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Posts posted by ihvnangel

  1. :lurk5: I would really love to hear reviews on this also! I actually just ordered it for my two boys ages 12 and 10.. Hoping this will help them with reading and spelling... they are okay readers, but not strong and their spelling is HORRIBLE!

    Hoping someone will reply here!

  2. I haven't been to the boards here very regularly in a while but this subject caught my eye. I lost my little girl to drowning 7 years ago. It was the hardest thing I had ever had to deal with. I was in shock, full of anger at mil who was the one supposed to be watching my little girl, and angry at my husband. However I did try to turn to God and not away. I had lost a fiance' 10 years prior to my dd's death and at that time I had turned away from God and was so mad, it was in fact my little girl that brought me back to God. I know I am rambling, but all that to just say do keep praying, and send cards, or letters, memories of his daughter if you have any, pictures. It may not help right now but I believe he will be okay eventually, just let him know you are there for him if he wants to talk. Compassionate friends is a good group, and there are many groups online if he is open to that. It was hard for me to deal with why God wouldn't save my little girl, why did she have to die, all the why's will drive you insane, and you know for a while I did have to be on medication because I just couldn't deal. I had two other little boys that were missing their big sister and I had to make it. Maybe if you call his other daughters and just talk to them and have them call their dad if they are open to it, my little boys were really the only thing that got me up some mornings. I will be praying for him and the rest of the family..



    mom to Angel Sarah forever 5,

    Noah, Jonah, Hannah, and Luke

    Daddy in Afghanistan so keep him in your prayers~!

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