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Chris in VA

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Status Updates posted by Chris in VA

  1. OMG, it's Feb 1st? I thought it was Jan 31 and wrote that on EVERYTHING today!

    1. EmmaNZ


      I did that too today


  2. "What's his name? "Miserable Tick." "I thought it was Rotten Little Grub."

  3. dismantled the old homeschooling room. ouch.

    1. elegantlion


      ((HUGS)) :(


    2. swimmermom3


      Sending hugs as well.

    3. Starr


      That's hard. Do you have fun plans for it?

  4. 10,000 steps, Baby!!

  5. Trying hard to achieve 10,000 steps each day. I made it to over 7K with the dog walking--still have several hours left!

  6. What if I just didn't go to work today? Sigh.

    1. swimmermom3


      It would make tomorrow more difficult. <Hugs> you can do it.

  7. As a Cowboys fan, it's hard to cheer for the Redskins, but I want them to win for my 85yo superfan friend, Anne!!

  8. Dd spending time outside--treehouse needs fixin'...:-)

  9. I need a new hobby. Won't be homeschooling anymore.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Down_the_Rabbit_Hole


      Nature journaling your area, knitting, reading, yoga, just about anything you want to do...scary but exciting.

    3. Halcyon


      Why are u not hsing anymore?

    4. Chris in VA

      Chris in VA

      PS is a good fit for dd. I would be fighting her the whole way. I kinda wish I hadn't put her in 5th grade--but it was the best choice at the time. Started a ball rolling. YMMV! And I hope it does.

  10. Gotta get back to wrapping--despite best intentions, I always leave it to the last minute!

  11. Chose Gospel for Asia for dh's donations. So excited to know we could give a missionary a bike, along with neat things like a fishing net, bibles, a tamborine...

  12. Take ds to work, then 2hr bible study, then 6 dog walks, then piano lesson, then make dinner....

  13. Piano tuner came today. Dd sounds even more amazing than usual...:-)

  14. Having some anxiety today. It freezes me and makes it hard to get things done. Just need to start

    1. jenL


      Just said a prayer for you. I hope you are feeling calmer soon.

    2. swimmermom3


      Sending virtual hugs and good thoughts your way today, Chris.

    3. Pixjen


      I suffer from Analysis Paralysis myself.

  15. 3 pieces buttered toast, fried egg, 4 cups coffee...ugg I don't want to go walk doggies.

  16. Santa better not eat too many of the cookies and brownies in CO and WA this year!

    1. kalanamak


      I think the reindeers would get him home okay.

    2. Unicorn.


      status' need a like button!

  17. Making shepherd's crook necklaces by bending defluffed Q-tips and painting them brown.

  18. Ds not coming home for Xmas. Sad mama. Glad that his Gramma is only 2 hours away. Hoping he goes there!

  19. Darn it! Burned the applesauce I was making as a surprise for dd's lunch tomorrow.

  20. Dear sons both back to their houses. I'm glad Christmas is close to TG, so I can see them again soon!

  21. Dd fell down the (wooden) stairs for the second time in about a week. She's ok, just a little sore in the sitter...

    1. TN Mama

      TN Mama

      Glad she's ok!

  22. So, does this meld with facebook somehow? I love you all, but I'm not sure I want you reading my fb statuses (or is it stati?)

  23. Hi Lee,


    Hope you faired well in the storm! We had no damage, no trees down and no power outtage--unbelievable! I think I ate more snack food than I have in the last year, waiting for the "other shoe to fall," but really, it was easy for us. Hope it was for you, too!


  24. Oh--have you been on your WTM visiting trip yet? I forget who is lucky enough to visit with you...Have a fab time if you haven't gone yet, hope it was good if you have.

  25. Thanks, Rosie. I so didn't want to offend.

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