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Chris in VA

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Chris in VA last won the day on February 12 2019

Chris in VA had the most liked content!


18,137 Excellent

1 Follower

About Chris in VA

  • Birthday January 21

Contact Methods

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  • Biography
    Homeschooled 5yrs. Ds 35 (BA Cinema, MFA Screenwriting)Ds 33(Personal Trainer)Dd 24(Music Ed)
  • Location
    Currently East Jerusalem (formerly VA)
  • Interests
    Love to read, bible study, Cursillo group, take walks
  • Occupation
    waiting patiently(?) to see what God has for me

Profile Information

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  • Interests
    Reading, Movies, History, Biblical Archeology, Education (;-))
    I also enjoy Pinterest, tho I'm not crafty, and Bible Study, esp Beth Moore stuff. I like TV, too, but we don't have cable.

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  1. He threw away the bean soup instead of putting in the refrig--no lunch for me tomorrow. On the plus side, he did ALL the dishes. ;-)

    1. Jean in Newcastle

      Jean in Newcastle

      Men. Sometimes I wonder what they were thinking!

    2. Chris in VA

      Chris in VA

      Young man in this case...:-)

    3. Jean in Newcastle

      Jean in Newcastle

      Same difference. ;)

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