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Pam L.

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Posts posted by Pam L.

  1. Mathematics Enhancement Programme. It is a British math program based on a Hungarian model that is designed to improve math education in the UK. The Center that has developed MEP allows home educators to download the materials without cost.


    It is an extremely interesting math program.






    Do you have a link for this free download? I tried to look at it recently and must have missed the free download.



  2. So, I was sitting here browsing various threads relaxing for the night, when my dd 12 (already in bed - but not fully asleep), hears a "scary" noise outside her window.


    Immediately, her two big protective brothers (who aren't in bed yet) frantically are grabbing the flashlights to investigate the ruckus. Of course, they don't dare go outside because it might be a bear or something like that. The boys are shining lights outside many window to get just the right angle. Dh is already in bed, so boys have to be "quiet" as they strive to protect the family.


    Finally, all is quiet - and they are all gathered in dd's bedroom. (Has she gone back to sleep and the drama is done, I wonder?) I am summoned - "gotta come quick" to the bedroom. And I along with dc had a rare privilege of observing a raccoon up close!


    This little critter was so cute! We could see him for nearly 5 minutes before he scampered up the tree. We were able to observe how he traveled up and down, then tried to make himself smaller. All 3 kiddos were making those wonderful "I didn't know......." comments. The best was the "I didn't know they sound like that."


    Hmmm....... I wonder......is a research paper on tomorrow's lesson plan??????



    Aha! the joys of homeschooling..


    Good night!

  3. I'm confused - how did you "mess up?" Did your dd not use the rods? Does she understand the material and concepts?


    Miquon is so flexible IMO. For one child, I used it as a main course, for another I used it to supplement here and there spread out over a year or two, for another I used it alongside a math program.



  4. Hi,


    When I used the rods, they were unconnecting. Unless Miquon has changed their books, the free standing (unconnecting) rods are the ones you need. Yes, in my opinion, Miquon would be fine for many 5 1/2 year olds. However, you can not do Miquon without the rods.


    I enjoyed using Miquon with my kids - however, my right brain thinker did not really connect with it well.


    Hope this helps!


  5. I just wanted to add my sincere thank you! I love this place! I really appreciate having such a fantastic resource. Thanks again for all that is done behind the scenes to keep this place up and running so well.




    I could not possibly have said this any better! Thank you so much. The people using these board have offered tremendous support, friendship and knowledge

  6. Hello,


    Can anyone please tell me the differences between these two volumes? From what I can read, the 2nd edition was published in 1998, and the third edition is a revision.


    I am looking to use one with a 7th/8th grader primarily as a spine or reference book for a study in cultural geography next year, along with literature and other supplements. I do not think we will pursue the "full" program of BJU with all the tests, etc. Maybe the map pack if I choose the 2nd edition.


    Thank you for any and all help you can provide.




  7. Hi,


    Your son sounds quite precious. So much of what you described could have been my own son (now 18) at that age! If I had to guess, I would say he does show many tendencies toward the right brain learner category AND needed more time for phonics.


    I noticed in your signature your are using Right Start math. That was positively wonderful for my son. There are several phonics programs especially suited to a right brain learner. My son began reading at 9 because he was far too busy discovering the world before then.


    One book which I found quite helpful was "Discover Your Child's Learning Style" - the authors offer this in both print format and an online test. If you choose to use either option, the authors do a tremendous job of breaking down personality traits, abilities and learning preferences - then recommend various curriculum and general teaching methods.


    Now there is a much greater awareness of the needs of right brain learners than several years ago. As a result, there are several excellent options available for curriculum & reference from various authors and publishers.


    I hope this helps. I wish you well as you seek out the best options for your family.




  8. Hello friends,


    I am looking at next school year and how we should proceed.


    I will only have 1 left being schooled at home. We are finishing up American History (modern) this year. Last year we did ancient history up to about Rome or so. Previously, early American. DD & I are flip flopping if we want to re-focus again on Ancient history (and take two years) or do a 1 year study on geography/cultures.


    We greatly prefer a literature approach. We used WP already for ancient, and currently using an older Sonlight 4 set. I am extremely limited on prep time. I will not be using Sonlight 5 (too many books are too easy). I saw sample Biblioplan pages for the ancient level and loved it! I love the literature ideas and the fact it is flexible but can be structured (so she can work independently and/or save me time). I also looked at Unit 2 of Christian Cottage "For God So Loved the World" which does have a geopraphy emphasis - but not really sure if I want a full unit study. Her writing & research skills are not where they should be for a soon to be 7th grader.


    Any suggestions?


    Thank you!


