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Posts posted by MoniMoni

  1. This is what we do too. We get everyone a "big present", something they really want. This could be a Nintendo DS for my 10 yr old, but a $30 transformer voice changing helmet for my 4 yr old lol. As they all get older and will notice, we'll probably use $ amount as a guide more.



    Each kid gets a "big" gift, then several smaller gifts. Usually the same total # of gifts to unwrap. Many times it evens itself out $ wise.


    Fairness was huge for me growing up also. The overall package was more important than the $ amount, as well as whether or not my parents actually listened to my wants/needs. I hated getting duplicates of what my sisters received in the effort of being "fair". For me, I wanted my parents to take the time to think about what I would like.


    My oldest dd sites the lack of fairness regarding the younger kids getting toys she didn't get until much older. The toys didn't exist when she was that age. She also complains that our youngest and only boy is getting all the cool Knex, Lego and other building stuff. Again, we have to explain that she had other desires that were higher on her wish list. She can't have it all.


    Fairness is too subjective. We do our best.

  2. We are buying a house just south of West Bend and would love the Homeschool scoop of the area. Dh wants to put at least the older two (15,13) in public high school. If we had remained in MD, we would have joined a classical coop. What are the options and support for homeschoolers in the N/W Milwaukee area.


    I am also looking for referrals on piano teachers, ballet studios, choir/voice lessons.


    We are staying at the Residence Inn in Brookfield. DH works in Menomonee Falls.


    I am still in MD packing the house but will be there next week!


    Feel free to PM!

  3. Wow! There you go Terry, inspiring us all... I must now get up and **finish** setting up my studio (sounds much better than office or study). I too just bought a new desk and moved the homeschool OUT of here. I want to sew and paint and create. I looked back at some of your work and just WOW! Thanks again! Must go!

  4. I found this link about the refund checks it might be the same on Jean posted, but half way down the page there is a calculator link that estimates your potential check based on your 1040. We didn't recieve a 2nd letter, but the calc shows us getting something. We shall see.




    (I just looked and Jean's link is different, but has a calc link too)



  5. I personally feel naked without a seatbelt


    Me too. When I was doing alot of driving, sitting around the house made me feel like something was missing. It took me some time to realize it was a seatbelt!


    I agree with "My car, my rules." But, I too am uncomfortable confronting other peoples kids unless it is important. This is important. Tell her politely, if she makes a fuss tell her parents she isn't allowed to ride if she refuses to happily respect your rules.


    I also agree with Nestof3 that we are the adults. My father hates confrontations so we were raised to be non-confrontational. It makes it hard to function in the real world because I just never learned those skills. I am trying to do a better job at being the adult. I have noticed several OPK aren't being really talked/listened to by the adults in their lives, so I think they put their back up to any adult who addresses them. It is sad.


    How did it go yesterday?

  6. Strangely enough, Mary Kay is the **only** thing that works for me. The times I have tried other things over the years (Proactive, Clinique, others) I have had terrible breakouts. I should have realized long ago not to deviate from what works for me, but every time we move I don't look for a rep.


    The other thing that really helps is to change my pillow case every other day or so. Even though I usually sleep on my back. I also stopped sleeping with my face (skin to skin) on DH's shoulder. I pull the sheet up between my face and his shoulder (TMI I know ;)). I also avoid touching my face, resting my chin/jaw on my hands, and I keep the phone from touching my face.


    My skin is much better than in the past, but can you tell it was pretty bad?

  7. I haven't read all the other posts, but I was spending so much time running all over town (20 mins minimum) to get sale items from 5 different stores not to mention the time with coupons and sales flyers before I left the house that making 2 trips a month to Costco (one finally opened near us in Sept.!) and 1 to super Walmart (for whatever C doesn't have) is soooo worth it. Most of the prices are much better than the regular grocery store price and in line with many of the sale prices. I buy on price per pound for meats, fruits and veggies. The gas savings alone is worth it, but my time is valuable to me. I am also happy with the quality and consistancy.


    Some examples:

    4 lb bag of Craisins $6.70 (Walmart 6oz $2.99)

    Gallon size tea bags (I don't care the price; it is worth it to use only 1 not 5 family size)

    .....too much to mention!


    I love it!

