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Everything posted by Alenee

  1. Unless it has changed in the past few years, yes, the tutors and directors do get paid per student. They are paid a portion of each student's tuition. I can't believe that their heavy recruitment has anything to do with $$$. As much as I loathe the program and their ideals, I can't throw them that far under the bus. But the fact does remain that each tutor is paid a portion of each student's tuition.
  2. These are my all-time favorite, and yes, I wear them in public. :) http://oldnavy.gap.com/browse/product.do?cid=41740&vid=2&pid=250562052
  3. I left them home. I didn't begin running until my youngest was 4yo/oldest was 9yo.
  4. Don't give up, Moxie! Seriously, I was the same for years and years but no more. They key is getting to bed early enough and also giving myself ample time to wake up in the morning...at least 30 min. :grouphug:
  5. If it were just a chat with my teen, a CHAT, I'd have been okay. But the message I was getting was that it was a conversation with a purpose. Dh said he was cornered by the dad last week asking him about our religious practice and it was clear, "we're not Christian enough." eta: yes, as someone said, my kids couldn't get away without asking to call home to do so. DD12 felt she needed to come home but when making the call, she also felt like it made her stick out and as a major introvert, this was extremely bothersome for her. And as someone else said, it was totally disrespecting us as parents. The whole thing makes me so angry. And sad.
  6. Of late, my 15 yo has been questioning our teachings to her which we have gladly accepted. She knows she's in a home where she can ask the hard questions and feel free to make her own decisions. She recently wrote the most amazing mini-essay on modesty which you all would be so proud of! She is also questioning God. To some parents, this would induce fear but I'm so over that. She has to decide for herself! So the story: last night both my 12yo and 15yo went to an amusement park with several uber conservative families and were planning to spend the night. At around 9pm, 12 yo called me to come get her. On the ride home, she shared all the cr@p she was hearing all day. Apparently, the father and even some of the other teenagers were spewing bible verses at my kids ALL.DAY.LONG. DD12 said that the parents had issued a Christian music challenge. Only listen to Christian music/radio for 30 days. And dd12's response blew me away! She said to me, "Why? We listened (yes, past tense) to Christian radio for 10 years and it never changed me! How is that supposed to change a person?! It JUST doesn't!" We talked about our faith as Orthodox Christians and what growth for us might look like and how to go about it and she finally relaxed but up to that point, she was angry and crying. She felt violated by the attempt at converting her back to protestantism. I didn't pick up dd15 but now I know where some of her questions are coming from and plan to have an open discussion. Dh doesn't want her around those friends for a while. I agree. DON'T MESS WITH MY KIDS! Your faith is your own! You have no right to push your religion on CHILDREN, especially MY children! Thanks for the vent!
  7. Mid-term exam Early to school to research Hopefully, two different dates with friends Homework I'm trying not to be too nervous about the match exam. I have a 95% in the class at this point so even if I bomb a little today, my grade will still be good. Enjoy your day, all!
  8. I have one major rule: No drama. I have lots of people in my life that I have to be around but the no drama rule is big for me. If I find myself in a friendship with someone who has a ton of drama in their life, they don't hear me calling to spend time often. I just can't take it on a regular basis. Sounds harsh, maybe, but unnecessary drama is like nails on a chalkboard to me.
  9. Well, I thought Harriet was gone for good but then my good friend from high school named his dd that. Then much to our surprise, our cousin named her son Bruce. I lIve two states away and probably won't see this child until he's much older but I have to say, I can't imagine looking at my sweet newborn and thinking, "Oh yes, he looks like a Bruce!" LOL! To each their own, I suppose! :D
  10. Somebody has to share with me what Lumosity is. Several have mentioned it but I don't have time to check it out. :) It's a school day for me. I'm running on 4 hrs sleep. YAY! :crying: I may make dinner tonight but who knows. It could be a nap day for me as well. Enjoy the day! :grouphug:
  11. Thank you for all of the responses. I apologize for not coming back sooner. It would appear that the administration is taking the complaints seriously. There were several. I could see the teacher bite her tongue when a potential political topic came up and she hasn't said another word regarding her own personal opinions of that nature. We also had a few department personnel visit our class and sit in for a bit. I think things are going to be okay but I know now that I will report her again if it continues.
  12. I disagree and here's why. In healthcare, as caregivers of any kind, we are NEVER to give our opinion on personal matters. In fact, just the opposite. Whether we agree or not, we are to support the patient in every way so that they are in an environment of comfort. As a nurse, she KNOWS this, and in that way, she crossed the line.
