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Posts posted by umsami

  1. 14 minutes ago, happysmileylady said:

    I don’t know enough about that case to really discuss it.  The article mentions selling drugs to an undercover cop so I suspect that there is a lot more going on with that particular case.  

    Which is not to say that the US legal system is perfect.  It’s not.  There are certainly problems.  


    This is what I read...or the case I'm thinking of. She used her father's address to enroll them....a grandparent.  (Memories of "Beverly Hills 90210".)  Nothing is mentioned about selling drugs.  https://abcnews.go.com/US/ohio-mom-jailed-sending-kids-school-district/story?id=12763654


    This woman did 10 days in jail, three years probation, but had to pay the school back $30,000 (Felicity's fine). 

    • Sad 1
  2. Goshh. I really don't know. I think I would want to know more about the tumors, how aggressive they were, hormone receptors, etc. I may very well do both for a peace of mind....but I'm a single Mom to four kids, and I'm doing everything I can to stick around for them as there really is no safety net for them.

    ETA: Just saw your other post.  Honestly, I'd ask on the breastcancer.org forums. So many women there with lots of experience. 


    As to reconstruction, I honestly don't know.  My best friends Mom had the DIEP flap maybe five years ago and has been very happy with it. 


    Sending prayers for guidance to you.  Tough decision. I'm sorry. 



  3. https://www.cnn.com/2019/09/07/us/bullied-student-university-of-tennessee-shirt-trnd/index.html


    "A Florida student obsessed with the University of Tennessee wanted to represent the Volunteers during his elementary school's "College Colors Day," but didn't own any of their apparel -- so he took the matter into his own hands.

    Laura Snyder, his teacher at Altamonte Elementary School in Altamonte Springs, says he drew a "U.T.", the university's logo, on paper and pinned it to an orange t-shirt.
    "When the day finally arrived, he was SO EXCITED to show me his shirt," Snyder wrote Wednesday on Facebook. "I was impressed that he took it one step further to make his own label."
    But by lunch time, the spirited Vols fan was in tears....'
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  4. So, almost every Friday night is movie and homemade pizza night at our house.  

    We're adding in board games Monday.

    Saturday and Sunday (at least one of those days), I make homemade pancakes every morning.   We like to take our dog to the dog park on Saturday, too.

    What are your family's weekly traditions?  If they've changed due to the age of your kids, share that, too.

    • Like 1
  5. I had one this year

    I did the Miralax two-step Prep and it worked great.  My colon was clean as a whistle.  Google.  A lot of the big names have it on their site.  

    You divide the dose...and the timing depends on when your procedure is. Cheaper than the Rx stuff too.  Easier to tolerate. I mixed the Miralax with Crystal Light, as I hate Gatorade. Also involved taking some Dulcolax.  Having a bidet helps, too. 🙂

    They put in an IV...I was wheeled in.... CNA spoke to me and said I'd feel some stinging from the Propofol, don't remember if I did...but next thing I knew I was waking up in recovery. Doc came in....showed me pics....said your colon is very boring 😉 ...see you in 10 years.

    • Like 3
  6. We have two cats and one dog who shed, a lot.  We've found ways to manage the fur, but one thing that I haven't conquered is how the pet fur accumulates (almost sticks) to our white baseboards...making them look super nasty.  

    What are your tips for cleaning baseboards?

    What are your tips for keeping them clean?

    Not sure if there are different words for these in various countries, but think of this as wood trim, maybe 10 cms or so tall....which is flush with the floor. Of course, it's painted white (like the rest of my trim), so shows dirt/fur easily. 🙂

  7. 2 hours ago, Ktgrok said:

    Please please please make sure the doctors you see are aware of you neuropathy issues! Make a big deal of it, and explain you have NOT had a diagnosis yet. they really need to coordinate all this. Maybe ask the surgeon if they can help, if they think it could be related, and if there is a medical system in the state where all this could be handled together. 

