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Posts posted by *Lulu*

  1. (((Cat)))


    That is a FABULOUS update!!


    I have been around sporadically the past 8ish months, but always am on the lookout for updates on your family when I log in.


    For us this year has been filled with a lot of work. We had to discontinue all of my youngest son's physical, occupational and speech therapies in late 2015 when insurance quit paying. (And even though we jumped through hoops and had the documents and doctors on our side, I had to let it go to focus on my son) Thankfully his play therapist operates on a sliding scale so we have been able to keep that going. But we definitely lost ground in a whole lot of areas.


    The bright spot is he is reading. That's right. My autistic, cannot retain the alphabet after four years of work, sweet, frustrated boy is reading!!! (Not quite as impressive, but very useful, he is also wearing blue jeans when requested. He isn't happy about it, but getting him into pants with a button is a serious win.)

    • Like 14
  2. Tremors was a huge hit here last week

    Others that have been well received:



    Galaxy Quest

    Turner and Hooch

    The Italian Job

    Remember the Titans

    How to Steal a Million

    Father Goose

    Men in Black

    Secondhand Lions

    The Mummy

    Zombieland (I let the 14yo watch but not the younger sibs- everything else on this list was a family film for us)

  3. I always envisioned and shot for a laid back Christmas Eve.


    Then, when our oldest was 2 or 3, DH told him Santa liked freshly baked cookies best.


    Did I mention our oldest is autistic?


    So I spent the next decade baking fresh cookies on Christmas Eve. Usually after working 2-3 services at our church. Over the years I have been able to morph it into something more manageable (having all the kids in on the secret helps). Now we make cookie dough on the 23rd and carry it with us to the church where the kids bake and share with the staff and volunteers who spend up to 7 hours on the 24th making multiple services happen.

  4. Christian cults hide behind the legitimacy of mainstream Christianity. Scientology has nothing to hide behind, nothing to give it a veneer of legitimacy. It's easier for people to see it for what it is.


    At least, that's my theory.

    Also, human nature finds us minimizing risks that are closer to home. It is why people freak out about the possibile pedephile on the route to the park but ignore red flags in the behavior of the adult with regular access to the child.


    It is easier to rail against the abuses in a religion/culture we feel far removed from than admit the full scope of the abuses in a religion/culture we more closely identify with.

    • Like 15
  5. there are many duplicate/similar names in medical offices. larger offices have name flags for those cases. I found out my gyn's office had another patient with my first and last name. exact same name and spelling. they pulled her file for my appointment. I'd never lived in the town she lived in, which is how it was discovered. they gave me the file to verify the address was correct.

    My great grandmother had a somewhat unique old fashioned name. She was 97 when she was hospitalized with a woman who had the same name, and was also 97. My family was extra vigilant checking with the nurses about which "Gertrude" they wanted

    • Like 1
  6. I'm not capable of ever believing lemonjello and orangejello. I'm not going to believe it until I actually meet them myself. I'm with the people who consider this tired old conversation to be racist urban legend. I would really love to see the trend come to an end (of people chipping in this tidbit in every baby name conversation), but snopes tells us we've been doing it since 1917 so probably it will never stop.


    Crazy baby names do exist -- my mother worked at the board of health, registering birth certificates, and she did see some doozies (her favorite was "Darling Soda Pop") but she never saw lemonjello, orangejello, or la-a (la-dash-a).

    I agree. Like I said, if I hadn't met them myself I would not ever have believed it. The next time I am at my mother's house I will see if I can find one of my sister's yearbooks.


    One of my friends in college went by Camille, but her birth certificate says Carmille Evidently her mom was still groggy when the nurse was filling out the paperwork and it wasn't until after the official birth certificate arrived her mother caught the error.


    Just in case everybody doesn't already know:



    Y'all, if my sister hadn't spent 13 years in the class with the twins Lemonjello and Orangejello I would think it totally bs too


    One thing that is common-ish within the black community locally is taking the letters of the names of family members and rearranging them to form the name of the new child. It makes for some interesting names, but is very sweet.

