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Chris in VA

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Status Updates posted by Chris in VA

  1. Katie I think I sent more than one private message. Sorry!

  2. Your inbox is full, Spy Car! 

    1. Spy Car

      Spy Car

      Should be available now. Thanks for letting me know!

  3. I love that we are a board where a mom posts a newborn picture just a few hours after birth. How sweet to be a part of a place where people know they are so loved, and want to share such a sweet moment! 

  4. I would REALLY like to rejoin my "club," the bible believing Christian one. It's been weeks! Anyone know how to do that?

    1. mama25angels


      I wish I knew, I'd love to get back to that club also.

    2. cintinative


      Did anyone figure out where this group is or how to join? I asked to be added but I don't even know where to go to find it.

  5. Can you clear your inbox? ❤️


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. unsinkable


      I'm sorry, ladies. Give me a bit!

    3. Chris in VA

      Chris in VA

      Isn't it nice to be so popular? lol

    4. unsinkable


      Haha...I'm a PM hoarder. I hate deleting them!

      I just deleted a couple so hopefully you can message me now.

  6. How do we ask questions of admins about our personal clubs or other board questions? I can't find the "help" function. Thx!


    1. Jean in Newcastle

      Jean in Newcastle

      I have been PMing Other John.  (It hasn't fixed anything, but that is who I've talked to about it.) 

    2. Chris in VA

      Chris in VA

      Thx, Jean! Wasn't sure where the contact us button was! lol

  7. Dog is dying. Hubby and I having a hard discussion today.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Kim in Appalachia

      Kim in Appalachia

      sorry. ((((hugs))))

    3. Mom25girls


      I"m so sorry. So hard to let go of a trusted friend. Hugs...

    4. MerryAtHope


      I'm so sorry.


  8. Rotten cold. I have a week off and it is going to be used up by the time I am better. Pass the whine.

    1. TravelingChris


      Sorry that you are sick

    2. ScoutTN


      bummer. hope you feel better soon! get a movie and some good chx soup.

  9. Brag alert:Dd got a 5 on her AP World exam! It all started with a love of history aquired through SOTW! Thanks, SWB

  10. Rereading old posts--thanks for all the prayers and good thoughts over the years. Just saw a picture of ds with his little daughter and thought, what a long road to a joyful place.

  11. "Oh, me-o-my-o, look at Miss Ohio. She wants to do right but not right now."

  12. No, sweet dh. There is no Cool Whip in trifle.

    1. Rosie_0801


      Cool Whip in trifle? Abomination!

    2. Chris in VA

      Chris in VA


    3. SparklyUnicorn
  13. Literally the calm before the storm--not the slightest breeze outside--so still!

    1. Kathy in Richmond

      Kathy in Richmond

      The snow is just beginning in Richmond!


  14. There's a bald eagle hanging out in our yard.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. GailV


      Whoa, so cool!

    3. Tsuga


      We have one that goes down the street! It's awesome.

    4. ScoutTN
  15. LOVING the Vitamix!! Now we are all out of bananas, though.

    1. mommymonster


      Bananas become a HOT commodity when the Vitamix (or Blendtek) comes to town.

  16. Ree's crash potatoes, a surprise Honey Baked ham, salad, apple pie and Sherlock.

    1. KathyBC


      Mmmm, sounds perfect.

  17. spending most of my bonus on getting the dog groomed...#martyrmom

  18. I have done nothing today except play on here, eat, and shop online.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Peaceful Isle
    3. EmmaNZ


      Sounds idyllic :)


    4. Renai


      Sounds like my day today, but also add in wrap gifts.

  19. Went with the vitamix! $299. I have a code if anyone wants to get one. :-)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more



    3. Chris in VA

      Chris in VA

      PS--don't worry about the code. It's for a credit if I refer someone--I misunderstood. The vitamix is refurbished but still has a 5yr warranty! Yay! PHP might be on my birthday list instead. :-)

    4. Angie in VA

      Angie in VA

      We've had our refurb for over 2 yrs and have never had one problem. Use it every day, at least once a day. What will you use it for first?

  20. Now I don't know whether to get myself 2 days at Peace Hill Farm B&B or a Vitamix (PHF is cheaper). What a lovely dilemma.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Tsuga


      B&B for sure!!!! Time with your love > stuff. My 2 c.

    3. Chris in VA

      Chris in VA

      Haha--I do love dh, that's for sure! But this is a retreat for ME. Only. :-)


    4. Tsuga



  21. "While preparing the potpourri warmer for the Rector's Group's visit, she mistook the oregano for the rosemary. The entire house, from entryway to livingroom, smelled like pot." From The Book I Want to Write Someday

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Chris in VA
    3. Rebel Yell

      Rebel Yell

      I wouldn't think oregano would make your house smell like pot unless someone was hiding their stash in the spice cabinet. O.o

    4. Chris in VA

      Chris in VA

      It doesn't smell skunky like the "good" kind, but it does have a smell similar to mj.

  22. Dh is driving 8 hours to see his new granddaughter, son and dil. He's staying tonight, then coming home tomorrow. Think someone is pretty excited to be a grandpa, even if he doesn't want to be called, "Grampa!"

  23. Thought it was a scary movie, crab dip kinda date night night. Instead, it's baseball. Poopy.

  24. Feeling whiny because I have a cold and have to go to work. Some pity would be nice. And if you could do the dishes, that'd be even nicer.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. RootAnn


      I'll be right over with some hot soup & tea. ((hugs))

    3. Chris in VA

      Chris in VA

      Thanks! I feel better!

    4. SparklyUnicorn
  25. Not doing a darn thing for July 4th. Raining, too. Feeling a little like a missed an opportunity!

    1. swimmermom3


      Chris, you must have Oregon's rain. We are wrapping up our second week of 90+ weather and we are finding it makes things just as hard to do as the rain. I hope you still have a good Fourth!

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