    Edited to add: Maybe look into the Orlando Health UF Cancer center? They treat multiple types of cancer, and have all sorts of specialists, and of course are affiliated with the hospital so may be better able to coordinate the neuropathy issues. By that I mean, they deal with tumors on the spine/brain already, so would know what type of imaging is needed to rule that out, etc. They are also a Cancer Center of Excellence, and I am a BIG believer in going to a center of excellence when possible, they have to keep track of outcomes, infection rates, etc etc to get that designation. https://www.orlandohealthcancer.com

    There's a Mayo Clinic branch in Jacksonville, too.  They are famous for their one stop shopping so-to-speak for medical care, coordinating care between specialists, etc. A family member went there for one issue, and one of the scans revealed potential other issues, and they left with a coordinated plan with multiple specialists addressing multiple issues.

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  8. I got a lot of good information from breastcancer.org's Forums.

    My biopsy ended up benign, but I was impressed that I had the results within 24 hours.  This was in SW FL.  I sought out a female radiologist whose entire specialty was breast cancer and women.  I think it made a difference.  The best advice I was given was to always keep one of the ice packs in the freezer, so I could switch them out of my bra when the other one was warm.  My radiologist was impressed at how good the biopsy site looked.

    I ended up with a breast MRI the following year....and it was just weird.  Not as uncomfortable as the MRI on my shoulder....just loud and weird.  You are face down in kind of like a massage table thing....your breasts hang down in these cut outs.

    I don't remember exactly where you are, but Moffitt in Tampa has an excellent reputation.

  9. 38 minutes ago, KathyBC said:

    I think that's part of why motivation has been a bit easier for me: At this stage of life (approaching 50), nearly EVERYONE I know has to do this to stay at a healthy weight, even my previously lifelong underweight dh. So I don't feel alone, I feel like as you age your metabolism slows down so it's a natural stage of life. I enjoyed eating everything when I was younger, now that the kids aren't littles I actually have time to exercise. I still plan to balance moderate enjoyment at Christmas and other special days, and when my aging parents or young adults need me, might have to drop all my ambitious exercise plans for a skimpier version (FlyLady exercise, lol). I've made the mental adjustment. I think. Fingers crossed.

    Do you get that a lot of the fat people you see have always struggled with their weight?  Always.  Most of the people I know from my bariatric support groups were in Weight Watchers and other programs at seven, eight, nine years old.  On protein sparing liquid fasts or diet pills at 12.  While some may overeat, there is at least an equal group who do not.  Not every fat person is finishing off pints of ice cream of consuming large or even small pizzas.   When I see posts joking about how much food their kids or teens eat, I know that one of my kids cannot do that.  He takes after me, he got the metabolically short end of the stick for today's world... so if he eats until he is full, he gains weight.  If he eats more than what is viewed as a diet portion, he gains weight.  It was recommended that he have bariatric surgery when he was 12 due to his history and mine.  That's unusual. 

    Of course, some people who have been dieting their entire lives do just give up.  If they're already 100 pounds while eating 1200 kcal/day, why not go all out?  What does it matter?

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  10. I have a "failed" sleeve gastrectomy, which means that in spite of removing more than 80% of my stomach permanently, I was never able to reach a normal BMI (or non-obese BMI).  In spite of this, even 11 years later with some stretching,  I am routinely out eaten by most toddlers.  I cannot consume more than one piece of pizza. I cannot finish a sandwich or veggie burger or anything like that.  A cup of lentil soup is a meal for me.  I have trouble finishing a normal sized apple or a full banana.  On the rare occasion that we go out for ice cream, I cannot finish a kids' scoop.  This is my norm. I eat far less than I did pre-surgery, but it doesn't really matter. I'm still obese.  For me, my body adapted to the surgery very quickly, and I stopped losing after 2-3 months. This is not normal, but this is me.  Of course, you don't know that when you see me on the street.  You just see a frazzled fat lady.  

    The next step is to surgically induce short gut syndrome on myself by bypassing most of my small intestine with an operation known as a duodenal switch.  It's extremely effective in morbidly obese and super morbidly obese people.  85% weight loss, with studies going out 20 years.  High resolution for T2 diabetes, sleep apnea, hypertension, etc.   It is not the easy way out, however.  I will likely have extremely foul smelling BMs and flatus for the rest of my life due to basically undigested waste.  I can die if I do not keep up with protein supplementation, vitamin, and minerals.   Some people end up losing too much weight and are on pancreatic enztmes or TPN or end up with a reversal surgery.  The newer SADI-S/SIPP/Loop DS may be better, may not be.  There just isn't the long term data out there.

