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Everything posted by umsami

  1. I buy Birkis for about $100-$125, but they last forever. Back when I was working, I would usually buy shoes in the $70 range, as I have wide feet, so can't necessarily buy everywhere.
  2. As others have said, it's a spectrum. Being a male makes you more likely to commit a mass shooting, whether you're NT or not. I do know of friends whose sons on the spectrum have gotten more difficult to handle as they get older. I'm not sure if it is a frustration with dating/hormones or not. But I don't know that it holds true for all. But it also holds true for friends with NT sons too. Remember an article I read after Sandy Hook, about how a Mom was now afraid of her teen son on the spectrum. Hadn't been the case previously. Bigger issue was that there was not a lot she could do for him. We really need a strong revamp of mental health in this country, but I don't see it happening. What kills me in this case and in the case of Sandy Hook (haven't looked at the others) is that the parents were doing their very best. They had more material resources than many. And still, it wasn't enough.
  3. Will be keeping you, your DH, and your kids in my prayers. I'm sorry.
  4. She lived an amazing life. Was just reading her obit in the NY Times, and realized that I only knew a small portion of her story. Sad loss. :(
  5. We buy the chicken teriyaki meatballs and keep them in the freezer for an emergency meal. I serve with broccoli and cheese and rice. We buy the Tzaktziki and the guacamole. Freeze the guac for fajitas. Buy the bag of mini peppers, chicken breasts, shredded mexican cheese, and tortillas too for making chicken fajitas. We buy frozen uncooked shrimp and make copycat bang bang shrimp and serve it over rice. My husband and kids like the parmesan crusted frozen tilapia. We buy the mixed organic frozen veggies and use them in everything. We buy the organic ground beef three-pack and use it in meatloaf, hamburgers, kofta, etc. And of course, I always get a faux Frappucino on the way out. :)
  6. We've done this w/veggie dogs. It's an easy way to make something that tastes like corn dogs. I just use Jiffy cornbread mix and sometimes add in a bit of cheese. :)
  7. I got a 93%. I thought I would do much worse. I think celebrities are easier than "real life" people for me.
  8. :grouphug: In our area (which granted is chock full of retirees), they've begun to train people as death midwives, often through hospice. These are people who help the dying person and the family through the last moments. I have no idea if that's available where you are, but you could ask your hospice group. Your Mom knows that you have been there for her, and I'm sure she appreciates it. You're a great daughter. Be gentle with yourself. I know it's kind of corny, but when thinking about my Dad who has months (if that) to live, I find comfort in the Richard Bach quote, "What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the Master calls a butterfly."
  9. We have a "Better than Latex" mattress we got at Sam's Club and I love it to death. Couldn't afford a 100% latex, so went with this. It's part latex, part memory foam. Best mattress I've ever owned.
  10. If you paint over the paper, there's a good chance you'll have to deal with at some time in the future. My general advice is always remove it, but you might want to ask the people at a local hardware store or ask on some of the old house fix-up forums. There may be an easier/better fix. Sounds like it's not a simple answer in your case. :) Found these http://ths.gardenweb.com/forums/load/oldhouse/msg02115539463.html?13 http://www.thisoldhouse.com/toh/asktoh/question/0,,192918,00.html http://homerenovations.about.com/od/wallsandtrim/f/wallpaperplaste.htm
  11. I have low vitamin D and B12 (as well as being hypothyroid…so maybe there's a connection). Low D is very common in women who cover. (Lots of journal articles.) To keep mine in the normal range, I need to take 50,000-100,000 IU of D3 per week. (Usually 100,000 in the winter.) Even then, I'm barely squeaking over 40. I do it via 50,000 IU caplets, but there are some treatments which involve injections for people with fat metabolism issues. Take your D with fat if possible. Experiment with other brands. Because I only take 1 D3 per week, it doesn't affect how I feel. As for B12, I do sublingual tablets 2x/week. They're cherry flavored. I think I bought them at Costco. :)
  12. I have to say that I"m amazed that some of you guys sort by color. I'm sure my OCD husband would love that, but for me, just having them all picked up would be awesome.
