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Everything posted by arliemaria

  1. What about a summer camp? I LOVED attending camp during the summer. Also attending state fairs or other festivals.
  2. I love the stockmar beeswax block crayons. We have a tin full of blocks and stick crayons. Awesome.
  3. is most handwriting curriculum just UGLY!?
  4. My hope is that my children will learn to write beautifully and take pride in their handwriting. As a child I practiced and practiced my handwriting. I remember getting a few low marks in handwriting and it still upsets me to think about it because I worked so hard on it. About five years ago before we had children we bought a lot of Spencerian books and supplies. All of a sudden I was thrown into parenting an 8 year old and I would love for her to learn Spencerian, but don't know where to begin. I definitely have no desire to teach her most of the italic styles. They may work great for you and your family, but I have no desire for its aesthetics. Chloee is currently doing ball and line printing. It doesn't look bad, but is not in any way graceful, which I believe penmanship should be. I know it will take time to develop this, but believe you should strive to do your best in everything and at all times. Suggestions for extra work on her printing before we begin a more classical cursive next year in the third grade? Or should I just begin with cursive now? I have read that some parents skip printing and just begin with cursive, but don't know how that is really possible.
  5. Do you use them? Do you have your children do a page for each book they read?
  6. FWIW I am very new to home schooling. I went to a small private college that had pretty high standards. I got a lot of merit scholarships and also a Bonner scholarship which paid me a stipend on top of my tuition. I took AP History in high school among other AP courses. My point is, your child can handle it if you tell him he can. Encourage him! Even young children can do much more than we usually think they can. Good Luck!
  7. These are great suggestions! I just went to Quizlet and am going to print the extras I can to help supplement. Thank you!
  8. How do you do your drills? How often? I have a very similar sheet in the front of the teacher manual, but it is for vocabulary and latin sayings on one side and grammar on the other.
  9. I don't know if there is a list, I am new to the forum. I know of Reggio Emilia, Thomas Jefferson, Classical (of course), would unit study count as one(?), and unschooling.
  10. Have you thought about using the Khan Academy? I just started this for myself as a review since I am new to teaching. Eventually I want my kids to complete the lessons and videos too.
  11. Can you tell me a little more about how you do your reviews? I am so new to teaching and home schooling. I am new to parenting! I just got my 8 year old sister, our mom died in December.
  12. I got both books on paperbackswap.com years ago before we had children.
  13. I just got our Prima Latina set. How do you schedule and assign this in your school? Example: Monday: watch dvd Tuesday: do workbook Wednesday: listen to cd Thursday: practice with flashcards We have the dvd, cd, flashcards, and workbook. I just watched the first lesson and got the first lesson flashcards out of the large sheets and made one for Deus, God because I could not find one for this word. Thank you for your advice.
  14. I just commented on your blog. Thought I'd make it easier for you to find me on here.
  15. Thank you! I am downloading the Homeschool Share pages now! I think I'll use them next week!
  16. I am so new to homeschooling as in this is our second month! I had not seen Beautiful Feet Books yet. I love their maps and guides. I may have to order that! I have been ordering the Holling books on Amazon used in hardback so hopefully they will be ok to use when my little one is old enough. Thank you for introducing me to a beautiful publisher!
  17. My 8 year old just started reading this. We are only a page and a half into the book, but it has already sparked so much discussion! Does anyone know of any resources or activities besides getting a hermit crab to go along with this book?
  18. My mother recently died (December 2010) and we were willed my little sister, 8 years old. I am new to parenting in general. My husband and I have a 21 month old son. I am new to homeschooling. We have been at it less than a month now. We are doing Saxon Math 2. I do however want to add some manipulatives, but didn't want to buy their kit. I really like Montessori's philosophy and her "works." Does anyone have a recommendation for a good abacus or a 100 chart?
  19. How did you set up the accounts for your young children? I tried to create a google account for DD and cannot because she is too young. Any advice?
  20. I don't necessarily mean do them "now," but over the course of years. I am just very excited about the concept after watching the TED talk. We are working through Saxon Math 2 right now, so arithmetic would be appropriate. Does your son use an email to log in and then you log in as a coach to view his progress?
  21. I just watched the TED talk about the Khan Academy. I think this is amazing! Anyone here use it? I want to do all the lessons and have my 8 year old do them as well. Anyone know how I can have us both set up accounts on the site?
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