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Mom In Missouri

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Posts posted by Mom In Missouri

  1. My family and I (2 adults, 2 children) will be traveling from Kansas City to Chicago by train over the Thanksgiving weekend. Our time there will be limited to Wednesday to Saturday.


    Our goal isn't so much to see all that we can see but experience Chicago and its offerings. I'm looking for the 'you shouldn't miss this' place...or be sure to avoid this...


    Need advice on visiting and also where to stay. Thanks in advance.

  2. As far as I am aware there is no requirement that *any* threads carry *any* labels other than those the OP chooses to give them (including CC). I don't really see the "CC" as a "warning", but more a statement on the part of the OP of the thread that she really is primarily interested in discussing a particular topic with her co-religionists.


    (emphasis added)


    Maybe then the OP could have included a polygamy tag so that her co-polygamists could have responded. CC is asked for so as not to offend. Why isn't also a polygamist thread required of the same? Is the a PC infraction? Or one with a double standard?


    :001_huh: Me thinks a double standard....

  3. We've been to Branson, MO on several trips, and although we homeschool we've never ventured there on HS week. Several reasons why, but our thing is to avoid over crowded times, and more. But I'll leave it at that.


    I'd recommend the Butterfly Garden, not sure of the admission price. Our girls loved it when they were young, but not so much as they got older. They'd rather explore on their own and that's free.


    Silver Dollar City is good. Shepard of the Hills is one we enjoy too. We've stayed at The Wilderness cabins (owned by Silver Dollar City, SDC) and they were nice, had plenty of room, and I believe you can get tickets there at a better rate when you stay there. I remember our cabin was The McCoy cabin and the one across the road was The Hatfield. Fun.


    Unless you're really into seeing shows, I'd avoid that at all costs. Just my opinion.


    Going hiking or fishing on Table Rock Lake might be an option. That's fun.


    Drive up to Springfield, MO and visit the Bass Pro Shops. This is always a favorite of our family and we enjoy that for a good hour or two. Lots to see and explore there.


    And if you want an experience in dining, on the way back to Branson stop at Lambert's Cafe--home of the Throwed Rolls. One of a kind, more than you could possibly hope to eat when you order (note, last time we were there they didn't take a debit/credit card) and is loads of fun. Go hungry and don't plan on eating again that day other than snacks. You get things like fried potatoes, rolls, fried okra, tomatoes and macaroni, in addition to your ordered meal.


    Hope this helps.

  4. Most often, I find that those that want to label me or my life know very little about me, or my life either for that matter. Discussing it only proves that point.


    I enjoy learning about other people's lives and the direction they are going...I rarely discuss my own unless specifically asked. I've learned the justification and trivialization isn't so thick and plentiful if I don't.


    If I am asked I keep it brief and change the subject. And those girlfriends that don't get it...most often aren't girlfriends very long.

  5. Wow. The stressers on a marriage with multiples is tremendous in any situation. Given the fact that they've allowed their 15 minutes of fame to add to their stress when their family life was in peril, well it doesn't surprise me but it does make me sad for all involved.


    I'll go out on a limb and say that while I recognize that a show can be editted to reflect whatever the producers and whomever wants a situation to be...there were plainly obvious signs that the marriage relationship was in trouble very early on. The manner in which Kate spoke to Jon in conversation during the early years was evidence enough and I believe I saw a show before the younger set of children turned 2.


    Not placing all of the blame on Kate as she was the more verbal of the two--however I do think that the fame of the show fueled her justification of her actions, along with the ratings. I pray that they can cut the show loose and put their family back together.


    And not to be crass...but who will she have advice for (books, speaking engagements, etc) that is relevant if they divorce? Octo-Mom?

  6. I absolutely agree with the original poster's comments.


    Our dd's are still in the grammar stage...and they make eye contact with the person they are speaking to or are listening to. And adults comment that it is rare among people, period. Not just children.


    Sad really. But then I believe it has more to do with just being mainline-electronic devices...has more to do with relationship/interpersonal skills.



  7. A re-run of the Pony Express mail system will be run from St Joseph, MO to Sacramento, CA beginning today, June 9. This is the second year that the rider will have a GPS tracking system that can be viewed online. Click the following to access the information and login/password info.




    Also from the museum website - http://www.ponyexpress.org/


    On April 3, 1860, a lone rider left on horseback from the gates of one of the nation’s most historic landmarks, the Pikes Peak Stables in St. Joseph, Missouri. Carrying saddlebags filled with our nations hopes and dreams, the riders traveled 2000 miles west to Sacramento, California. These brave young souls raced against nature’s cruel elements and rugged terrain in an attempt to unite a country separated by distance. Today the stables continue to stand as a tribute to the legend and legacy of the Pony Express and its enduring era.

  8. We had our home listed for a LONG time and went through three realtors. Unfortunately, most realtors don't make the real estate market their only job and some are in it for a second job to fill in the gaps. We learned the hard way of how to get out of a contract.


    First, contact that broker of the office that this realtor works out of--Be advised, the broker probably won't be available but ask for the broker. If they aren't available, ask for the office manager...explain the problem and set a date and time that you want it resolved. If its information you seek and want to make an impact...stop by the office personally. This most times will get more attention and quick. They are always looking for a warm body.


    Second, if the first option doesn't resolve the problem contact your local Realtor Board. Every area has one, ask for feed back on the realtor, if she has been reported before, what her relationship is with the realtor board in the area, etc. They won't be able to do anything about your contract but they can shake her tree.


