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Posts posted by rzberrymom

  1. My DD got the portal email from UCB and UCSD but still waiting for 3 others. Dumb question—if something shows up in the portal, do they also receive an email? Or they need to be checking the portals regularly?

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  2. 2 hours ago, Bootsie said:

    So where would the money come from to pay these higher wages?  Increased tuition?  Increased state taxes?  Neither of those seem like a popular solution.  

    It would have been nice if more money could have gone to higher education when California had a nearly $100 billion surplus recently. But, I don’t really understand why our public universities continue to be so horribly underfunded here. (and now we’re back to a deficit) 

  3. 18 minutes ago, lewelma said:

    Not trying to be argumentative, just really curious about how they can ask for 54K.

    Rent in Boston is $1500 for a room. My ds's friend is a TA in the computer science department at MIT and earns less than he does, - $31,500. 

    Is it tax? or medical expenses that are substantially higher?

    I believe MIT grad students were also fighting to increase their measly pay recently. 

    “With stipends ranging from $3,200 to $3,600 a month, Carter argued, many MIT graduate students living nearby face a "severe rent burden," defined by the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development as spending at least half of their income on housing.

    Carter said that students spend “a lot of hours — 30, 40 hours a week or more — in the lab, grading, or preparing materials for lectures. We’re generating a lot of value for the university,” Carter said. “We’re all very happy to do it … but this is a job, and we need support.””


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  4. My DH is an engineering professor, and he PREFERS the kids who have had a B or two. They don’t expect absolute perfection out of themselves and he finds them to be more resilient. The ones with the perfect 4.0 can be a bit fragile. Not sure how an AO would see it, but I imagine it could be similar.


    Also, the number one skill my kiddo has learned from DE classes is to always always find a way to get to office hours.


    I hope it works out for him! 🤞

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  5. 1 hour ago, Roadrunner said:

    Is she writing other private app essays or waiting on REA results? Gosh, mine is not motivated to do anything. 

    We just click submit on the UC app. Essays are mediocre, everything is mediocre, but he has had it. 

    We’re about as far away as you can get from a decent size airport in CA, so she’s not too keen on far-off private schools. The UCs are probably the best fit for her. She made some progress tonight, thank goodness!!

    • Like 3
  6. 2 minutes ago, Roadrunner said:

    Meanwhile I have a friend whose kid manage to submit 20 apps. 
    At a rate my boy is going, I don’t know he will manage more than 3-4 in addition. 

    We’re in the same boat. One REA submitted, nothing else. My kiddo is really dragging her feet on finishing the UC app. It’s so painful to watch. 😞

    • Like 3
  7. On 11/22/2022 at 8:07 PM, Arcadia said:

    @idnib@rzberrymom This link has the description for all 8 colleges https://admissions.ucsd.edu/why/colleges/index.html

    Quoted portion is for Eighth College

    "Scholastic Opportunity

    An Eighth education focuses on interdisciplinary approaches to solving issues within the local community and beyond. Eighth students will focus on writing-intensive courses and interdisciplinary research that emphasizes community, wellness, anti-racism and social justice.

    Community and Tradition

    Eighth College will welcome its inaugural first-year class in fall 2023; the transfer class will enroll beginning in fall 2025. This is a historic opportunity for students to make their mark for generations to come by shaping the college’s community and traditions.

    General Education Requirements

    The general education framework for Eighth College will include courses curated from departmental offerings, provide breadth and introduction to diverse intellectual traditions. Four college-specific engagement courses will examine communities, critical engagement, and structural racism."

    gen ed requirements:

    Revelle College https://revelle.ucsd.edu/academics/general-education/index.html

    John Muir College https://muir.ucsd.edu/academics/degree_reqs.html

    Thurgood Marshall College https://marshall.ucsd.edu/academics/general-education-requirements.html

    Earl Warren College https://warren.ucsd.edu/academics/general-education/index.html

    Eleanor Roosevelt College https://roosevelt.ucsd.edu/academics/gen-ed/index.html

    Sixth College https://sixth.ucsd.edu/academics/requirements/index.html

    Seventh College https://seventh.ucsd.edu/academics/degree-requirements/degree-requirements-first.html

     Eighth College https://evc.ucsd.edu/_files/Eighth-College-Proposal-Final.pdf



    Thank you for the links!!

