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Posts posted by hsmykids

  1. Ok, bear with me. I am new here and i am unsure if I am even typing this in the correct place. But, I purchared OM6 to use for the next school year. I was so extremely excited to get it. But, tonight because my daughters lap top was sitting next to me and I was looking for something to do, I started looking up reviews for OM. Yikes. I am thinking I should have read them before I purchased. Now, I am scared! What I have found is not many people like the OM and how it is lacking. Please tell me I didn't waste my money the way they are stating and my kids are going to learn and I would like to keep them ahead of the game. Yikes...I am scared now. What to do?

  2. I have to say, we did something like that. When I was pregnant with our daughter we moved in with my parents (2 bedrm cape) we lived in the basement for 1 year while our house was built. Plus I gave birth to my daughter while we were there. She was just fine in a porta crib instead of a regular one. One great thing is checking on the children in the night. I didn't even have to get out of bed. :lol:

  3. She said that the difference is that Saxon hates kids and wants them to get things wrong and spend time in Math. Teaching Textbooks likes you and tries to explain how to do problems. ;)


    Well, I guess that is a mouth full. Maybe, my ds will enjoy this more. I hate when he asks me a question and I have to look it up or call someone. He is bypassing me

  4. My ds is going into algebra next year. He complains a lot about Saxon but does very well. I have never taken a formal algebra class I could probably meander my way through. I was considering Teaching Textbooks. Are they worth the money. I just don't want to get stuck one day and not be able to help him.

  5. I have a IEP meeting this week. Unfortunately, my husband can not attend the meeting with me. I am sorta lost. I am a child advocate and I am so use to going in with a agenda that we will get. Now, that I hs and I am attending without my balance person (dh) I am so very lost. Any suggestions???? I know I can reschedule but not sure I want to. My husband got called in for training purposes at work. He asked me what days would work and I totally forgot about the IEP meeting. We have to bring our ds to Shiners hospital on Tuesday so everything else just sorta went out the window.

  6. My son is finishing 8/7 Do I put him in Algebra 1 or Algebra 1/2? I understand that the 1/2 comes first. But, really what do you learn in 1/2 that you aren't getting in one. I need to purchase these and I don't want to bore him. Oh, one more thing, my son is gifted in math. It comes extremely easy for him. He is only 11 so I think he is doing well.

  7. He is learning disabled in reading and he didn't receive any services this year. They are doing budget cuts and they were taking everything away they can. One of the reasons for hsing. But, I feel like I am going to be put on the chopping block. I want to be prepared when I walk into this meeting and not get blindsided. They tend to do that. I am going to look up that state law. Thank you for your input. Any other input you may have would be helpful.

  8. Okay, all you special needs parents, I need help. I have my first IEP meeting with the school Wednesday. I should say our first since hsing. I am a child advocate and I have fought the school hard and always gotten my way. Now, that I am hsing its a different ball game. I don't want to give up my childs IEP because I don't know what the future holds. I want to hs throughout the rest of our education. So, here is my question, "How in the world do I handle this meeting" What do I go for? I guess the fighting is gone..... What do I do?

  9. I have to say, this was our first year hsing and I had the same fears. I have a 10 and 11 year old. Plus, I work outside the home. Two weeks before I started hsing my dh gutted my kitchen. :ack2: Then we had water damage due to our hard winter. Which took out 2 major rooms in my home. We had to bring them down to the studs and have a new roof put on. But, God is faithful......


    I thing that I found. The first 2 months were hard. But, as time went on my ds looked at me and said, Ma~ I am stuck with her huh... Meaning his sister. Then the dynamics began to change in our home. We went from not playing together and bickering to playing together. They still bicker :D They are siblings. But, over all they have bonded in a different level. They work together to get their school work done and their chores.


    Saying that, I may have messed a lot of things up and I am doing things different next year. But, it has been a blessing in many ways. Just wait and see how things change in your family life. It's wonderful!

  10. I am not sure of his age of your child. But, I have gone through the same thing with my children. They both suffer from severe anxiety. At one point when my ds was on melt down I gently walked up to him and said, let me explain something to you, we all get to this point in our day and its okay. Even mommy gets to this point so lets make a deal. When you feel like this I will help you in whatever you need and when I feel like that I will say to you "I have nothing left to give" Now, he understands when I need alone time. Generally, I get to take a bath or I just put him or both of them to bed.

  11. I purchase Ancient History grade 6 for Oak Meadow for my kids. I am loving what I see, I have just skimmed through. But, to get organized. I tend to fly by the seat of my pants. Can anyone give me suggestions on how to get organized with it and stay organized. There seems like tons of projects to get things for. Do you organized everyday in a planner??

  12. Nance,


    We seem to be at the same level. I order grade 6 Ancient History for my kids. Now, if I have any questions on where to begin I know who to contact :lol: Thank you for your advise. Now, I am looking forward to this year ending and starting next year. Oh, by the way, do you enroll your daughter or just use the books? I was going to enroll but NYS won't reconize their credits. Bummer......

  13. I have been going around in circles for the longest time trying to figure out what we are using for next year. I always wanted to use Oak Meadow and for some reason I have been afraid..... I think maybe it's all the writing and that is my weakest area. Anyway, my dh said enough searching I like the idea of Oak Meadow and bought it all for me yesterday including the art set of all things. :lol: I work outside the home so to have everything together is fantastic! Please all Oak Meadow users tell me how very wonderful it is.

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