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Everything posted by cin

  1. Our kids will be getting them for teh reason that they have a TINY mouth. They will have pallette stretchers, extractions and braces. I have a couple of teeth that are somewhat crooked, and I live with it fine. I too, beleive that braces for cosmetic reasons is silly. DH and I will keep a close eye on how much stuff they do on our kids. I do wonder what would happen to these girls if they were in their home country. I might have to look into that. And I DO understand the foot binding comparison.
  2. Denise, I'm in the same boat. I want to use the best curriculum, and TOG seems to be one, but I have a 3 yr old, and I, myself am borederline ADD, so it is difficult for me to use anything that is not pretty much already planned out. So, we are using SOTW. Every week we read a chapter, color the pages and take the test (not as a test, per se, but as a review and to confirm that dd6 knows what we discussed). I try to have a couple of library books or videos that pertain ot the topic to supplement/reinforce. I HAVE to keep it simple, for my sake. TOG might work when the kids are older and more independant in their work, but right now, I have a wheeled chair and I wheel myself (literally) between their 2 desks. My planning pretty much consists of "Do the next page, dear".
  3. Ditto what Stacey said. I had lesions in the area behind my uterus and my main symptom was severe back pain. Again, there is no cure, but I am on the pill with no breaks to treat mine. Stopping the hormonal fluctuations alleviates the growth of the endometrial tissue. Hugs,
  4. and the notepads, notecards, lined notes etc etc. Cordless phones, wireless internet. Fast Food restaurants :D & Blizzards from DQ
  5. SO not gender specific. My 6 yr old daughter can walk OVER the shoes she is looking for. My favorite story about her dizzyness...I opened the windows in our bedroom and our door slammed shut. I asked her to go open the door, and put on of daddy's shoes in front of it (so it wouldn't slam....and this is NOT a new thing in our house!) She goes upstairs and comes down, wandering around the kitchen with my husband's gymshoe in her hand.:rolleyes: DH says there is NO WAY she is driving until she is at least 20, and able to pay for her own insurance.
  6. Kids have such a wonderful, factual innocence. I agree that he should be told, and let him know that she is in Heaven with Jesus. THAT will probably give him all the peace he needs.
  7. Hi! I was in 3rd grade, so I was about 8 yrs old. I responded to an invitation at Vacation Bible School. THe lesson is vague, but something about Christ dying on the cross to take away our sins ;) HTH, Cindy
  8. Oh Where oh where oh where oh where oh where oh where oh WHERE----is my hairbrush?? :D
  9. I go by lesson. DD does math like your son. I have her doing 3 pages a day in her 2nd grade book so that she spends some time on it. This guarantees 15 minutes :rolleyes: Reading though, 1 lesson can take up to 30 minutes. Most things, she flies through. I do check for retention and it seems to be sticking. All that to say I go by amount of work, not by the clock.
  10. Does anyone know what the cost is in OHio, for this? Are the videos 'on demand' and it is computer based, right? One Dumb Chick :o
  11. Keflex, as I remember is a very potent antibiotic. which it sounds like he needed. I would just give him yogurt or acidophilus pills with the medicine. In addition to killing the bad germs, they also kill the good stuff in your gut. Allergic reactions to abx are usually skin rashes or anaphalactic shock. NOT AN EXPERT
  12. Thou shalt not covet, thou shalt not covet.... I really need to not look at your website, remudamom, I LOVE horses!!!:)
  13. Um, sports, yeah, ok. Shopping, sewing and of course, competitive typing. Is there a football game tonight? I thought it was Tuesday...:D
  14. Carson Elementary: Teacher strike in K, so I had 3 mos at the beginning, 3 mos off, and 3 mos at the end. I have NO idea who she was. 1-Mrs. Hubbard & Mrs. Springmeyer Principal????? Moved to Summit Elementary Principal, Mr. Storer 2 Ms. Walker 3 Mrs. Lee 4 Mrs. Heller 5 Mr. Eads Music Mrs. Waddell Gym Mr. Hopkins Art Mrs. Rhodes Anderson Middle School Principal....I can see him but cannot remember his name... 6 Mrs. Trowbridge, Mrs. Miller, Mr. Jolley, SS? Ms. Whetzel (Chorus) 7 Mr. Flower, Mrs Johnson, SS? Ms. Whetzel Mrs. Hogue 8 Mr. Owings, Miss Adams, Mr. Pierce, LA? Ms Whetzel Home Ec & Shop, Art Mrs. Flower & Mrs. Zando & Music varied. High Shool: Principal: Mr. Harris and one other guy who was the disciplinarian...I cannot remember his name, either. Mr Erdman, Mr Porter, Miss Stuart, Mrs. Straub, Ms. Heid, Mrs. Harris, Mr. Collins, Mr. Hebling, Mrs. (lady with a wig) Mr. (should have died YEARS ago) Mr. Seymour, Mrs. Bork, Mrs. O'Brien, Mrs. McBride, Mr. Freeman, Mrs. Tobias, Mr. Rust, Mr. Godar, Mr. Philpot & I'm sure there's some I've forgotten. It was NOT a pleasant experience.