  13. We're two weeks into nursing school and all of us are struggling with one of our teachers. At first, we thought she was unprepared because she is new so we were giving her the benefit of the doubt, allowing her time to get into it. On that part, she seems to be getting better. However, twice now, she's crossed a line and we're all not quite sure what to make of it. Yesterday, she started telling us about the Healthy People 2010 project by the DHHS. And the lecture began... Hooooooooo boy! She went for an hour on a political and religious rant! She gave us all of her opinions on government and what's happening in our country based on her understanding of Islam. She had the gall to say that all Muslims are Jihadists and followed that up by saying, "Oh, if there are any Muslims in the room, you know I'm right." She was also doing this all in the name of Christianity. :cursing: :svengo: At one point I knew if I didn't walk away, I'd lose it so I left the class and took a walk for about ten minutes. I returned to finish the class and by that time, she had moved on. At the break, the class broke off into their groups but at each one, they (we) were all talking about how badly she crossed the line and people were talking about reporting her to the administration. During our next class, someone came to me and told me that they DID report her, and later I saw the teacher in the Asst. Dir. office. In my opinion, she crossed a major line but because of my history of allowing my mouth to get me into trouble, I stayed quiet. I'm hoping to see something change over the next week and then if it doesn't, I'll speak up. But WWYD? I have to add, I am SO grateful for this board because of the diversity. When she started talking about the Muslims in the way she did, I immediately thought of this board and the wonderful people here. :)
  14. I can't remember the exact words from the conversation the other day but it was a question my dd was asking and she used two shortened words like 'totes' & 'adorbs' for totally and adorable. I replied, "You want to ask that again using real words?" The kids know this drives me nuts so now they do it on purpose. :lol:
  15. From the US and say, "Two hundred fifty three." And it's a secret pet peeve of mine to hear the 'and'. I had a math teacher specifically teach us NOT to use it. :)
  16. From one mom with a sensory kid to another :grouphug: DD12 is super picky still. Our biggest battle now is over cooked vegetables. Imo, keep making dinners you want to see him try and let the rest go. However, maybe see if he can do smoothies with all that fruit he likes. Any chance you can make them green and get those liquid vitamins into him? Dd's pickiness got a little better after our naturopath tested her and prescribed specific supplements for her but it's still hard to watch her push away food. On a side note, I was just as picky but now I love a lot of things my mom was always trying to get me to eat. Most of my food issues are sensory as well.
  17. Go to school, homework this afternoon, bake dd's birthday cake for tomorrow, wrap presents. Going on >5 hrs of sleep after working last night. I have no idea how I'm going to do this! Have a great day!
  18. It's a Yukon Denali XL and it's not only really big but also very expensive. We're waffling back and forth about getting rid of it. It would be easier to just keep it and deal with selling it next year but then we still have the gas and payment expense. For the size, it's en excellent vehicle.
  19. We need at least five seats and want to spend $10,000 or less.
  20. Considering getting rid of my Yukon. It seats 8. We still need third row seating but maybe not so much on the back-end. Has to be 4x4, V8. No Ford. What say you?
  21. Church then work. I had 15 days off work and they hired four new people while I was gone. I hope they're cool people! I actually had a nightmare that when I came back, everything had changed and I didn't fit in anymore. :lol:
  22. I previously used large amounts in my coffee but never had that hungry feeling. I'm wondering about your water intake. Just yesterday, I felt really hungry and decided to drink water instead. I lasted another two hours before needing to eat. Within 8oz. a water, the hungry feeling subsided. Thirst can mask as hunger. Give it a try!
  23. Just did this last week. :) Kitchen: Remove all from cabinets and wipe down inside Wash inside/outside cabinet doors Move Fridge and Oven if possible to sweep/mop/dust Wash baseboards Living rooms: Move all furniture to vacuum beneath Remove cushions from chairs and vacuum Dust all photos/light fixtures/shelving Remove all from entertainment center and vacuum/dust on and behind House: Wash walls with obvious dirt Bedroom: Remove all furniture to dust/vacuum There's more but I'm out of time!
  24. Are you sure it wasn't something like Phoebe's grandmother's recipe, "NesssstlAY, Tolllhousa!" :lol: Maybe your grandmother used "Buuush's." ;)
  25. I was at JCP yesterday and thought of you all when I saw this: http://www.jcpenney.com/clearance/50-70%25-off/women/bisou-bisou-belted-ikat-romper/prod.jump?ppId=pp5004050597&searchTerm=womens+rompers&catId=SearchResults&colorizedImg=DP0605201417140105M.tif :lol: ETA: Dh asked how one would put it on. He thought it sounded like a recipe for disaster. :D
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