    For the morbidly obese, bariatric surgery is the only thing that has been proven effective long term.  Not one diet has been shown to lead to significant weight loss that lasts.  Remember weight loss drugs that lead to a 10% reduction in weight are seen as a success.  If you need to lose 100 pounds, losing 10 pounds or even 25 pounds doesn't really change your life.   May help your knees or your diabetes, but people will still see you as fat, and treat you as such.  Even bariatric surgery is viewed as a success if you lose 50% of your excess weight.  So for many, they may end up around a BMI of 30, much better than they were, but not thin.

    Most fat and morbidly obese people are not fat out of lack of will power.  Most have lost hundreds of pounds time and time again.  Look at the Biggest Loser contestants, who basically starved themselves and exercised multiple hours per day only to regain.  It's not about will power.  

    The whole ACE (adverse childhood events)  findings came out of finding out that a vast majority of morbidly obese people are survivors of childhood sexual abuse. 

    When you see a fat person, see a survivor.  


    • Like 7
  11. 6 hours ago, Rosie_0801 said:

     Over here, if there's DV involved, the mediators won't touch you with a ten foot pole. 

    I'm surprised it's only 60%. Maybe the other 40% only wanted to fight, not to win.

    They're not supposed to here, but with going to court being so expensive.... may DV survivors try mediation anyways.  Then, of course, their abuser comes back and sues for full custody, after she's already given up significant rights in terms of spousal support and child support.  

    • Sad 1
  12. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7297889/Christian-author-advocated-against-premarital-sex-says-hes-lost-faith.html

    "The information that was left out of our announcement is that I have undergone a massive shift in regard to my faith in Jesus. The popular phrase for this is "deconstruction," the biblical phrase is "falling away." By all the measurements that I have for defining a Christian, I am not a Christian,' he revealed. "

    This makes me sad.  I hope he realizes that there are many denominations, many types of Christians, and accepting LGBTQ folks, does not make you a non-Christian.  

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  13. We moved two cars from upstate NY to southeast FL six or seven years ago using a car carrier trucking service.  It was called Magic Carpet Auto Transport.  Total cost was cheaper than I thought.  Maybe $600 each?  

    Be sure to turn off any Easy-Pass or toll thing.  

    • Like 2
  14. 12 minutes ago, MissLemon said:

    But the Christening was different form what everyone else.  It was held in the Queen's private chapel. Regular citizens don't get to have their babies christened there.  Regular citizens also don't get to keep the names of godparents secret.  They get to be public record.  

    The reason Meghan and Harry get bad press is because they want to have their cake and eat it too.  They want the perks of royal life without any of the tiring bits. 

    Everyone in the royal family is "on" 24/7.  Meghan and Harry aren't being put into a unique position.  Princess Anne had over 500 public engagements in 2018. Talk about being "on" 24/7! 

    While the taxpayers did not fund the lavish baby shower, the ostentatious display of wealth is not received well by taxpayers.  It just looks greedy. 

    Really?? So was Lady Louise's christening.  https://www.royal.uk/announcement-christening-lady-louise-windsor

    Viscount Severn https://www.royal.uk/arrangements-christening-viscount-severn

    Lena Tindall's christening was not held at Windsor, but was also private. https://www.news.com.au/entertainment/celebrity-life/royals/meghans-gorgeous-vintage-look-at-christening-of-zara-tindalls-baby/news-story/4339d6708be86794616fa92064e6097c

    In these, I don't see any naming of the Godparents, FWIW....but as to that, honestly, why do you care?? Shouldn't that be a private decision regarding who may guide your child's faith? 

    Still....it appears that royal christenings can be legally kept private.  Others may choose to release the names, but do they have to?? Legally no.



    However, details of royal christenings can legally be kept under wraps.