  13. :grouphug: I'm sorry. I bet your niece loved your gift and loves that you were thinking of her on this special day. I hope that when she's older, you can have a wonderful relationship with her…and hopefully mend the one with your sister. Can you call your niece and sing "Happy Birthday" to her? My parents always call my kids on their birthdays and sing to them. We are all horrible singers in my family, and it's completely dorky, but it wouldn't be a birthday without it. :)
  14. Yes, I do regret giving up my career sometimes…. especially as I feel it can make one feel trapped in a marriage. But I do not regret homeschooling, as it has done wonderful things for my son and my family. I did try to pick up some consulting jobs in the early years of being a SAHM, but it was tough to do the travel to clients. The one thing with homeschooling to remember is that it is not a lifetime commitment, or even a year long commitment. If it isn't working for you, or a job offer turns up that is too good to turn down, your child can return to school and you can return to work. Yes, it gets harder after 5-10 years, but in the beginning, it does not have to be a forever commitment.
  15. It's grown easier and easier for me to toss things over time because I cannot think of one instance when I've missed something that I've tossed. For kids, if it's not in good enough condition to be passed on or does not have sentimental value, it's donated or trashed (depending on condition). If we've changed climates, and it's unlikely we'll need mittens or whatever, I donate them. For me, if it's books/magazines that I doubt I will reread, then they're donated/recycled. Most paper stuff I recycle. I have a bin for each kid for each school year that I save the best examples of work. The rest I recycle. I really do think the "when in doubt, throw it out" is good advice.
  16. I know in some cultures (Filipino for one) hotdogs and spaghetti are quite common. http://pinchofyum.com/filipino-spaghetti
  17. I'm so so sorry for your loss. I'm glad you and your DD got to be closer to him. I will be keeping your family in my thoughts and prayers.
  18. See, I gave up on pins years ago. I realized I just can't deal with them. They always ruined my scarves, plus my little ones were always grabbing them. So, I've been 98% Al Amirah for the past 10 years.
  19. Wait, you were kidding? OK, now I have to unlike your post. I thought it was a totally reasonable solution. ;)
  20. I remember for my high school graduation party, my Mom insisted on formal invitations on Crane paper. Sigh. In this day and age, honestly, I have no problem with it. Weddings are expensive enough. Let the bride and groom spend their money however they like. The only completely awesome wedding invitation I've ever received was from a Hindu friend. it was a real production, because the wedding went on for days (there was a henna night, then another party, then the Hindu wedding, Hindu reception, Catholic wedding, Catholic reception.) Well worth it. Most are not, though. :)
  21. So, if it was some random stranger, I'd probably just roll my eyes and ignore it. BUT, it seems like there is a lot more going on with this person that just the anti-homeschooling statements. I would probably sit them down and have a chat. If that didn't work, then I would severely limit contact with them.
  22. I'd make fattoush, which is a middle eastern chopped salad. Recipe at http://www.haaretz.com/blogs/modern-manna/.premium-1.529257 We usually just use romaine lettuce, cucumbers, tomato, parsley, maybe one or two carrots, and onions (instead of shallots). Dressing is lemon juice, olive oil, garlic, salt and pepper. Add in the pita croutons when you get there or else they get soggy. I'd also do something along the lines of potato or macaroni salad, assuming those are not covered in sides or some other category. There was a great recipe for potato salad by one of the Food Network stars http://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/aaron-mccargo-jr/classic-potato-salad-recipe.html Macaroni salad http://www.cookingchanneltv.com/recipes/kelsey-nixon/classic-macaroni-salad.html
  23. I thought these were funny. :) http://www.buzzfeed.com/regajha/struggles-only-hijabis-will-understand
  24. A million times yes. :iagree: :hurray:
  25. :grouphug: I'm sorry that your son is going through this. I'm sure you're proud of him too.
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