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Posts posted by umsami

  1. I grew up Presbyterian...I have no idea if we were PCA or PCUSA back then.  Not sure if there was a difference/division.

    History goes back to John Knox, though.

    Our services were boring...old school, organ music.  Nobody brought their own Bible.  We would sing the doxology and such.  My brother and I kind of thought as long as you avoided the "Big 10" you were fine. Nothing was ever said about abstinence, accepting Jesus (we were baptized as infants--and becoming confirmed was kind of automatic), etc.  John 3:16? Not spoken about. I loved being in the bell choir, though.  We had "reverands" or "Dr." (doctor of theology) not pastors. 

    Church was about being social....seeing the other "right kind of people".  Our church was gorgeous...it looked like it came from Scotland. 

    We dressed for church.  Dresses, pantyhose, etc. Men wore suits and ties.  

    Later, I moved down South and met much more religious Presbyterians.  Totally different game.  Francis Schaeffer was a big influence. People brought Bibles, had Bible studies, etc.  Church dress was more casual, though...not sure if it's a Southern thing or not.  AFAIK, church I grew up in hasn't changed.

    Screen Shot 2020-02-11 at 9.54.37 AM.png

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  2. I'm surprised that this was kept secret for so long!  Fascinating story. 


    "For more than half a century, governments all over the world trusted a single company to keep the communications of their spies, soldiers and diplomats secret.

    The company, Crypto AG, got its first break with a contract to build code-making machines for U.S. troops during World War II. Flush with cash, it became a dominant maker of encryption devices for decades, navigating waves of technology from mechanical gears to electronic circuits and, finally, silicon chips and software.

    The Swiss firm made millions of dollars selling equipment to more than 120 countries well into the 21st century. Its clients included Iran, military juntas in Latin America, nuclear rivals India and Pakistan, and even the Vatican.

    But what none of its customers ever knew was that Crypto AG was secretly owned by the CIA in a highly classified partnership with West German intelligence. These spy agencies rigged the company’s devices so they could easily break the codes that countries used to send encrypted messages."

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  3. This is just what our Zoey would do.  😄  She's a Golden who is on a kibble-only diet right now, trying to lose some weight.  Today, she ate half of a Jersey Mike's sub off of the stove. It was pushed way back. My daughter said she probably thought it was Jersey Mike's kibble.  She also has a fondness for stealing entire sticks of butter to the point where we thought about renaming her Julia (after Julia Child). 


    • Haha 3
  4. I'm not sure how long cooked meat can safely last in the fridge...so I would look for things that can be frozen, but easily reheated.  (Not sure it can make it a week.)

    Meatloaf--either in a small mini-tin or in muffin pans.

    Beef stew. Easy-peasy to make in an Instant Pot.

    Roasted chicken quarters...Pioneer Woman used to do a recipe for drumsticks which involved basting them with butter and Lowry's Seasoning Salt. Surprisingly Good.

    Actually, what if you bought him a Costco/Sam's Club Rotisserie Chicken? Or bought one yourself and used it to make things with...such as pasta alfredo with chicken, chicken fajitas, etc.


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  5. Planning a bday party for a 9 year old at our local park.  It's one of those places where you rent a covered area with picnic tables and such.  The park is a great kid friendly park--with two fabulous playgrounds, trees for climbing, splash pad, etc.  We have the only pavilion (area) reserved for that day.  Best part is, it only costs $10 to reserve it.

    This kid is in school, so we have to invite the entire class--and this seemed like the easiest way to do so.

    My older kids usually had parties at places like Chuck E Cheese or trampoline parks--where the standard food is two slices of pizza plus a drink.

    As it's a giant park, and we'll have plenty of space, I'm fine with siblings and such attending--in that, they can participate in games and have cake and such.  I'm not sure I can afford to feed everybody, if

    people bring their entire families. (20 kids + 1-3 siblings each=a lot more food).   Is it fine to say I'll have cake for siblings and they're welcome to any leftovers?

    How do I plan the amount of food for kids in the 9-10 age?  It's sort of Muslim culture to always have way too much food. 😄' I was going to do a plate of subs from Publix (local grocery store known for good subs), maybe a plate of their chicken tenders as well, chips, fruit salad, normal salad, etc.  May have some Uncrustables as well.


    Gamewise, I'm thinking traditional bday games...so three legged race, sack race, egg on a spoon, etc.  Most parties we attend do not have games and such, they are usually at the aforementioned type places.  

    Craftwise...make a light saber/sword from foam noodles....so perhaps we can figure out a game to do with those. 


  6. So I'm going to share what I found. 

    This is a nicely formatted one for a cell phone:



    Here is another more general one:



    Family Media Contract: https://www.commonsensemedia.org/sites/default/files/uploads/pdfs/common_sense_family_media_agreement.pdf



    I'm not so sure about asking for all passwords for devices (in most of these). When they are teens, I kind of feel that they should have privacy.  We may use something like Bark or may simply say that if I ask to see it, you need to let me.  Still thinking about that. 