    A spokesperson for the Church of England said: “Under the Parochial Registers and Records Measure 1978 all baptisms must be registered and the record made is normally publicly available for searches and for the making of certified copies of entries.


    However the register to be used in this case is held privately by the royal household on behalf of the Crown and we understand that it has never complied with the usual requirement.

    Instead, the details of Archie's baptism will be held on the royal register - which is likely to remain in the Royal Archives at Windsor Castle for posterity.


    A Buckingham Palace spokesperson confirmed: "The baptism will be registered on the royal register and held privately as other royal baptisms have been."



    So once again, Meghan is getting grief for no reason whatsoever as far as I can tell.  These are all excuses...the real reason?? Probably similar to why some people were so negative to the Princeton and Harvard-educated extremely fit Michelle Obama and venerate a topless model over her today.

    • Like 8
  15. 17 minutes ago, MissLemon said:

    Re: Meghan acting like a diva.  It's not just the "no photos, please" request.  It's the culmination of these events that generate negative press: showing up at Wimbledon in jeans, the $500,000 baby shower, the $2.4million renovation of Frogmore Cottage, not being appropriately dressed when meeting foreign nationals, generally not seeming to follow established royal protocol, the revolving door of personal assistants and nannies. 

    I was very sympathetic to her when she first got married.  It's a big role to take on, and I expected there would be some "oops" moments.  It's been over a year, however.  I don't believe that anyone at Buckingham Palace is unaware of what's been happening.  No one at BP is saying "Muahaha! Let her fail! Stupid American!".  If she looks bad, they all look bad.  I'm sure the Queen, Prince Charles, and Prince William all know of the bad press Meghan and Harry are generating and have spoken to them both about how to improve the public's perception of them and offered help.  Yet...a year later nothing has improved.  I don't think neither Meghan nor Harry really want to improve and follow established protocol.  I think they are deliberately thumbing their noses at it all, which...ok...a lot of people don't approve of the monarchy.  But it's really rich to have that attitude when you *are* a part of the monarchy and all of your expensive, ill-fitting clothes, your home, your personal body guards are provided for you by that same taxpayer-funded monarchy. 

    Edited to add: and Harry is just as much to blame for the bad press as his wife.  He's supposed to be helping her fit into this role. 

    There is a segment of the British press that has always disliked Meghan....because she is biracial, American, an actress, older than Harry, and a divorcee.  She is referred to by a bunch of very unkind names... reminds me of how the Duchess of York was treated (although no weight shaming).  That public treatment (as well as toe sucking) led to her divorce from Prince Andrew....yet....they basically continued to live together and still do.  I fear that is a risk for Harry and Meghan.   He obviously adores her...and she him...but the public scrutiny is harsh. 

    There has also been press on how the Queen gets along better with Meghan vs. Kate....and that bothers people. 

    The Baby shower was not paid for by the British public.  It was paid for by Meghan's friends in America.

    As for the "cottage"...honestly, if one is expected to work 24/7 for the rest of one's life....why not get one's home renovated on the tax payer's dime?? How much tourism, good will, etc. do the Royal Family bring in?? Meghan and Harry are far more liked abroad....and while her biracialness hurts her with many people at home, it's a sign of a modern monarchy that is more relatable to many in the Commonwealth.  

    The Queen apparently remarked on how late she worked in her pregnancy.  She did a cookbook that raised a lot of money for the women in the Grenfell Tower fire.   They've barely been married a year, and she has been "on" 24/7.  Even though she's an actress...and in theory knew what she was getting into....nobody can really prepare for it.  Also, she's far more popular and polarizing then say the Countess of Wessex.  So she draws more attention and criticism.  

    I think they had every right to handle the christening as they did.... and it really wasn't that different from anybody else.  Private ceremony, followed by release of pictures.  

    Having said all this... Wimbledon is a very public event...and the Royal Box doesn't get more public.  Her security did not handle it well.  

    I do not think she can win, though.  She draws too much attention as the first biracial Princess....and as an actress.  I fear that in spite of the obvious love between her and Harry, it will be a tough fight.  

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