    Third, most contracts have a clause that you can break the contract but if someone has been through your home while she was your realtor and after you drop out of your contract...if that person that went through your home were to make an offer...she still gets a percentage of the sale price. If there has only been one person through it...I'd say that you're in a sweet spot to get out now. Most will drop the contract if you are unhappy with them...and talking with the office broker will often get you a more experienced agent in the same office.


    Lastly, contact a local attorney. While it is a last resort, you may need legal advice specific to your situation and often a letter from an attorney is enough to get the monkey off your back.

  9. You can freeze any of the berries and reserve for later use.


    Best bet is to spread them out in a single layer, on anything freezer proof and let them freeze. Then bag or put in a container of your choice.


    I always make strawberry jam. Raspberries are good added to other fruit cobbler's for accent (peach, apple, pear) and blackberries are fantastic to do the same with. Maybe 1/2 c of berries to a normal cobbler.


    Bananas--I mash and store in 1 cup portions for use in cookies or breads.


    Hope this helps.

  10. From NW Missouri here...


    July is hot, humid and a possible thunderstorm once in a while. You can hike but beware that the humidity will be more of a challenge most times than the actual air temp.


    And this would apply to the Southwest/Northwest area of Missouri.


    I'd also suggest Eureka Springs, AR area...and Branson/Springfield, MO area. Lots to do and enjoy and very pretty area.

  11. I have been closely watching this bill, SB 291 and the portion that was introduced and adopted under SB 79 late yesterday and just received info from my own Rep. about an amendment that will be introduced on the House floor today by Representative Schad of District 115. But the work isn't done yet, and neither is the vote that will take place today in the House and the Senate.


    I'd suggest that you contact your specific representative today and ask that they accept/request the amendment being offered by Rep. Schad so that the legislation can pass for the benefit of all students across Missouri.


    If you need more info, please inbox/private message me.

  12. I needed the practical applications of another Mom who has btdt and to reaffirm to me that what I'm doing and what I wanted to do has merit.


    Quiet time - although our girls were still actually napping during some of their quiet time but gave up the 'nap'---I gave up on the quiet time for 2 weeks. After returning home, I have reinstated it and I'm so much more calm, so are our daughters, and it works well with DH's schedule too.


    Screen time - the token portion. What an idea! I had been monitoring their screen time but it was making me crazy. The tokens have yet to be purchased and handed out but it's the goal before June 1. The girls are excited since they won't have to mentally keep track either. We've got more important things to put our memory to than screen time allowance.


    Latin - I was dead set against teaching Latin when we began hs'ing 4 years ago. After two years I considered it and after last year when my two were bored to tears and asking the origin of some words that caught their attention I was brought back to it. After researching it on my own and especially during the conference, DH and I were ready to begin. I ordered our curriculum at the conference and should be delivered soon.


    Less Guilt - More Grace. This one is just personal. After listening to Jesse Wise discuss her "If I could do it all over again" and know that every mom is going to have those moments, and to hear Susan Wise Bauer mention that she still needs the affirmation from her Mom...well, less guilt, more grace.


    Off Duty Time for Mom and Dad. This one is still a work in progress, but we're working towards getting our evenings in the summer pattern and then having time when the girls are in bed for the night before lights out, but that Mom and Dad are off duty before their bedtime. It would be a benefit to us and to them to have time that is independent with assistance at the ready if needed.


    There are more, but these are the ones at the top of my list that are in process are have been implemented. This question should be posted again in a month to see where we are all at with our goals.

  13. I had the opportunity to hear him speak last year at the conference in Kansas City, MO. It was well worth the crowded room and audio troubles to hear him. I've also purchased his book, the CD's of his workshops, and have enjoyed discussing his ideas with others.


    Personally, he gave me and DH the confirmation that we needed that we were indeed a) not crazy for taking the family approach as much as we do and b) that what we read from scripture was confirmed and teachable to our children.


    I'd drive a long way to hear him preach.

  14. I agree with the idea of the 'socialization myth.' Our daughters have been home schooled from the beginning and struggle with comments from other mothers asking if they'd like to go to school with their daughter (most often same age) so that they'd have a 'good friend.' Our dd's are young--but its already happening in the same way.


    Most often, its a comparison that the other mother is engaging in--by asking for our daughters to enroll in school so that 'there would be a good influence' on the class is comical to me. But my heart also aches for her since she notices something is not quite right but is unsure (maybe?) in how to solve the problem.


    I'm enjoying this age when our daughters are learning more and more about how to interact with others independently from me and use what they know now to engage people in a conversation. But at the same time, I know its going to bring about more of this type of comments.

  15. I'm Lesa, SAHM, home school mom to our two dds. We' have home schooled from the beginning and are finishing up our 4th year.


    I'm a newbie to this board, but am enjoying all of the information and references I'm receiving here by reading. Going to the WTM conference this weekend and looking forward to gathering more insight into the info I've read.


    We're transitioning from a traditional/classical combo style, into a full classical approach with our educational path for our daughters.


    We didn't recruit us into home schooling, but we are committed until God tells us otherwise.

  16. We're north of KC....but are members of MPE. (Attended the conference, anyone else enjoy Voddie Bauchman?)


    HS two DDs in our 4th year, using an classical/eclectic approach.


    Anyway...just getting aquainted with this board again, and enjoying meeting others in the area.

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