  8. I think those same guys came to our house during the summer and they've tried to come back (we didn't buy the 2nd time). I am just the same way but I'm getting better....although I did buy some dead sea salt scrub the last time I was at the mall because the woman wouldn't take no for an answer{{sigh}}. I'm starting to think the reason a lot of people are curt or rude nowadays is because of things like this, they don't want to get talked into buying something. Ugh. I hope your meat is better than ours was...


    Hey Angela! :ohmy: You wrote my post! Right down to the dead sea salts! Our meat wasn't great either, although I talked them way down on price. (I buy on price per pound) and I called DH for backup. I also allowed myself to be talked into Kingfisher (I think) books I didn't need by the nice College kids that go door to door in the summer. I keep thinking the kids shouldn't be out by themselves, and feel sorry for them. They are good books though. :001_smile:

  9. Last spring I was determined to get into better shape and like you I began with just exercise, although I added drinking water and some nutritional supplements. I noticed toning after several weeks, but no actual weight loss for about two months. I did eventually cut back the dinner glass of wine to weekends only and tried to further cut sugar and white flour. I almost reached my goal, but then "frigid fall" followed by "where's my blanket" winter rolled in and now I have to begin again. The wind here can be fierce and I have great difficulty with my asthma when it is. :mellow:

  10. I had a wonderful time with Peek and her lovely mother (Capt. Janeway) on Saturday! Many of you might already know this, but Peek is a bundle of energy, even wittier in person, and (she'll kill me for ruining her rep) one of the most thoughtful people I've ever had the pleasure of meeting. We spent Saturday afternoon *shopping*, and although she probably had to buy a bigger suitcase, I'm not sure she bought anything for herself. Oh! She did buy herself a lovely green collar :).


    Spending the day with Peek, I realized I haven't had a non-scheduled day in years. Told the DH I'd be home when Peek was finished with me. ;) With one eyebrow raised he asked who was Peek, what's *his* real name and should I really be meeting with someone I'd met online? He He He. I just told him other Moms had met Catwoman recently and not only lived to tell, but had a great time! OK. I told him her real name and where I'd be, but I wasn't missing it. It turned out to be a relaxing, exciting and educational 5 hour mini vacation (no kids, but they were being watched by competent adults)! Yay!


    Thanks for a great afternoon, Peek! Enjoyed and needed it. Can't wait to see our picture! I do exist!



  11. I forgot to say thank you for sharing this great form! May I use it too?


    I have been meaning to post that I'm in too! I fondly remember getting into better shape/habits along with Doran last year. That is after she made me have nightmares! (I can't talk about it scared001.gif)


    I actually made some progress last year, but blew it over the winter. I just bundle up and drink hot beverages over the winter. Needless to say, I am again out of shape. I need this four week plan and began in earnest yesterday!


    So, may I join you? sport040.gif

  12. I didn't have to log in. There is an orange button on the lower right that says "download file".


    If it is the "Moli" screen, I had a hard time figuring it out. In the top right corner press on "skip this ad"


    Also... Mindy or anyone... Can I change anything on Mindy's PDF? I would like to change/add the excercises.


    Thanks! Moni

  13. Maybe this has been posted before, but I didn't realize Mark Kistler had a website!


    Below is a link to an online subscription. I have only looked at the free lessons so far, so I am not endorsing the site. The site has alot of cool info (as I continue to browse :D)




    His main site has some free drawing videos also. Hummm.. Thanks for this post, I wouldn't have found his site on my own! (SPACE HAMSTERS!)

  14. I mapped the Adoption meeting place and it is on the outskirts of Baltimore. Actually it is about as close as you can get to me and still have a Baltimore address! I am about 20 minutes away. Unfortunately, I don't know that area very well to suggest eating places. I have shopped and had lunch just the other side of 695 in Catonsville.


    I also mapped Lusby and it estimates a drive time of an hour and a half to get from there to the meeting place.


    Let me know if you want me to look for area restaurants near the meeting place. Or where you looking to meet on the harbor or somewhere more scenic?

  15. It used to be trickier for me when I had only one set of sheets per bed. However, it's amazing what happens when you have at least two sets per bed (I have three for mine).




    Aaakkk! Ellie, I thought you were putting 2-3 sets on at the same time! and in that vein, I thought you were making me look really bad! Whew! Mental image of the effort and time involved made me tired! (I get it now.) :o

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