  15. I won't even get started on this one.....12 houses on our street and 4-5 'roaming' dogs. And I too, and a bad neighbor. :p
  16. Oh Yeah, I've got an ongoing list... Latin's Not So Tough SWB Writing and Wkbk Math Puzzles and Patterns for Kids becoming a Problem Solving Genius A Faith to Grow on....Things You Should Know... Little Pilgrim's Progress Deconstructing Penguins Minn of the Mississippi Pagoo 50 Famous Stories Retold Thinking Through Analogies And a few other reading books that are not available at our library...:rolleyes: Heaven forbid we should want an Older Book....
  17. I am really debating about ordering it. I have a dd6 is in 1st grade, doing mostly 2nd grade stuff. She loves to write fairy tales or fables. The word plagarism comes to mind when I read them :D but I know that's the way it is suppose to be right now. As far as dictation goes, the child is an air head of the inth degree. She reminds me of the absent minded professor...losing his glasses that are perched on his head. <sigh> I liked the samples that I saw. Is the lesson from the workbook? If not, I'd like to see a lesson from each level workbook. As much as I don't like it, dd LOVES workbooks. IT is nice though, with a 3 yr old running amok.
  18. We have an inkjet for color copies and a laser printer. The toner costs more for the laser (last one was $60 from amazon) but it lasts a whole school year, almost! The color inkjet is about $45 for a color cartridge and 25 for black. The other thing I like about laser is that it doens't run if it gets wet. I do make most of my copies on draft or fast mode. My laser is a multi-function HP. We have purchased refurb and off brand cartridges and not had good luck with them. I copy all my workborks that allow me to, so that dd2 can use them too. In the end, it's cheaper than buying 2 of everything. The laser is B&W only, but it's GREAT!!!!
  19. I'm in Cincinnati (east side) and I will tell you there are a BUNCH of support groups and co-ops around here. The laws, right now, are fairly easy. I send a letter to the district in the summer; a very brief letter, and we get a certified teacher to write a note saying that she is performing at or above grade level and submit that somewhere (I havne't actually submitted one of those yet--first time this year). So far, it's very simple. *I* keep an attendance sheet and every month I file one page from each subject into a binder just in case. No one has ever said we have to. hth, Cindy
  20. I finally picked a vocab program for dd. I went to the website from where I got the catalog, and my brain is dizzy. Wordly (or WORLDY, as I usually type it) Wise, Wordly Wise 3000 or Wordly Wise 3000 2nd Edition. And they are all numbered or lettered differently. Is this some kind of test for homeschool moms or what? Is there a secret I should know?????? After about 20 minutes of looking at the covers, comparing and taking detailed notes on the one I wanted, I finally meandered over to Ebay and bought 2nd AND 3rd grade. VERY cheap. I really dont' want to relive this brain strain for a while.:rolleyes:
  21. I was born with a toy in my hand. The first pictures we have of her, she has a toy in her hand. I thought that was SOOOO cute :) My 6 yr old dd agreed with her. I'm thinking we probably should talk soon, but I really prefer the joy of innocence, ya' know?!
  22. I tend to not wear them around the house also. I have 2 daughters so it's really not a problem. If I feel the need to wear one around the house, I wear a cheap sports bra. Cheap, becuase they don't constrict much :D Their motion rating is low so they are comfortable and I can still breath and move about.
  23. Homeschooling is really getting in the way of my reading!!! I've developed a great list (for me, anyway) and plan to read through it. But I've had to come to grips with the fact that I may not finish them all by the end of the year. So far, I've finished 4 or 5 and I will continue to work on it. I've been reading some other books too, but I will finish those books, someday!
  24. It has been a bad week here. Monday mornign I gave the kids cold medicine and thought THAT was what was causing their behavior problems. I don't THINK it stays in their system 4 days, but if it snows and I can't get them to gramma's house tomorrow, I will probably be on the evening news.
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