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Posts posted by Calendula

  1. As an adult who hasn't done very much algebra in the past 20 years, I found it to be a great reminder. I would say that if kids are having a hard time with a concept, going back to that point in dragon box and talking about it more explicitly might be helpful for some kids. That said, my rising 4th grader thinks it is a fun puzzle, and seems to get it (in that she understands what she needs to do - and it isn't just trial and error on each level). She doesn't understand exactly why it works - I'm hoping it will be helpful when we get around to algebra.

  2. Yes - we use T-Mobile. My husband has a phone that has averaged out to less than $5 a month for the past 3 years (bought a $100 credit, and then minutes don't expire for a year - can add on to make them roll over). My plan is $30/month - just 100 minutes, but unlimited data and texts for my android. Neither of us use the phone for talking very much. We have a landline.


    Lots more dead spots for us too, than my family members who use verizon.

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  3. We have tried a topical approach where concepts or topics were culled from different books then presented during the same time frame of lesson or lessons.

    That was a lot of work for us so it has been dropped for a simpler approach. Now we just do each resource (text, web, other) on its own day. For example- (Day 1) Reasoning Mind, (Day 2) Singapore, (Day 3) Mathematics 6, (Day 4) J. Tanton, and (Day 5 ) off. Then the cycle restarts at Day 1.


    Note, our current is a 3 days on 1 day off rotation fwiw.

    I've been trying this, too. But, how do you prevent grade 3 math from lasting 5 years?

  4. he has made it closer to home, he is at another exit and has called for another jump... will use up his jumps and then use is "tows" and then I will pick him up where he lands if no one else can grab him LOL I have no cell, so I will be dead in the wind, if I run out of gas... so he needs to get close LOL


    Sounds like a long night! Hoping he can just make it all the way home!!

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