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Everything posted by LifeLovePassion

  1. I got the 7 in one. It also has a high and low pressure setting. Vs just one (high I think)
  2. Amazon has a bunch of their models on sale. I got the duo60!
  3. My brother is making ham. Dh is going to smoke our turkey on Friday lol.
  4. What about Guess Who? Have to notice different hair/eyes,etc. Apples to apples big picture. Use the cards to create categories. Introduce the venn diagram. Showing how pens and pencils are alike and different.
  5. Several options at Timberdoodle in their games section http://www.timberdoodle.com/category_s/216.htm
  6. Goodbye gluten, trader joes GF and canyon bread are all tastier I'm than udi's. Udi's frozen muffins are decent. Snyders GF pretzels are yummy
  7. We have these to start http://smile.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B002Q5YH9C/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?qid=1447896527&sr=8-1&pi=SY200_QL40&keywords=kid+knives&dpPl=1&dpID=41iuHDwg7PL&ref=plSrch It just takes practice they were practicing with paring knives and a cutting board today (moving up!)
  8. Can you get an old itouch and just not load games on it? My kids have samsung galaxy players that they use for music and audio books
  9. Oh yeah, we found the boy scout knife safety rules online and both girls had to know them before we even considered it. They were 9 and 7
  10. We got out girls Leatherman leaps. You can put the straight blade in when they are ready
  11. Tell me more! Are the recipes using whole foods? Allergy friendly?
  12. I write one gift to dd1 and dd2. The next will be to dd2 and dd1. Whomever is listed first opens it. This is for family movies, board games, larger items generally
  13. I do photo cards and a brief update on the year, mentioning the girls current age/grade and interests. Last year I let the girls write it. It prints on 1/4 sheet of paper
  14. I found this on pinterest http://www.mommypotamus.com/constipation-candy/ We have also used natural calm with good success
  15. Dweebies Slamwich Taiga Timeline (this is on my wishlist, so no actual feedback on that) Suspend
  16. I sewed our gryffendor patches on thrifted graduation robes yesterday and made my brother a bizarre superman felt logo after dinner today.
  17. Does the church awana is held at sponsor any missionaries? Ours has little bio's and a picture printed up for the kids to grab.
  18. We have an Escape. Love it! I agree, some of the incentives available for new escapes are pretty good. Buying used would have only been a couple thousand cheaper, not worth it.
  19. Curious as I was just invited to an online party
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