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Chris in VA

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Status Updates posted by Chris in VA

  1. Ds was in a single car accident--thanks for all your prayers! His FB status? "It's scary how you can do everything to take careof your health and safety then get killed in a car crash. Lucky to have survived a crash going 70 without a scratch on me"

  2. I feel like a defluffed Q-tip. (Not really, but isn't that a funny statement?)



      Funny! I have the MOPS balloon in my head.... only so much air for one day and it deflates... so quickly!

    2. Rosie_0801


      Most poetic, lol. :)

  3. Ds starts new job tomorrow. Metro=$15 a day, so he's joining the YMCA to use their parking lot and walking about .5 mile instead! #cleverhomeschooledman

    1. Chris in VA

      Chris in VA

      Should add that it's only $55 a month to join the Y--savings are good!!

  4. Pls forgive my tone. I think I'm a little tired this week.

    1. ScoutTN


      How are is your preschool class? Have you started yet?

  5. Read the first two parent questionnaires from my preschool class..."100% energy! Goes to bed at 11pm" and "veeery energetic!" Should be fun little class of mostly boys!

    1. ScoutTN


      Yea for wiggly boys! You will be tired, but not bored. ;)

    2. Rosie_0801


      Boys are fun :)

  6. Knowledge is knowing Frankenstein is not the monster. Wisdom is knowing Frankenstein is the monster.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. *Lulu*
    3. Chrysalis Academy


      What is Understanding? Keeping far from the monster? LOL


  7. Going in today to my new preschool classroom--it's tiny! I'm nervous, but in a good way.

    1. Starr


      Enjoy! They are blessed to have you.

  8. I was offered the job. Prob going to turn it down.

    1. Just Another Jen

      Just Another Jen

      Is that good or bad?

    2. Chris in VA

      Chris in VA

      Well, the preschool is developmentally great, but they have to deconstruct their classrooms every Fri for the Sunday school, and there's 18 kids in the 3's class. Sigh. I'm just not ready to deal with that.

  9. Letting go of one thing to embrace another--not my strength. Uggh.

    1. Just Another Jen


      We are creatures of habit..

    3. Lizzie in Ma

      Lizzie in Ma

      Mine either. ((Chris))

  10. Looked into my coffee cup and found the creamer had made a heart.

  11. My friend from Tantur Ecumenical Center in Israel has a friend in Gaza named Jessica. Pls pray for them. Regardless of politics, pls pray for peace.

  12. Dd going on mission trip to (near) Albany NY tomorrow. Prayers, pls! She's very excited. Home repair with Group Publishing.

    1. Chris in VA

      Chris in VA

      Oh good! We weren't sure quite what to pack. They can make a Walmart run if they need to!


  13. I think I blew my chance at a preschool job. Organized my resume the wrong way, for starters.

  14. Several hivers have more likes than they do posts. Y'all are the popular girls! LOL

  15. Our 15yo kitty isn't doing well. :-(

    1. GailV


      I'm so sorry! It's tough to see an old friend begin to have problems.

    2. Jennay


      :( My kitty is 14 and has been having some problems lately too and I'm hoping they aren't signs of something more serious.


  16. Hubby's flight to Israel got changed--a 4 hr Paris layover became a 16hr one, so he "has to visit now." Hear my tiny violin? lol

    1. LivingHope


      I hope he had a great visit.

  17. Ds was hit by a red light runner this am--car totaled, ds shaken up. TG he's okay, though!

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Rosie_0801


      Oh man, that's all you need. Glad he's still in one piece!

    3. Aubrey


      (((Chris))) (((Chris's ds)))

    4. MooCow


      I'm glad he is ok.

  18. "Four Dead in Ohio..." Remembering.

  19. Eldest got the editing job! Wow, a job that actually uses his film degree!

  20. Well, here's my new avatar. Last year's pic.

    1. Chris in VA

      Chris in VA

      A little blurry--I don't know how to resize properly!

    2. Starr


      Cute! I always click on the avatar pictues thinking they'll get bigger - never happens. :)

    3. Rosie_0801


      Nice face you've got there. ;)

  21. sick of spammers who register and then abuse the boards

  22. just bought tickets for dh birthday--Ringo Starr! for the man who is soooo hard to buy for...

    1. Dana


      Nifty! Have fun!

    2. TammyinTN


      I think that's awesome!! He's going to love it!


    3. Unicorn.


      Very cool!

  23. How I wish I could make it all better.

    1. Chelle in MO

      Chelle in MO

      Me, too, Chris. Me, too. ((((Chris))))

  24. Prayers for hubbie's aunt--she's had a stroke and is not doing well. He just lost another aunt a few weeks ago.

    1. quark


      I'm so sorry, hoping for the best. Take care!

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