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Everything posted by Shellers

  1. We are traveling with my husband for business. Yesterday, we spent all day driving around Oklahoma looking at rigs. We had reservations in Woodward, OK and had checked into the La Quinta. As we were unloading our luggage and the tornado alarms were going off. I asked a man in the parking lot what we were supposed to do (I'm from California and we don't really have tornados), he told me, "Well, you gotta die sometime, why not today?". We went in the hotel and watched the news for a bit and then packed up our stuff and drove to Amarillo, Texas. Oklahoma is beautiful! My mom and grandma were born in Enid, but honestly living under the threat of tornados is really scary. Last night, five people died in Woodward. http://www.kjrh.com/dpp/news/local_news/Midwest-tornadoes-authorities-say-5-dead-in-Woodward-Oklahoma Yesterday, when we were driving around we went through a town called, "Waynoka". There was some sort of festival going on there, the town was packed. A nearby sand dunes state park was packed with quads/campers. As we were packing up our stuff to get out of OK, the news said the tornado was headed towards that area. :sad:
  2. I can't stand either. Gross! My DH likes Best Food's or Hellman's Mayo.
  3. :grouphug: Same here! I only had a baby shower for my first.
  4. :grouphug::grouphug: My DD16 has struggled with depression since she was about eight years old. There is a history of depression on both sides of the family. If your DD is clinically depressed, no amount of pulling herself up by the bootstraps is going to help, she needs medication due to an imbalance in her brain. Talking yourself out of clinical depression isn't likely to work. Since your DD came and told you when nothing was going on, she didn't do it for attention, I would take what she said extremely serious. Two years ago, out of the blue, I got a call from my DD's junior high school. The sheriff had been called by the principal because my DD made a similar comment to a teacher. My DD ended up in the hospital. She had been off her depression medicine for a year or so and had been struggling to keep her depression under control and she could no longer handle it on her own. It took quite awhile to get her depression/anxiety under control, and then it all resurfaced her Freshman year of high school. It took a change of medicine and lots of dosage changes to get the depression under control. It was horrible and one of the main reason's I pulled her from school. I recommend you take your DD to a child psychiatrist ASAP. Don't ignore this.
  5. My son just turned 12. He has severe dyslexia. Last year at the end of 4th grade, he was reading at a first grade level. He had been in public school, with an IEP for six years and that's as far as he ever got. At home, I started all over, assuming he didn't know anything. We went over the sounds letters and then blends make. We did this for months. Then he started Dancing Bears, which has really helped him. He finished book A and is now working on book B. Now in addition to Dancing Bears, he's also doing Climbing to Good English 1, which has a lot of phonics review in it. He is also reading Pathway Readers and doing the work books. The Pathway Reader books are really boosting his confidence and fluency. He's doing the both the first and second grade books. He also does Apples & Pears spelling which has helped improve his reading and spelling. We tried Phonics Pathways but it moved way to fast for him.
  6. My kids have grown up knowing about the IRS. They also know all about "back taxes". :001_huh:
  7. My DS12 finished TT5 and is now working on TT6. We love TT!
  8. Here's some soups my family love: Corned Beef & Cabbage Soup - Turkey Chili Taco Soup - One of my favs. Chicken Pot Pie Soup Spaetzle & Chicken Soup My absolute favorite soup is Birria. It's a spicy Mexican goat soup, but I use beef and pork. I make this soup just about every Sunday, but my recipe is very different from the traditional. I add sliced carrots, a can of whole tomatoes, and little sections of corn on the cob.
  9. I use ArtikPix Full. There's a free version here. I started with the free version.
  10. I have small dogs and they don't really need brushing. My DD21 has a corgi and man oh man can that dog shed! I purchased a furminator for her and it works better than expected. She has this furminator, it's an older model. Here's a picture of Bella after using the Furminator. Check out that pile of hair!
  11. I'm on a road trip with my DH right now. Our drive was 26 hrs! We drove from Northern CA to Woodward, OK in 2.5 days, and now we are on our way to Dallas, TX. On Wednesday DH has a meeting in Tulsa, OK. We are spending lots of time in the truck. My kids are older but I've always taken them on DH's business trips. They love traveling. I think you should tag along! I wish my kids had made travel journals. I recommend doing so.
  12. We are on our second bunny. The first we adopted, she was an older rabbit and we had her about five years before she passed. We don't know why she died, she was fine and then a few hours later she was dead. I think it was age related. The second bunny we got from a breeder of meat bunnies, we saved him from the skillet when he was a baby bunny. Heat can be very bad on a rabbit. We keep our bunny in the house to keep him nice and cool in the summer. Even though he's inside, my DD14, gives him a frozen water bottle when it gets hot outside. My DH knows people that have lost a whole barn full of rabbits due to the heat. These rabbits were in the shade, inside of a barn, and they still died. We feed our man bunny the rabbit food sold at Walmart. I can't remember the brand name. Our bunny has a cool cage which makes cleaning the cage easy. His cage is similar to this one but he only has one shelf. My DD drools over this rabbit cage, but unfortunately it wasn't in stock when we bought her bunny cage. My DD loves the litter removal tray, which would make clean up even easier. The only maintenance our bunny requires is nail trimming. He's such a sweet bunny. He's always begging for snacks. If someone walks past my DD's bedroom, he jumps up on his little shelf to beg for a treat and get attention.
  13. I did some light homeschooling with my DS12 last summer. It was a test for us. He has severe dyslexia, and at the end of 4th grade he was reading at a 1st grade level. We worked on reading all summer. When he went back to school for 5th, he was reaccessed, and his reading level had come up a full grade level. He had made more progress over that one summer than six years of being in special ed with an IEP. This improvement was what I needed to hear so I yanked him from public school. His reading continues to improve at home. :)
  14. Another here recommending Teaching Textbooks! :)
  15. I would love to run into this woman. I'm not sure if I believe the dead speak to her or not, but I would love to find out first hand.
  16. :iagree::iagree: :iagree::iagree: :iagree::iagree: :iagree::iagree:
  17. :iagree::iagree::iagree::iagree::iagree: This post should be addressed to mothers of kids easily distracted kids and NOT mothers of special needs kids. My DS12 has special needs and he doesn't have behavior issues. Talk about stereotyping. Now I'm pissed off. :glare:
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