  9. Ohhh! I so want to get to Monterey again. Dh & I went last year for a weekend. Two years ago, just myself and 3 kids went as a field trip with our homeschool group.


    I loved the suggestions from the other posters. Some of them have the advantage of being former residents.


    My ds enjoyed whale watching while the rest of us went to the aquarium. (Speaking of the aquarium, you will want to spend several hours there. You might want to visit their website first to see which shows you would like to watch. They also have 3 gift/book shops and a wonderful hand's-on kids area.) You can find the whale watching on Fisherman's Wharf. You really won't want to miss the wharf. There is a neat little museum on the Wharf (free), a guided walking tour, restaurants, shopping and more.


    We also found a huge park with all kinds of equipment to climb on. Even the teenagers enjoyed it. It is in Monterey somewhat near the base.


    If you find you need "supplies" there is a mall with a Rite Aid near "motel row" where the locals shop. We also found a charming restaurant (fairly inexpensive) in pacific Grove. The community of Pacific Grove borders the Aquarium.. It is downtown on a corner and looks like a cafe. Seems like it has a red and white awning. It serves a variety of foreign and American food. Much of the parking near the beaches in Pacific Grove is free. We most enjoyed the beach areas heading away from the Aquarium.


    Across the street from the Aquarium is a large souvenir shop (fairly reasonably priced) called Trader Jack's (or something like that).


    In the past few years, two unique hands-on kids museums have come about. If I can still find the flyers, I will email you. They were fairly inexpensive - one was more designed for kids, the other for teens.


    Monterey and the surrounding areas have so very much to offer. I think it is one of California's most beautiful places to be and hopefully we can visit this spring. I hope you and your family have a truly wonderful time!

  10. I am anticipating using Lightning Lit 7 with my dd this Fall. (I already have the te & st books). In looking through it, it seems she might need additional writing instruction.


    She has had virtually no literature study and little writing practice. I just recently had her begin Jump In after piece mealing various things rather unsuccessfully.


    Unfortunately, I need something either independent or low teacher intensive due to my situation here. Any suggestions?


    Thank you,


  11. Hi,


    I can certainly understand your frusration about being unhappy with a curriculum. We spend hours trying to find the right thing, and it looks god when it arrives, and then it just is not a good fit I second the AAHHHH!


    I have used Notgrass American Histoy - but not with a younger student. I think it might be difficult for many younger students.


    I also own the DK American History book - it is beautiful and I know we will get a lot of use out of it. I agree with the previous post that it could be a good spine. You may also wish to look into TruthQuest as well. These are excellent books to list history books you can obtain from the library - generally these guides can be found used at a reasonable cost. If you used of these together, you would be free to pick & choose which areas to zero in on, you would have the visual and literature/study book references.


    Hope this helps!


  12. I have realized (the hard way) that the book in question has been misplaced. I have been looking seriously for the past 24 hours. I was hoping to give specific quotes for the curious. If I should locate this soon, I will post again. Maybe ds did something with it.......


    But for the curious, the offending word was the "f" word multiple times. There were a few lesser swear words, but we don't really get that worked up over the "minor" ones:)



  13. You know, I'm sure this would be hard for your son to do, but he really should do more than just drop the class. He should write a letter to the president of the college, and anyone else who seems appropriate, telling them exactly why. There's a good chance they don't know all that goes on in a class on their campus, including the content of texts chosen by the instructors. They deserve for their students to keep them informed of problems so they have an opportunity to address them.



    Yes, I did try to encourage him to bring it to the dean's attention. He is mulling that over, and I am not sure what he will do with that one. Several years ago, when I attended college, I was successful in resolving a problem with an instructor. I have also heard this particular cc is student-friendly in terms of resolving issues.

  14. Hello,


    My 19 year old ds recently started community college. After a couple of weeks he was shocked to find vulgar language in one particular textbook for a career guidance class. This book was written to describe several different occupations. The preface was loaded with offensive vulgar words, and upon flipping through the book, it was throughout.


    Ds brought this to our attention as he was bothered by it. It wasn't so much the fact the language was in there as was the quantity - most of us can gloss over an occasional inappropriate word, and certainly no ears are immune from such things when we go out in public. It was the idea that this was "literature" to better his education.


    Because of this textbook, and a couple other reasons (namely catching the instructor in a lie) ds chose to drop this class before the deadline.


    Anybody else ever experience anything like this?



  15. I don't have access to a Target - but my Wal-mart has had some things super cheap for about a week and a half now. Their prices have fluctuated slightly.


    I don't know about the rest of the country, but the Staples store nearest me has a special Teacher Day on Saturday August 15th. (But you might need some type of teacher id and not every homeschool mom has access to one).



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