  7. On 2/4/2020 at 11:16 AM, Sneezyone said:


    Her maiden name is of Arabic origin. She’s not Muslim and was raised in a primarily Catholic Latin country. 

    ETA: you do realize that ululations are common vocalizations in Latin America, South Asia and parts of Africa, right? It also occurs among Jews. What does that have to do with Islam, her last name, or the half time show?

    Shakira is Lebanese on her Dad's side.  (Her grandparents were from Lebanon.) She did a zagrouda/zagroutta--which is a traditional Arabic women's vocalization done at times of joy (weddings for example.) Although usually women will cover their mouth with one hand (perhaps to hide the tongue action? Guessing it's a modesty thing.).  She sings in Arabic on some of her songs.  She speaks in Arabic at her concerts in the ME, and was one of the Pepsi spokespeople along with Amr Diab in the Middle East a few years ago.  No idea if she still is. She speaks Arabic, Spanish, English, Portuguese, etc. 

    As for being Muslim, I've never heard that she herself is Muslim. I believe she was raised Catholic. Mebarak...I'm assuming is like Mubarak...means Blessed. I'm pretty sure it's the same root as Barack, for what it's worth (although my Arabic sucks). Chedid is also Arabic...means strong.  I don't believe either is uniquely associated with Muslims--and Lebanon is half Catholic.  Just like Arabic-speaking Jews and Christians say "Allah" for God.  It's a language that while associated with Islam due to the Qur'an being revealed in Arabic, is not exclusive to Islam.  I believe there are about 2 million Arabic-speaking Christians in the world, possibly more.  Mizrahi Jews? Not sure, and not sure how many still speak Arabic. (Most were expelled from their home countries after the establishment of Israel and then the Suez Canal Crisis in Egypt.) 

    As to the OT, I thought they both did a good job--and I was super impressed with JLo's daughter.  Having the courage to perform at the Super Bowl. Wow.  I would expect them to be dressed as they were.  JLo is not known for her modesty.  Of course, the male rappers were all fully clothed.  It says more about society's expectations regarding appearance, then it does them IMHO.  Yeah, some Muslim Moms are freaking out about how they were dressed.  But most Muslims don't expect non-Muslims to adhere to our modesty standards...so I would think they are in the minority. The average Muslim who saw that J.Lo was performing at the Super Bowl would kind of assume her outfit would not meet Islamic modesty standards. 🙂

    Loved that they are in their 40s and 50s, and yet still looked great.  

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  8. On 1/27/2020 at 12:07 PM, Dotwithaperiod said:

    I know this is about the Holocaust. But look at Aung San Suu. How on earth can a woman with her history be complicit in the genocide of Rohingyas today? I can not bend my mind around her.


    This is a good article, "Rohingya crisis: The Gambian who took Aung San Suu Kyi to the world court"

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  9. We love their frozen lasagna. It's around $3...and is a traditional bechamel style lasagna.  I'll buy a bagged Caesar salad and call it a night.  It serves four well, but sometimes I'll cook two depending on how many teens are at home that night.

    Buy berries there... strawberries, raspberries, etc.

    My kids like their chocolate croissants that are where the bread is. 

    At Christmas, they had cute snowman and reindeer ice cream bars.  

  10. 7 minutes ago, Dotwithaperiod said:

    I know this is about the Holocaust. But look at Aung San Suu. How on earth can a woman with her history be complicit in the genocide of Rohingyas today? I can not bend my mind around her.

    I know.  In some ways, it reminds me of the Milgram experiment--although she's reportedly the one in power, but perhaps realty is it's the military.  Perhaps te transition from military to democracy hasn't really happened in Myanmar.   I remember when she won the Nobel Prize.... I remember all the good press about her.  But if you've heard the stereotypes about a group for your entire life... you're not completely immune.  

  11. So I was doing a post on this, and decided to do some research.

    It is very sobering to learn that the population of Jews in the world was 16.7 million in 1939.

    It was 11 million in 1945.

    It is still only 14.6 million today.

    That means, the Jewish population still has not recovered from the effects of the Holocaust.  Today. 75 years later. 😞



    I'll also add that "never again" were words only.  We've seen Rwanda, Bosnia, Cambodia, Indonesia, the Rohingya, and the Uyghurs since then.  I never knew about the Soviets losing 13.3% of their population...or what the Soviets did to the Ukranians.   This is sobering: 


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  12. Not sure if on Amazon, but on Etsy I've seen these rolls of cloth paper towels that are reusable and look cool.