    This seems truly overwhelming. My kiddo has something like 22 UC-transferable courses (but is applying as a freshman because she hasn’t quite completed the IGETC). I can’t believe we have to sort through all those requirements to make sure she wouldn’t have to repeat courses there. What a pain!?!

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  8. 43 minutes ago, idnib said:

    DS got the UC apps submitted, very late a couple of nights ago. Somehow we didn't realize that UCSD would require him to rank their 8 undergraduate colleges at the time he applied. (Eighth college isn't on that list, but it was on the application for ranking.) Heads up for anyone else, in case you're thinking, as he was, that it wouldn't take that long to get everything submitted. Don't start late, or wait until the last minute. DS and I were talking about how a lot of those rankings are probably somewhat randomly chosen by students at 11:50pm on Nov 30 and that it might be better to have people rank preferred colleges later in the process, like UCSC does.

    This threw us off too—I had no idea! And the descriptions they link to are pretty vague and unhelpful. My DD also got a kick out of the fact that they forgot one of their residential colleges in the descriptions!

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  9. 4 hours ago, Roadrunner said:

    This is the wrong thread to ask this, but is there somewhere on the internet a place where I can research summer music programs? I know which ones we are considering, but I have a hard time understanding nuance of which and by nuance I mean the culture. 
    We were all thinking Interlocken, but some of what I read in the internet makes me think it’s not the right place for DS. 

    My kiddo was at Tanglewood this summer—PM me for info if that’s one he would be interested in.

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  10. I do alumni interviews for an ivy, and I definitely wouldn’t google the interviewer. I think a huge point to these interviews is determining whether the kid REALLY wants to go there. Protecting yield. I would spend time researching the department, the opportunities on campus, figure out why it’s a great great fit. And have some good questions ready, to get the interviewer talking about their time on campus.

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  11. I think Telluride has changed a lot lately, but it seems like it would be an amazing place for a deep thinker! https://www.tellurideassociation.org/our-programs/high-school-students/


    And for later, has he looked at Deep Springs College? Like St. Johns, I think it would be an fantastic place for a philosopher with high standards. https://www.outsideonline.com/culture/essays-culture/deep-springs-college-california-women-coed/

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  12. 1 hour ago, catz said:

    My oldest kid did a sample lesson at CM and looked carefully at it.  And of course it is a great school and program!

    But there was one thing we noticed.  Not specifically at CM, but at some programs that broadly advertised the ability to double major/degree with music.  And I'm especially aware of it now that I have a 2nd music applicant that is a more traditional music centered student.  What we noticed is that the students that come in dedicated to double major are looked at a little differently by some music profs.  And I am sure this is mostly true in popular instruments/vocal tracks - I think CMs acceptance rate is like 5%.  We definitely got the feeling some music profs would definitely prefer their music undergrads did not have their hands in 2 worlds.  And this just may vary by prof, like we didn't always even get a consistent vibe for this talking to 3 different people in the same department.  But music admissions rolls by clicking with a prof/music department generally.

    Anyway, for students that are just the deeply academic type that REALLY want the ability to study something else with music, definitely ask the hard questions in your sample lessons.  I think we wasted some time on some apps where it was maybe clear from a sample lesson that my kid had a super positive lesson until he mentioned he was interested in double degree.  🙄

    I’ve had this sense with a few schools too. She’s had luck with schools that either have a vocal performance certificate or minor, rather than a double-degree. Those schools have seemed totally fine with a focus on STEM while also working to keep up your VP skills.

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