  8. My problem is that, starting back in last season, the writers started putting the main characters into situations that were contradictory to all the character development of the previous seasons.


    The same characters that are near starvation and dehydration on the road, without shelter, but take the time to look at Alexandria for a hot minute before entering are running into a serious black ops mission without even doing enough surveillance to realize that it is an outpost not the hub?


    The same characters that were able to outwit and escape from not one, but three situations where the saviors had them at a disadvantage either don't put 2 and 2 together to realize they still have to deal with the saviors? Or worse, DO put it together but go off half cocked on some revenge mission?


    The Carol, Morgan, Rick line was believable and in keeping with their characters. But the rest of it...


    Unless it is revealed that Negan has been poisoning the Alexandria water supply with something that makes people dumbasses believing that the entire group quit doing smart things all at the same time is just too much. Even in the world of the zombie apocalypse!

    • Like 3
  9. Not only that, but there are also many more safety nets in place to catch other types of neglect and abuse.


    While many of us individually are doing way better than our local public school options, and while even mediocre or poor homeschool instruction in a loving, education-supporting home is miles better than many individual public school options, no one can convince me that for kids where there's actual abuse or where parents are actively trying to prevent education or contact with the outside world that they wouldn't be better off in even a poor public school.



    If for no other reason than the opportunity to realize whatever is happening in the home isn't normal, legal or healthy.

    • Like 4
  10. Be careful with that. We had that at one point such that parents of kids who had 99th %ile one year and went down to 96th %ile in a following year were being told they had to put their kids back into public school. So the local home school word of mouth was to try to get the kids to do badly on their first test and improve a bit with following ones, rather than to do their best.

    Well that is craptastic.


    That sounds like the product of more box checking than critical thinking.

    • Like 3
  11. Google directed me to "rapid instructional design." Seems to have been first developed in the early 2000s, and emphasizes practice, feedback, and experience over presentations.


    The four components are:

    *Preparation (giving a big picture introduction and arousing interest),

    *Presentation (which is supposed to be interactive and discovery-based instead of lecture-based),

    *Practice (the chance for the learner to actually *do* what they are learning and receive real-time feedback), and

    *Performance (the chance for the learner to use the new skill in a real world task, ideally meaning an actual real thing done in the real world itself, as opposed to a real world task adapted for use in the classroom).


    And this approach is supposed to speed up learning and allow for more rapid progress.





    This looks a whole lot closer to most homeschoolers I know (who have reached middle school and higher) than it does to what is happening in the classrooms in our state. 

    • Like 8
  12. My state of residence requires testing. As much as I hate these tests I do think this is one way to demonstrate that some standards are being met. If they can pass these tests with the methods they are using then what is there to argue about. KWIM?

    I am not against oversight for homeschoolers. I would not be okay with yearly testing UNLESS the measure of progress was comparing the students' scores to their scores from previous years. (Which is consequently what I think should happen with the testing of students in the schools as well.)

    • Like 2
  13. I agree with him for the most part. I have mixed feelings about homeschooling (with no regrets for having chosen it) and I think the best homeschooling option is when parents are very intentional about it. Therefore, we were intentional about it. I tend to think anyone hanging out on a homeschooling forum is likely to be intentional about it. There are others not on forums who are also intentional.


    But there are also those who aren't so intentional... those kids could easily be better off in a public school.


    Needless to say I have mixed feelings about public school too - esp since we chose to homeschool after I had had experience in our public school. There are pros and cons to each.


    In the end, we all weigh our options and abilities and make our best guess for our kids. There's no way I'm going to say homeschooling (or ps) is always better for every student even within a family. Life is not that simple.

    I think that is the way with most things in life. You weigh the pros and cons of your options and make the best choice for you at the time.


    I am absolutely sure that homeschooling was the best choice for our family. In 9 years of homeschooling I have only twice unequivocally told another parent that I believed they needed to homeschool.

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