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Everything posted by umsami

  1. I have Hashimoto's….but my treatment is the same (Synthroid). Apparently, it may be related to my gluten intolerance/Celiac's. (Never dx with a biopsy, but I do have the genes and extreme sensitivity for the past 25 years.)
  2. I can't help but think of what the Iranians thought when the USS Vincennes shot down an Iranian passenger plane in the late 80s. I was abroad at the time, but wonder what the US coverage was like. It's not like they were rebels or militants, it was a US Navy ship, with all of our technology. Apparently, we've never apologized for the incident. One would think, now would be a good time.
  3. Faith…the hospital should have a social worker on staff which may be able to help you. Re: the docs, they might not be full time on staff at the hospital. Check and see (google) if they have a main office elsewhere. Any physician should be able to sign off on equipment you need. Getting the hospital social worker to help may make this happen faster.
  4. So, I really like the look of Jousting Armadillos. I'm just wondering when to do it. Is it considered a basic pre-algebra class, so I'd assume for 7th grade or after Saxon 7/6 or Math Mammoth 6? Is it more of an Algebra 1? Help. :)
  5. I don't count cooking/baking as housework, but would count the cleaning up time after. I make three meals per day, pretty much every day. BUT, I choose 1-2 hours for cleaning…and to be honest, it's far closer to one than two. Seeing that some spend so much more time, no wonder my home is not as clean. :)
  6. Your kitty may have a UTI. You should have her checked by a vet. We've always done well with the enzymatic cleaners at the pet store. I would do that…and then rent a Rug Doctor or similar machine and buy the pet stains/odor shampoo.
  7. Have a wonderful day filled with good memories and good cake!
  8. Had a friend who is attending the International Aids Conference in Melbourne and 100 of her colleagues were on board. 100 of the world's best and brightest AIDS researchers. What a devastating loss. :( http://sanfrancisco.cbslocal.com/2014/07/17/around-100-aids-researchers-heading-to-melbourne-conference-aboard-malaysia-airlines-flight-ukraine-russia-aircraft-crash-victims-australia/
  9. I had no idea people did this. There are no kill shelters. Heck, put an ad on Craigslist. At least, at bare minimum, first take them to one of the low-cost spay/neuter places.
  10. Bummer…I'm four years and four kids too late. Would have loved some, especially after watching "Call the Midwife."
  11. Bake 'em and eat 'em. Still cold? Still fine.
  12. One of the things that I learned from my MIL is to make baklava with a custard filling instead of nuts. (Of course, there is no bad baklava). It's really easy….and very good. I think it's best a little warm, but DH thinks it's best for breakfast the next day. You can either make it with the phyllo sheets or the shredded phyllo dough. Start by making your sugar syrup. The rule is hot syrup…cold baklava…or vice versa. I usually just do one cup sugar, one cup of water, and a squeeze of lemon on the stove….and then add in some vanilla near the end. You can also add rose water or orange water if you prefer them. Easy way…mix up a batch of Jell-o vanilla pudding, following the instructions for pie filling. Buy the kind that you have to heat. Next easiest way….make your own vanilla pudding from scratch. I usually do it in the microwave. 2 cups of milk, 1/2 cup sugar, 3 tablespoons of cornstarch… nuke for 2 minutes…whisk…nuke another 2 minutes….whisk. Keep nuking until thick….maybe a minute at a time. Then stir in vanilla extract. (Make it in a much larger bowl as the milk can go everywhere.) Hard core…make up vanilla pastry cream. You can add a little cinnamon to the pudding if you like that as well. Now melt some butter. Butter a pan, ideally one which fits your phyllo size or close to it. If using the shredded phyllo, you simply add it to a bowl with the melted butter and mix it with your hands. Usually about 1 stick is enough. Put half in the pan….spread it around…top with vanilla pudding….then put the rest down. Bake. In DH's culture, it's called kunafa. If using sheets, then put down two sheets, brush with butter, put down two more. Use about half….then don't put butter on the last set of sheets….and put your vanilla filling down. Try to keep it away from the edges, as it will burn. Cover it with two more sheets of phyllo. Press gently. Butter…repeat until you finish the sheets. If the sheets are too big for your pan, fold them over as you place them down. Alternate which side you fold over (so I fold over the top extra one time….and then the next time, I position it, so the extra is at the bottom.) Now take a serrated knife and cut the phyllo dough (yes, before you bake it). You can find fun designs online. I'm not fancy, I do squares. Pour any remaining butter on top (or at least brush it on). Bake in a 350 oven until golden…usually about 40-50 minutes, but it depends on your oven. When it comes out of the oven, pour the syrup on top. Try and wait a few minutes so you don't get burned by the syrup before eating. :)
