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Chris in VA

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Status Updates posted by Chris in VA

  1. Dd is washing all the pots and pans. And I am just going to let her.

  2. About to get a wicked thunderstorm--wind is kicking up and it's actually DARK out!



      The local high school had the roof blown off of the gymnasium.


  3. Getting packages ready to post and then going is so stressful--it's like I've got a mental block against it.

  4. Getting our tree tonight. Hoping for big and fat. ;-)

  5. Fed Gov shut down! Cookie baking and no dog walks! Yay!!!

  6. My boy made it to g'mas for TG. If I can't have him here, at least he's surrounded by family and FOOD!

  7. Decluttered 4 cabinets.

  8. Currently fighting with hubby. Yuck.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Jean in Newcastle
    3. Chris in VA

      Chris in VA

      yeah, we forgave each other. He said he's tired of dealing with my hormones. I said I deal with yours, too! lol I don't think he ever considered that. ;-)

    4. Chelle in MO

      Chelle in MO

      I'm glad you've gotten past it! It casts such a cloud over life. And not only is *he* dealing w/your hormones, but *you* are dealing w/your own, too. It's no fun.

  9. Me to dd: What's the status of your homework? Dd: Compromised. #toomuchS.H.I.E.L.D

  10. Woke up to muffins on the counter. Son must've felt bad about the beans yesterday! lol

  11. He threw away the bean soup instead of putting in the refrig--no lunch for me tomorrow. On the plus side, he did ALL the dishes. ;-)

    1. Jean in Newcastle

      Jean in Newcastle

      Men. Sometimes I wonder what they were thinking!

    2. Chris in VA

      Chris in VA

      Young man in this case...:-)

    3. Jean in Newcastle

      Jean in Newcastle

      Same difference. ;)

  12. I like Thursday. I have class in the evening, so I don't have to cook dinner! But I'm going to tonight, just to show some grace.:-)

  13. Mmm...honey lime shrimp. Red pepper flakes really ARE different than powdered red pepper! oh the culinary things I'm learning....

  14. I'm sorry. Let me explain. (;-) just kidding...hang in there, J.

  15. Helping my dad understand FB is like him helping me understand Algebra when I was in 8th grade. "OMG--you are so smart. How can you be so obtuse?" lol

    1. Ginevra


      Haha! That's me, too!


  16. At the Paris airport. Four hr layover +seven hr flight + 2 hrs to get home!

  17. ugggh--pls forgive my typos and misspellings. Darn tablet.

  18. We were in Eliat, heading to Aqaba one day after Israel intercepted a rocket fired there. Whew!

    1. ....


      I used to live in Eilat and I've also been to A'qaba. :( I can't believe what's going on over there. I watch the news constantly. :(

    2. Chris in VA

      Chris in VA

      We werem't able to to the Sinai b/c of Al Quaeda, unfortunately. Loved Jordan, tho.:-)


    3. lionfamily1999


      So I drop out of the hive for.. a year, I think? And I come back to see Chris in VA is now Chris in Israel. That is awesome!

  19. Going to Petra tomorrow. Shhh--don't tell my parents or they'll freak.

  20. Ds due to arrive shortly! Let the touring begin.

  21. Sorry if I've been salty in the language dept lately. I'm just in a mood.

    1. Lizzie in Ma

      Lizzie in Ma

      Doesn't bother me in the slightest. ;)

  22. We may not see eye to eye, but we can live heart to heart.

  23. Dd going on a youth retreat for two nights. Just me and dh at home...YESS! #maritalfistpump

  24. I have more clothes--BECAUSE I'M DOWN A SIZE!! Now back to your regular programming...

    1. Kim in Appalachia

      Kim in Appalachia

      That's terrific! Congrats!

    2. Reflections


      Good for you!!!

    3. Soror


      Awesome, congrats!

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