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Posts posted by talltexan

  1. We couldn't find any 1-36 tabs, so what we did was buy regular card stock paper and punch holes in it. Then we used the Post-It divider tabs and labeled them 1-36. You will also need extra tabs for the appendices (history guide, LA guide, etc). The divider tabs come in sets of 73 so you will have plenty. They cost around $5 at Target or WalMart.


    We ended up with a beautiful, colorful binder!


    ETA: I shouldn't have assumed you are using Sonlight! If you aren't, you will have enough tabs for 2 sets of 36!

  2. Your responses have been so helpful!


    We now have a week of homeschooling under our belts, and we are having a blast. I am finding that it is hard to keep the house clean, though! And all of my friends who said home schooling a Kindergartener would only take 30 minutes a day must have some secret that I don't know! :001_huh: I agree with homeschooling6--it looks like 15-20 minutes per subject will work most days. But that sure does add up when I am trying to fit in Bible, math, history, LA, science, and read-alouds!


    If any of you have a schedule that you would like to share, I'd love to see it!

  3. Hello! This will be my first year HSing my two boys, 5 and 3.5. I am trying to decide on which math to use. I really like what I've seen of both RightStart and Professor B. From the samples I've seen, they look similar in approach. Is that true? Do they both provide enough "meat" for a stand-alone math program? I am gathering that I will need to supplement activities on time and money--what else?


    Thanks in advance for your help. I love learning from your experiences!

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