or write, so I didn't feel the junior notebook was worth it. However, within a few months he was reading and writing, so I went back and bought the junior journal. I felt it was inexpensive enough that I didn't feel guilty picking and choosing what to do. As the year (and his abilities) progressed, we did more. I should note that my son enjoys coloring while I read the lesson and he enjoys the mini books/lap books (as do I- probably because I'm not a crafty mom, so this helps fill in those gaps. Lol).


    Hope this helps.





    It breaks the book down into daily lessons. If I remember correctly, the lesson plans do not include what to do with the notebook other then some suggestions. I went through the daily lessons and assigned notebooking pages that matched up. For me it was well worth the $6 to have the lessons already mapped out for me.

  8. We had a neighbor complain because we put up a clothesline. It was a small umbrella type that folds down. She called me a redneck. I went out and found the biggest pack of old lady granny panties I could find and hung them on the line. They stayed on that line and every so often I'd go out and add a hole-y sock or rotate the thing so she could have a better view. I'd add gaudy looking clothes and even hung a sheet that had a huge pepsi stain on it. It looked like someone couldn't hold their bowels. I hung ghosts on it at Halloween and put Christmas icicle lights on it for Christmas. We did not live with an HOA (and never will) and there were no township laws/regulations against them. She just felt that in this day and age people should use a dryer inside their house.

  9. This is a boundary issue, in terms of interaction with your dc, in terms of your property, and in terms of your basic rights.


    First, I would write an open letter to the HOA regarding harassment that has been escalating and is nearing an untenable level. And give examples. Perhaps they can read it aloud at the next meeting. I would include something about "hating to resort to legal measures to stop the bullying, but are increasingly feeling forced to consider that action". I would also speak to her immediately (with a witness present) regarding the problem of speaking to your dc. If she has anything she wishes to communicate with your family, she should do so directly to one of the adults.


    Second, is there any type of lawn decoration that would be okay with the HOA but annoying to the bully? If so, I would buy them in bulk and let it be known that every time she (or others) complain about you when you are not breaking a rule, another garden gnome will appear - looking directly in her direction, watching her. You could call them Sentinels of Shame or something similar that would provide quite a bit of levity for your family, but probably drive her to distraction. I'd be up front about it. If she insists on complaining about you publicly, then she shouldn't be surprised when you respond in the same arena.


    Third, I would research (and let it be widely known that you are doing so) the laws in your area regarding restraining orders and bullying. Find out if you have any legal recourse. Talk to the PTB of the HOA. Ask them how they think it would be best to respond to someone who is overstepping her boundaries to this degree.


    I am sure you initially tried being nice. Unfortunately, some people don't understand "nice". They think it is permission to trample all over you. If "nice" isn't working and the problem is getting worse, then I would move on to reflecting whatever she brings to you right back at her. She needs to learn that not only will her meddling not bring her the desired result, it will cause her to experience public embarrassment equal to that which she is trying to dish out, legal trouble if she is trying to get you into legal trouble, HOA problems if she is trying to cause HOA problems for you. Don't get sucked in to arguing with her directly, just reflect back at her what she is trying to put on you.

    LMAO Sentinels of Shame!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


    When I lived in NJ there was a big stink over this statue that some guy put in his backyard. After a few complaints from neighbors he put a fence up around the yard. They still complained so he started to grow bamboo. I don't know if you've ever seen bamboo, but it grows TALL and EVERYWHERE. To get around it being a nuisance he insisted he was selling the bamboo. Something to do with an agricultural permit. So the bamboo stayed and it literally swallowed up the entire yard. He had one little sign on the door saying "bamboo for sale".


    The thing was huge and had glowing red eyes, which is what ticked off the neighbors. I used to love to ride by and see it. lol.




  10. I bought the lesson plans that go with the text and notebook. I was able to set up the entire year using the lesson plans and my soon to be 4th grader does it independently. I skipped over a few of the experiments (like buy a tadpole and raise some other critter). The experiments we do together and they don't require a lot of time. I bought the lab kit when Mardel had 40% off and it's been a life saver for me. I hate hunting down all the little parts to do an experiment. For me, it was well worth the $, all the lab supplies are in a little plastic baggie and labeled by the lesson.

  11. I'd start right away with de-schooling, letting her unwind a bit and not feel pressured. We school year round and our schedule is very flexible and laid back. I agree with the person that said CLE for math. It is a solid math program with lots of review. My daughter loves it.


    Instead of history in books you can do the videos and CD's in the car. We have listened to all the Story of the World CD's without doing the formal book work. There are lots of CD's on tons of subjects that are read by Jim Weiss, the same story teller from the SOTW CD's.


    My daughter loves to find things laying around to read. If I put a Studies Weekly on the coffee table, she will pick it up out of curiosity and start reading it. Before I know it she had read the entire thing.


    Daily Grams is a one page daily brush up on grammar. It takes less than 10 mins to do a page. Easy Grammar takes a bit longer but is also a good choice. We did both last year for 3rd grade.



  12. We were given a choice of an American breakfast or an Asian breakfast on a flight to China. The American breakfast featured bacon. The bacon was heated thoroughly but not cooked at all. Warm raw bacon--yuck! I was so glad I ordered the Asian breakfast choice.


    LOL Don't ask for chicken! It will come with the head attached, raw and swimming in it's own blood. This picture was taken after I sent it back to have it cooked well done. All they did was wipe the blood off the plate lol


  13. I chose scrambled but I equally love deviled eggs. I eat about 6-8 eggs per day. Scrambled for breakfast and deviled in between meals. I cook them swimming in butter and add a some american or cheddar cheese. MMMMMMM! I have about 60 chickens (give or take, they are fast moving and hard to count!) so we always have delicious fresh eggs. I love bacon and I cook a lot of things in the bacon grease, but not my eggs. Eggs must be drowned in butter.

  14. coffee w/unsalted Kerrygold and coconut oil


    BPC!!! I just discovered BP hot cocoa!


    I usually eat eggs (scrambled in tons of salted kerrygold or deviled) with bacon and sausage. Usually just bacon, but sometimes I can't decide so I have both bacon and sausage with my eggs like I did today. My chickens give me the best eggs on earth!

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