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Chris in VA

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Status Updates posted by Chris in VA

  1. Hi Laura! Nice to hear from you! Love being your FB friend and Mary loves seeing what AG posts, too! Glad to see she and Chloe seem to be doing so well.

  2. Hi Laura!

    Hope you guys are all doing well--we think of you and pray for you so often!

    Do you think you could send me the Monty Python avatar I used to have? I can't access the photo in the form you sent the very first time (I think it can't get past my filter somehow) but I am not sure how to "find" it!

    Just want to make it mine again, LOL!!


  3. Hi Smilesonly! I'd love to be friends, but it isn't showing up on my page. I'll keep trying.


  4. Hey Pam, are you still on? I see your last activity was today. I'm not stalking you, I just was looking thru my friends list as I was changing my avatar (to ds' picture) and clicked on ya--hope all is well with you.


  5. Thanks for the hug! Blessed Good Friday to you and Happy Easter for Sunday!

  6. That is so funny! Just last night I was saying how disgusting our throw pillow on the couch was...Dooo dooo doooo (cue eerie music...)LOL


  7. Aww, thanks! It was a weird day, with my hubby and my son both working. We went to my son's restaurant and he served us--but I had a yucky headache! Ah, well...

    Hope you are all doing well!

    And it was sweet of you to message me. :-)

  8. Thanks so much--I had a tearful day yesterday, and today feel so much better (so far, anyway! lol).

    "The prayers of the righteous availeth much."

    Hugs back,


  9. Thanks for your message!

    Have a Great Day!

    Chris in VA

  10. Tee Hee! It's courtesy of Laura in VA. She was incensed that her ds had to watch Holy Grail in history class--but she knows I'm a Python fan! How's that for sweet?

  11. ROFL


    Ok--how do I do it?

    May not get to it this am--gotta get M ready for school and myself for work

  12. You are too funny, woman! I don't want something quite so commercial tho--

    How's it going where you are?

    I'm still sick. don is at the house in the n. neck and Peter is home today with my cold.

  13. Hi Laura,

    I decided I should probably stay put for the time being, although if something great came along...

    I do get two weeks off for Christmas, two days for teacher workdays on Nov. 3-4, and time off for Thanksgiving. I wouldn't get that time off if I watched the 2 yr old, or did other nanny work. I did contact the mom who was interested in me homeschooling her two "school-phobic" boys--but I don't think she can pay well. She is exploring options with the school system. I also have been researching customer service at home type positions like Live-ops. I just put in to be a scorer for Pearson in their essay scoring dept, but I'll bet that's pretty full.

    Lots of irons in the potential fire, but only one job for now. I do like my co-workers, and they are getting a little more flexible, but I do miss being home, and I'm tired. Very, very tired! lol Mary seems to like school, and I'm not sure pulling her out would be good at this point. I think I'd like her to stay for the year, and then maybe I can find something next year where I can stay home and work and homeschool her. I can't see beyond the end of this month, so I just don't know if God's giving me permission to go somewhere else. Keep prayin!

    gotcha covered for the peds appt on Weds.


    Say hi to the rest of the fam!


  14. Hi Mom! (Hmmmm, I have a habit of shortening eveyone's name--altho yours is pretty short, and "Mom" may not be appropriate!)


    Thanks for wanting to be my friend!


    I just noticed that you use RS4K like Sonlight 3--how do you like it? I am thinking ahead to next year, and also thinking Mary and I may do science on Saturdays for fun this year. Any feedback would be lovely. I picked up TOPS at a garage sale--I think I have Radishes and the Bean one, but there are about 3 (I'm guessing) pages torn out of the very front. Are you using those specific TOPS, also?


    Thanks for the info--looking forward to being your friend!

    Chris in VA

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