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Posts posted by Berta

  1. We started out using MUS and it was too distracting for my daughter. She wasn't interested in it at all except for playing with the manipulatives. We switched to CLE in first grade and it's just what she needs with no distracting colors or pictures. At the start of 3rd grade I switched her to Teaching Textbooks (my older daughter used it for all of HS and loved it) but she hated it. We lasted all of two weeks with TT and then went back to CLE. She took her end of the year testing (3rd grade) and scored on a 5th grade level.

  2. Do you keep it pulled back? I used to always wear my hair pulled  back and my DH never noticed my hair cuts. I'm like you, I go very rarely to get it done because I usually wind up taking the scissors to my own hair.


    I lost 40 lbs before he noticed, and that was only after someone else mentioned it in his presence.

  3. Greatproducts.com is having their annual homeschool t-shirt sale. Between myself and my two daughters we have at least 10 of their shirts. Love them! They have a lot of cute shirts for both kids and parents.





  4. We are very flexible and our schedule changes day to day. My daughter is in competition training so we work our school work schedule around it. It usually takes us about 3-3.5 hrs to get all our work done each day. That is not including Art, which my daughter LOVES and will literally spend hours on it at a time. It's not unusual for her to work on her art projects after dinner until bedtime.


    5x a week:

    Lifepac Bible   10-20 mins

    CLE Math   20-45 mins

    BJU English    20-30

    SpellWell Spelling  10 mins

    BJU Handwriting   15 mins

    BJU Reading 30 mins


    2x a week:

    Apologia Science 30-60 mins depending on experiment or just reading/recording data

    BJU Heritage Studies 30-45 mins. Science and History are two more of her favorite subjects so there are times when we pull other resources and it takes longer.

    Lifepac Health 15-20 mins





  5. Our dojo is small too. We have the Shihan, who is an 8th degree black belt, Sensei M who is 3rd degree black belt and Sensei B who is first degree black belt. It's usually the same Sensei in the daytime and afternoon, and the Shihan usually comes in for the afternoon/evening classes.


    My daughter is one of the assistant Sensei's, as is almost all of the kids in the "Black belt club". These are kids that have decided to work to black belt and can come to as many classes per week as they want. Being in the BBC they are required to help teach two classes per month. My daughter helps in 4 each week.


    Shameless mommy brag: My daughter is on the competition team. She won in both the State and Regional Qualifiers and a few weeks ago she won the gold medal and title of 2014 National Champion at the AAU Nationals in Ft. Lauderdale.

  6. I haven't read all the responses but I think the workbooks from the dollar store/ Walmart are not meant to be used as a complete curriculum. We used Kumon books in the preschool years but I wouldn't group something like CLE in with those.

    My daughter is a workbook girl. She wants to take her workbook and get it done independently. Almost all of our curriculum (with the exception of History) is workbook based. She tested well above her level in all subjects so I know what we use works for her.


    I also am anapproved re-seller for Starline Press, which is a workbook based, secular curriculum.


  7. We use lots of butter and bacon grease. I add sour cream and butter to mashed potatoes.  I will try the babybel cheese, but she won't eat cheddar or other sliced cheese.  I do make homemade mac and cheese with butter and half and half, might have to do it more often and throw in some bacon or ham. We keep Nutella in the pantry so I'll see if I can get her to eat Nutella and peanut butter together.  I'm not a fan of the sugar content in Nutella, but I sometimes have to remember that she can process sugar because she's so active. She reacts to bananas, kiwi, strawberries, and pineapple, so I can't use any of those.  I can try sneaking some avocado into her diet, although she doesn't like it plain.  I haven't done peanut butter and chocolate smoothies in a while, so I'll try that and see if she'll drink it. She can do OJ.  I was thinking about getting some heavy cream and doing the

    ziploc bag method of making ice cream. I'd rather do homemade instead of having commercial ice cream more often.


    Thanks for all the idea.

    Try using heavy whipping cream in place of half and half. It has more fat and calories.


    If you don't eat you don't dance?


    My daughter trains for competition karate approx 18 hrs per week. (She won the title of 2014 karate national champion earlier this month!) This is the rule at her Dojo. If you don't eat, don't bother coming to work out. 


    She is very thin, although very healthy. I add butter and heavy whipping cream to a lot of things. Her favorite is a garlic/butter/parmesan cheese mixture on top of meats and chicken. It adds healthy fats and calories to her diet effortlessly.

  8. We aren't finished with 3rd grade yet and I'm already changing my 4th grade plans.


    CLE Math grade 4


    Apologia Swimming Creatures Zoology 2 for Science


    Lifepac for History/Social Studies


    Studies Weekly for Science and History supplement


    ACE Creative Writing and Literature, English and World Building


    Draw and Write thru History for Art\


    SpellWell Spelling C-Cc


    Lifepac Health Quest


    And yet I have changed it again lol.. We scrapped Lifepac History and are now doing BJU Heritage Studies. We haven't touched the Studies Weekly yet. Everything else is the same. We are 12 days into our new year, 4th grade.


  9. My list of what I do eat is a lot shorter. I'm a very picky eater and don't stray much from my very limited menu.


    I would die before eating any of the following:


    Any and all seafood


    Vegetables besides green beans

    Anything from Taco Bell

    Anything raw

    Any meat not burnt or charred to shoe leather consistency


  10. LOL yeah, we changed up what was planned too.


    We are 10 days into new school year.


    CLE Math 4, Apologia Zoology 2 Swimming Creatures, ACE Creative Writing and Literature, English, Word Building, SpellWell C/Cc, Editor in Chief, Draw and Write thru History, BJU Heritage Studies 4, Lifepac Health and Bible

  11. My daughter uses ACE for English, Word Building and Creative Writing. It's not my favorite but it is hers. It totally fits her independent learning style. We use a work box system and she gets to choose which subject to do first and ACE is always her first choice. I was not thrilled with the ACE history and science. We use CLE for math, BJU for history and Apologia for science. We never used ACE math and CLE works well for her so I'm not switching.


    I want to add that I was hesitant to use ACE at first. I don't know that I have seen so many negative reviews on any other curriculum before. So much so that I decided to have her tested to see where she was academically after using ACE this past year. Honestly, I was kind of looking for a reason to NOT use ACE. As we finished 3rd grade I had her tested for the first time and she scored on a 5th and 6th grade level when it came to LA. So for my daughter, it's working, she is learning and retaining.

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