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Chris in VA

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Status Updates posted by Chris in VA

  1. Upon smelling the automatic "clean" cycle on the oven, dd remarks, "Smells like you are shoving despair down our throats."

    1. Karen in CO

      Karen in CO

      that is terrific.

    2. Chris in VA

      Chris in VA

      LOL--well, she has a way with words sometimes! All that neoclassical literature in elementary...;-)

    3. WTMCassandra




  2. And we have a teenager! Dd 13 today. Rode in the front seat.

    1. Miss Marple

      Miss Marple

      Yay! Happy birthday to your dd. My youngest turns 17 today - time flies

    2. PollyOR


      Happy birthday! They grow up so fast.

  3. Somebody ate my low-cal cheese. I fussed and fussed and had my egg sandwich without it--it was still fabulous. Figures.

  4. Ds doesn't like what I planned for his college grad party. AT.ALL. Oh well.

    1. PentecostalMom


      You said it, Oh well!

    2. Chris in VA

      Chris in VA

      Lol it's tempting to go ahead but I won't.


    3. Snickerdoodle


      How lovely to have a grad party. Kids don't know how good they have it these days.

  5. Down a pound. That makes seventeen and change. :-)

    1. Dolphin


      great job. I am working on it with you. I am 8 pounds so far. Did you look up Nance's list to see what you lost?

    2. fourisenough


      Fantastic! Keep up the hard work.

    3. Soror


      awesome, congrats!

  6. We got into Tantur for our sabbatical. :-)

  7. Teeth hurt. Didn't walk enough. Ate junk. BUT--tomorrow is a new day. One day at a time...

    1. Jean in Newcastle

      Jean in Newcastle

      I hope you feel better soon. Praying for you.

  8. Vicodin, anyone? Dental work went well. Pain relief now, pls.

  9. Root Canal in the am. FUNTIMES!!

    1. Chris in VA

      Chris in VA

      Actually, that and a new crown on a diff tooth is Thursday's party moment. Tomorrow is just a cleaning.


    2. LittleIzumi


      Woot. I had one last week, crown in another week. Happy fun times!

    3. Starr


      You've really planned a fun week! Pray all goes well.

  10. Wishing you peace on your next adventure--you will always be thought of with great respect and fondness here on the boards.

  11. Don't forget to Spring Ahead tonight!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. sassenach
    3. Starr


      It's easier for the cats but harder for us humans.

    4. nmoira


      No. Just no.

  12. I love going to the library. It's like going to the candy store and getting a treat for free.

    1. unsinkable


      Me, too! I am so. Grateful to libraries. I still feel that little kid thrill when I have a pile of new books.

  13. The Master--beautiful to look at, excellent performances, creepy as heck.

  14. Happy George Herbert feast day, Anglican pastor and poet:

  15. His sneakers smell so bad--they are in the trunk but we can smell them in the back seat. TIME FOR A NEW PAIR, DEAR!!! :-)

    1. Karen in CO

      Karen in CO

      Sometimes the shoes need to be far away.

  16. don't worry, my dog won't crap in your yard. might be nice if you'd pick up that ball of foil with the chicken bones lying on the sidewalk in front of your house, tho.

  17. Lite and Fit 80 cal greek yogurt...to.die.for.

    1. MissKNG


      I eat the strawberry!


    2. Chris in VA

      Chris in VA

      Blueberry, here, but I can't wait to try others.

    3. lovemykids


      I'll have to try it. I love greek yogurt!

  18. Walked around DC--saw the aquamarine at the NH museum and the Michaelangelo David/Apollo. Fun day!

    1. NotSoObvious


      We were just there Sat!

  19. Loving my new Body Media armband/monitor. Makes it so easy to count steps and calories burned!

  20. Over 12,000 steps today, Baby!!!!

  21. Remembering I am dust and to dust I will return.

  22. Beasts of The Southern Wild is only 10 bucks at Target! LOVED that movie.

  23. I need to learn to share my joys as often as I share my pain. Today, I'm so grateful for my friends, Jane and Dana. Remember those who lift you up!

  24. One daddy cardinal, 3 mamas...Sister Wives?

    1. Ginevra


      haha! Good one! We have a 4f/1m ratio at our feeder.

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