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Everything posted by bibliophile

  1. I bought the wheels from harbor freight for $4 each. So, $16 per cart. The wood was around $9 per cart. I haven't priced out the bolts and rope yet. I think we are going to use a threaded rod for the axle, which will be cheaper than the mount in the instructions. So, maybe around $35 each? Great idea about giving them a decorating kit!
  2. What great ideas! Thank you! My older boys are 9 and 12 years. They seem to enjoy most genres at the moment. They will read anything they can get their hands on, though they do seem to particularly enjoy series books. :)
  3. What are some of your favorite boxed book sets? I am specifically interested in recommendations for the preteen boy crowd. We gifted Harry Potter last Christmas and do not want to disappoint this year!
  4. I believe that God provides common grace to all of mankind. I will use this quote to define common grace: Louis Berkhof, “[Common grace] curbs the destructive power of sin, maintains in a measure the moral order of the universe, thus making an orderly life possible, distributes in varying degrees gifts and talents among men, promotes the development of science and art, and showers untold blessings upon the children of men." This is why the sun rises and sets for all of us, why we have a conscience, police to protect us, medical advancements, etc. Yes, I think God has given you grace even though you haven't asked for it, just as he has extended the same measure of common grace to all of us. Yes, life would be more difficult and unpleasant for all of us without this common grace. Why does one marriage look different than another? That's the tough question...and the one that denominations would have varying opinions on. My faith teaches that we are responsible for our actions and the natural consequences of those actions. God is sovereign and all things that come to pass are for His eternal purpose.
  5. I understand that not everyone will agree with me. I agree with you that people define sin differently. The point I was attempting to make was that we all have times when we say something unkind to a spouse, we may yell, we may be over critical, we may have our moments of selfishness, or make any number of poor choices. These choices affect our lives, the lives of our spouses, and our marriages. We may vow to do better, and we fail again. ALL of us, Christians and non-Christians. No, I don't believe that Christians have an advantage over non-Christians in terms of marriage. I think that both can have great, healthy marriages. I also think that both can have unhealthy marriages. In fact, a non-Christian marriage can be much healthier than a Christian marriage.
  6. I believe unhealthy marriages, both Christian and non-Christian, are the product of sin. We all must live with the natural consequences of our own sinful actions, as well as the consequences of the sins of our spouses. Christians will be sanctified over time, which could certainly help build a healthy marriage, but is not a guarantee. Christians will always struggle with sin and will not reach perfection here on earth. [From a Reformed Baptist perspective]
  7. Another vote for trying a rice cooker. I never had any luck cooking brown rice on the stove.
  8. Church Buy more canning jars Tidy the house Watch Doctor Who with requested fish sticks and custard for dinner Bed
  9. Common grace. Marriage is not an inherently Christian institution. It is common to all humans, and by God's grace, both Christians and non-Christians can be blessed with healthy marriages.
  10. You could pack up a box of books and ship them media mail to your new destination. You would be able to do this a few days in advance of moving.
  11. We don't purchase many packaged items either. I just ask my kids to use the serving size to help them determine how much to put on their plate. Since it's such a novelty, they actually seem to enjoy counting out crackers on to their plates. I don't try to save them for later....they just have a snack a day until it is gone.
  12. I was looking for orthodontic supplies on amazon the other day -- wax, toothbrushes, etc. I was surprised to see orthodontic brackets, wires, tools, and other supplies for sale. Out of curiosity, I read some of the comments. People are actually attempting to straighten their teeth themselves! Some people were even quite pleased with their results.
  13. We've been going to ortho consults over the past few weeks. SSN for a credit report seems to be standard here. I just left those lines blank and didn't consent to the report. Once we picked an ortho to go with, I will give my SSN (not my son's) and authorization to run a report, but ONLY because we are going to use their in house 0% financing. I wouldn't give out that information/consent if we were paying cash or using insurance.
  14. You could always make brownie bottom ice cream cupcakes. http://joythebaker.com/2009/04/brownie-bottom-ice-cream-cupcakes/
  15. Bar Keepers Friend (the powder) works wonders. It's labor intensive but I get great results. You just mix the powder with a little hot water and use a stiff grout brush. Let it sit for a few minutes and then wipe it up.
  16. Our local shelter always asks for donations of forks. We have been told that people tend to take the forks with them after a meal in the shelters.
  17. So sorry you are having to deal with such a mess. Straight bleach one time will be fine. Your septic holding tank is likely thousands of gallons; it will dilute. Just pick up a package of septic treatment next week and treat the tank.
  18. I can totally relate to your fears! You could have them wear life jackets. I would still supervise closely, but perhaps it would make you feel a little safer. My kids can all swim, but I am still very cautious. Their swim instructor always discusses water safety at the beginning of the season. She feels strongly that kids should only swim in bodies of water in which you can see the bottom; life jackets should be worn when playing in lakes, rivers, and oceans. I take her advice and feel safer, at least while my kids are still little.
  19. I second this recipe. Sometimes I cheat and use powdered onion if I'm in a hurry.
  20. My oldest could not summarize or answer questions like that at 8. All kids are different. In your example above, I would ask the question, and then start the answer, "The missionaries....." This prompts a complete sentence. For me personally, I would rephrase the question, "Where do the missionaries live?" Then the answer of West Africa, would meet my expectations of an 8 year old. I'd probably even accept Africa as an answer. In the early years, my kids have had an easier time summarizing fiction than non-fiction. It is also easier when I read to them. We start out very slow and simple. I might read them a Bob book and ask the question, "What did Bob do in the story? Bob...."
  21. 2 Timothy 4:3 - For a time is coming when people will no longer listen to sound and wholesome teaching. They will follow their own desires and will look for teachers who will tell them whatever their itching ears want to hear. *Some mega churches in particular, not all in general
  22. That's a new idea to me -- I will try it in the morning. I regularly make frittatas and steel cut oats in the rice cooker. It will be great to have something else to throw into the breakfast rotation. Thanks!
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