  13. DS's swim instructor had an Ottorbox….she said it saved her many a mishap.
  14. My only issue with names is if I knew a very mean person with that name. It can take me awhile to "get over it" and give the new person with that name, the benefit of the doubt. (Wrong, I know.) But if your name has good associations, such as one of my best friends or one of my kids, you automatically rank higher (but can lose that via your own actions.) Our dog had a dog name combined with a human name… Sir Paws Maximillian….but went by just Paws. Our cat(s) have both been named Sabrina after the Audrey Hepburn flic. I have no issues with pets having "human" names.
  15. I know times have changed, but I was babysitting for a 4 and 2 year old all day during the summer when I was that age. Only made $1/hour too. I would probably plan to come over at lunch time each day and check on her. I'd also probably plan on staying in the afternoon or for an hour or so if I felt she needed me. You might want to help her brainstorm some activities for the kids for each day, too. But, your DD might surprise you. Sounds like she has a lot of good experience.
  16. Oh no, I will be adding the other driver and her children to my prayer list. Please get your Hb checked out…especially (as I'm sure you know) if they were worried about internal bleeding.
  17. Ah…see…I live in Florida…so….um….that sort of thing isn't so unusual. ;)
  18. "Random Harvest" is a good one with Ronald Coleman and Greer Garson. Audrey Hepburn in "A Nun's Story" "Goodbye Mr. Chips" "An Affair to Remember" "Penny Serenade" "The Women" 1930s version, not the remake :) "Dr. Zhivago" "My Life as a Dog" "Out of Africa" Any of the 50s Bible films…or "Song of Bernadette"
  19. My roommate in college got me a 64-pack for Christmas. One of the best gifts I've ever received. :)
  20. So, last year, I printed off Math Mammoth chapter by chapter. This year, I'd like to at least pre-print a semester's worth and get it spiral bound. Where is the best place to do this in terms of cost/quality?
  21. I know that schools are often graded/ranked by the number of AP and honor courses they offer. I'm fine with letting anybody take an honor course, but they need to understand that it will not be dumbed down for them. A syllabus, detailing the level of work required, should be available. I'd actually love to see the option of pass/fail for some courses like exists in college to encourage students to stretch a bit in high school. I went to a private school where 8th grade algebra was the norm. I think we had pre-algebra in 7th grade, although, to be honest, I don't remember. We then took geometry in 9th grade, algebra II/trig in 10th grade, pre-calculus in 11th grade, and calculus in 12th. Some kids took A/B calc, some took B/C.
  22. With four kids, it seems I can never buy enough Crayola 24-packs of crayons. There must be some sort of formula involving number of kids, time of homeschooling, etc… but I always underbuy.
  23. If you're ever going to convert to Islam, do so during the next two weeks. It's Ramadan…which means, multi-cultural awesome potluck every single night at many mosques. Plus, insanely good sweets. Oh…and for those who are bothered about men and women eating separately, I can tell you at least where I am…the women tend to make something extra for their "sisters". ;) (Total honesty, though, you don't have to convert to enjoy the food. Mosques welcome any and all people, especially during Ramadan. It's also a tradition in many Muslim countries to put out banquets for those who are hungry, so many see it as an extra blessing to feed people in need. If you like yummy things made with phyllo dough, stop by. It's also the time for qataif…which are little pancakes filled with cheese or nuts and deep fried. Oh, and little date filled cookies called mamoul. )
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