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Everything posted by Jess4879

  1. For cursive we use A Reason for Handwriting, but only to teach the letter strokes. After that we move to copywork. I don't like the bible verses offered in the book either, so we skip those. For manuscript I like HWOT, but as others have said, you don't need any extra elements. All you need is the workbook. I only use HWOT to teach the letter strokes as well though. I don't like the large spaces they leave between words and prefer to move to copywork once they have the letters down.
  2. Thanks, Farrar! That was very helpful!
  3. I agree about the price, but figured with the HSBC deal, it wasn't horrible, if it saved me the cost of workbooks. I was debating about adding it as a fun computer thing for my 6 year old, but he prefers the ipad to sitting at the comp, so was curious how it worked, glitches, etc. Thanks for the review Farrah! I didn't realize it was a timed thing. I thought it was more like the workbooks, but on the computer/iPad. :(
  4. Has anyone used it? What did you think?
  5. I'll have to check out the HOP readers. You know...because I totally need more. LOL
  6. We bought the Bob books because I kept reading how great they were. I hate them. So much. My older two never touched them and my youngest is on Book 2, set 1. I won't mind at all if he abandons them in favor of the AAR readers.
  7. I am starting to dread teaching BJU math...which sucks as I really like BJU math and my middle has done so well with it that I didn't hesitate to use it with my youngest. It could be teaching two levels of it that is putting the pressure on, I'm not sure. I have loved teaching AAS/AAR. I just love how smoothly it runs. I was even a bit sad when my youngest finished pre-1. I still haven't brought myself to list it for sale. lol
  8. Got mine in the mail yesterday and immediately started watching disc one and I am so glad I bought them! Julie is so down to earth and motivating. I can see watching them often. Did anyone else order them? What did you think? I likely won't be able to see Julie speak live anytime soon, so the DVD option is perfect. I have to admit, I might even prefer it, as I was able to enjoy it with a glass of wine and could rewind and jot down notes at my leisure. :)
  9. I feel your pain! We spent all of last year with a piano teacher that was unprofessional, rude and absolutely destroyed my DD's love of piano. Now we have put in a years worth of lessons and a bunch of $$ and neither of my girls even wants to look at the piano. :( She came highly recommended by several local ladies and I feel like we got the Hyde to their Jekyll. She was so pleasant when she spoke to me on the phone and our first meeting went well, as did the first two lessons. Then she started coming late, comparing the kids, asking one if the other had practiced, pointing out each of the kids "flaws" and explaining why she felt one was doing better - which changed from week to week. She also told me - after the very first lesson - how absolutely skilled and amazing both kids were and how they were likely to need "advanced" lessons very soon. Which really meant boosting them from 30 mins to 45 mins and more $$ for her. So glad to be rid of her, to be honest, but not sure where to go from here or how to encourage my kids to love piano again.
  10. Love that you updated! I think threads like this are so helpful when trying to decide on a curriculum. We've always used the new editions and also have never found them to be behind. The TG is necessary in my opinion. This will be our third year using BJU math with my middle kiddo. Things I love: the colorful workbooks (maybe a minor thing to some, but I find them much more visually appealing than other programs we've used), the well laid out lessons, the manageable lesson size, the wealth of information on the TG cd's. Things I don't love: the extra printouts needed. A lot of times they aren't necessary, so I don't want to print them all, but if I don't have them on hand it slows down our lesson or I have to adjust on the fly (not my strong suit!). We've also hit a bit of a snag, as my middle kiddo does not - like absolutely does NOT - want to sit through a lesson. She wants to read it, get it done and move on. She is quite strong in math and I think BJU's very thorough lesson teaching style really grates on her. I am so reluctant to move on, as I really feel like BJU math is an incredibly strong program. I'm debating about adding in teaching videos or something to cover new concepts and continuing with BJU. Or....??
  11. We are only a few weeks in to MoH 1 and I was debating about doing this as well.
  12. We did this last year and I loved, loved, loved it. It took off so much pressure and I found we were actually covering those subjects in greater depth. I had scheduled for 3 days/week and because it freed up time, we often did extra. For science months, I made sure to have some history books in our library pile and vice-versa. The kids still remember the topics we covered last year. :) This year I went with Mystery of History and it's a full year program on it's own and I don't want to take 2 years to cover it...so we're back to doing both science and history every week and we are already about a week behind what I had scheduled. :(
  13. We've never had this problem. Our library charges very small fees for overdue books. I think my max fee was $2.80 and usually they will just "forgive' them and they often have a food bank drive where all loans are erased if you bring in a food bank donation. Due dates are pretty standard too. 3 weeks for books, 1 week for movies and magazines with the option to renew items up to 3 times (unless there is a hold from another patron). If you order a book in from another library it may have a different due date. I would take a break for sure if I was getting dinged with a $70 fine. :(
  14. She's only in Grade 1? How does she do in the spelling sections of ETC? For spelling words, did you pick previously taught words from ETC, or just random words you want her to know? I wouldn't expect her spelling to be much at this age. The fact that she picks the correct spelling when given a choice is a very good start. I'd go with copywork and/or AAS.
  15. At 4, I seriously wouldn't push him. It sounds like he's advanced though, so I wonder if perhaps what you are using to teach him with isn't challenging him? Have you tried getting him some snap circuit kits and things like that? Because he's young, I'd still really just stick with play. It's very possible that he is in a "plateau" so to speak and isn't ready to develop further skills, even though he appears to be. Hopefully I am making sense. I am a bit scattered tonight.
  16. We add in math fact practice with iPad, games, etc (xtra math, etc). I also add in more challenging word problems.
  17. What treatment did you opt for, if you don't mind me asking? I was on meds to control it for approx. 9 months and they worked very well and I've spent about 10 months with normal levels, but they are creeping back up again. The doc is reluctant to put me back on the meds because of the side effects associated with them, especially with long term use.
  18. Thanks for the responses. A radiation meter would be so helpful at putting my mind at ease. I'll have to inquire about that. Really hoping and praying I have the same experience as you, Alice!!
  19. It varies by school here. My friends kids are in the public school near here and there is a strong phonics program in place. My nephew is in public school in another area and he's been doing flashcards - and that's it - for "reading" for K and now 1st. My sister in law drills him on his flash cards every morning and evening. :(
  20. Has anyone treated their overactive thyroid with radioactive iodine? If so, can you share with me what life looked like for the week or so after treatment? I've been doing some reading that says to maintain a 6-foot distance from others, no kissing, snuggling, etc, sleep alone, flush twice after using the washroom, shower daily, wash bedding separately, etc. We live in a small house, with three kids and I don't really see how I'm supposed to maintain a 6-foot distance from people, etc. There is no way I can afford to stay away from home for a week. I am also curious...how long does this radioactive stuff stay in your body? Does it wash off with soap and water? Forgive me if that's a silly question...I am seriously picturing radioactive bedding...lol I see the specialist soon, but need to hear from Dr. Hive first, of course. :)
  21. I ordered the Horse curriculum for my oldest and she started it this summer. She has been working through it solo and loving it. She uses library books and talks to people to find the answers she needs. She has learnt a lot.
  22. :bigear: I have the same issue. We recently donated 3 copies of Anne of Green Gables and kept a single copy for ourselves. I also have this problem with PDF's! I'd love to find something that would let you search multiple ways too. I am always forgetting to pull out certain resources. Being able to search via grade and topic as well as title would be a.m.a.z.i.n.g.
  23. We have used HWOT, A Reason For Handwriting, dry erase books and random printouts. Anything goes. :)
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