    My Mom gave me a bunch of refrigerator jars maybe 20 years ago that she got at antique stores and such.  I still have them and love them.  They have a glass lid that is just kept in place by its weight.   Like this... I have small ones, large rectangular ones, and one oval one https://www.etsy.com/listing/739358839/federal-glass-small-square-vegetable?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=refrigerator+jars&ref=sr_gallery-1-11&cns=1

  13. Let's see...some favorites..

    hummus with carrots, cucumbers, red peppers, and chips

    tzatziki with those mini naan breads or cut up pita bread

    Egyptian red lentil soup with cut up lemons (not everybody likes) and pita chips

    Banana milkshakes... frozen banana, milk of choice, dash of vanilla (can add honey or agave too...we don't)

    Mini bagels with cream cheese and tomatoes or cucumbers (depends on kid)

    BLTs made with Morningstar Farms veggie bacon or turkey bacon...and cut into triangles (important on BLTs for some weird reason)

    Deviled eggs many different ways... current favorite is Caesar deviled eggs

    Egg salad sandwiches 

    Cucumber and cream cheese sandwiches

    One pot spaghetti made in the Instant Pot...and put in a thermos. I cut the spaghetti with kitchen shears or use a smaller pasta shape if traveling 

    Chicken kebabs with Trader Joe's garlic sauce for dipping

    Wraps made with cream cheese, sliced turkey, red peppers, banana peppers and cut into pinwheels

    Homemade trail mix... usually contains Cheerios (banana nut right now), maybe popcorn, dark chocolate chips, almonds, pistachios, etc.

    Cut up cheese and crackers

    Nutella, banana, and strawberry wraps


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  14. I was stunned by this and my heart just breaks for his wife.  She's been with him since she was like 17 or so.  To lose your husband and your daughter? 😞 😞 😞

    I saw a report that she heard the news via TMZ.  I pray to God that isn't true.  She would have known her daughter was with her Dad.  Imagine finding that out from a tweet or website or whatever.  How horrible.

    • Sad 5
  15. 3 hours ago, StellaM said:


    I guess it's no worse than a green card marriage.

    I have to say though, and this is not meant as disrespect to you personally, but I think it's much healthier for a gay man and lesbian woman to leave a religion that forces them to live a lie for acceptance. It's really not OK.

    Or ya know, move to Melbourne (has a gay friendly mosque..there must be others).


    There are gay friendly mosques...but they are pretty much exclusively in Western countries...and even in those countries, rare, and limited to large cities.  There are huge expectations of  getting married among Muslims--so I think that is why.  I don't view it as really a green card marriage (know a few of those), because these couples usually live together as friends....and some may even have children together (whether IVF is used, I really wouldn't know.) .  I hope things will continue to change and become more accepting.  I'm optimistic by the reported attitudes towards same sex marriage and such among younger Muslims these days.   Homophobia is a lot like Islamophobia in that it's harder to maintain those beliefs when you know a real gay person or Muslim person (or both) IRL.  Muslim kids these days are likely to have at least one gay friend...or at least know a few gay kids at school.  That helps regardless of what their parents may believe.

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  16. This man went to prison for 38 years for murdering his wife's abusive ex-husband.  His sentence was finally commuted.  While there, he helped over 1500 inmates get their degree.

    "White was a highly decorated helicopter pilot in the Vietnam War, which is where he earned the nickname Sneaky, for sneaking through a field filled with landmines. He was suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder when in 1980 he shot and killed the violent ex-husband of his wife, Nancy. White said the man had threatened both of them and molested his own stepdaughter. In 1981 White received his life sentence with no possibility of parole.


    Resigned to that reality, he began community outreach programs, including a Vietnam veterans’ group while in San Quentin, one of several prisons where he spent time. At Ironwood, after reading a study about the recidivism rates for those who leave prison with a college degree, he convinced a warden to help him start the college program. At the time there was only one other program like it in the state, at San Quentin; now nearly every prison in California has adopted the format.

    White also created a culture of charity in prison, convincing fellow inmates and guards to donate to local organizations. Over the years, he helped raise several hundred thousand dollars for everything from seeing-eye dogs for veterans to a local girls’ softball team, all through in-prison fundraisers like walkathons and pizza sales."


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  17. 16 hours ago, StellaM said:

    I personally think it's incredibly unfair on a spouse for a gay or lesbian person to marry them as a 'fix'. If you are gay, you are not sexually attracted to your wife, and that's just...not OK.



    Missed this, but 100% agree with you.  Sadly, that is the advice that is given by some religious figures.  However, thankfully, I think it is far more common these days for a gay and lesbian Muslim to marry as a cover for each other.  While not ideal, neither has any illusions about the other being attracted to them or not.

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  18. 3 hours ago, StellaM said:

    Do you know any gay Muslims or gay ex-Muslims?

    I kinda feel like that's the source of advice she needs right now.

    I really do not think that a lot of rah-rah secular queer advice is going to be good for her or her son.


    I know two adults IRL who are closeted to the Muslim community, but out in their normal life.  I know one of my kids' friends is a lesbian--but she thinks nobody else knows. I have no idea if that's true or not (that nobody else knows.) 

    All of my kids know that if any of their friends come out as gay (or are outed) and need a place to stay, our home is safe.  DD told one of her friends who came out on National Coming Out Day this (but her family has no idea.) 

    I used to know of some online groups and such...I may reach out to them.

    Being Muslim and gay is not safe for most, sadly. 

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  19. I'm rarely too sick that I can't read or watch Netflix.

    When I am, all I want to do is sleep. 

    I also tend to take lots of showers and baths as I usually feel better after those.... oh, and wash the sheets.  Feels really nice was sick/feverish/sweaty to take a shower and then lie down on clean sheets with nice clean PJs on. 

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