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Susan in TN

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Everything posted by Susan in TN

  1. A couple runners have tapped out - Not Davy and The Second Runner. It's been over 8 hours, so we should be getting into the Interloopal stage. Where is everyone? @Slache someone tweeted that they saw a Japanese guy at the fire tower 👍
  2. The runners in front should be about halfway through the first loop.
  3. Good morning! I've had a little headache and scratchy throat building all night. At one point I dreamed that I realized it was because I forgot to have my afternoon coffee but lucky for me I was in a bookshop that served coffee. None of that was true, unfortunately. I am guessing it's allergy nonsense. I'm planning to bring the Van to the autoshop when ds19 gets back from class and see if they can do an alignment and check the tires and brakes and transmission. I expect that they will keep the van at least until Monday, so we are having to do some transportation acrobatics with one vehicle, 4 drivers, and 5 schedules. I haven't been able to find a ride home from the shop, so if their transportation service isn't available I will have to walk home. It's an easy 4-1/2 mile stroll - nothing like the colorful terrain of the Barkley - Rat Jaw, Big Hell, Danger Dave's Climbing Wall, The Bad Thing... Coffee!
  4. The conch was blown at 4:17am EST, the race begins in 7 minutes. Happy Barkley Day! A guy named Keith has just become the most important person on X for the next 60ish hours, lol.
  5. I have had to make and take so many phone calls already today. Svengo. I should see if I can find the wire cutters in the van.
  6. I won't actually be checking at midnight. Hopefully I'll be asleep. But I'll check for updates during the night if I happen to wake up.
  7. Nice! No conch. Sigh. Looks like another midnight vigil.
  8. What the crap, Laz?!?! Still no conch. It's 11:20 eastern time. We've got until noon unless he's waiting until tomorrow? 😭
  9. Warning: BarkleyPost! Avert yer Eyeballs! Taka has his X spreadsheet up (based on whatever info he can scrounge up i.e. mostly rumor). It looks like ❤️John Kelly❤️ is running again. Aurelien also (first finisher last last year). Karel is not. Jasmine is there! Doesn't she hold the record for women there? Tomo of Japan is also back. As you were.
  10. Good morning! No conch yet. It's really cold out there, but should be warming up nicely. Of course, Frozen Head has it's own moody climate system. It was about 5:10 this morning when I got the joke about "Frozen Ed Furtaw". Ed Furtaw -> Frozen 'Ed -> Frozen Head Imma check The Lost Kitchen for postcard reservation instructions. 🌷Happy Spring!🌷 Coffee!
  11. It has to start tomorrow. Hopefully Laz will wait until the sun is up - it's gonna be freezing over night!
  12. Good morning! It's The Queen's favorite day! No Barkley yet. I checked #bm100 at 4am when Little Pup woke me up to potty. Nothing but kitties. And photoshopped pics of Kate Middleton posing in front of the Yellow Gate. Today we have all the usual things plus the girls will have to leave choir early to get to a different troop's meeting and help with their OA election. I might try to get to a store. I need to find a postcard to send to The Lost Kitchen. Coffee!
  13. We read Where'd You Go, Bernadette. I loved it. Some people didn't read it at all which is fine - we just have fun getting together. Next month's book is Jackie: Public, Private, Secret. We take turns hosting and choosing the book. Also, Ukulele happened which was super awesome. It is possible that we will incorporate some ukulele into our group get-togethers.
  14. Good morning! Happy Saint Patrick's Day! 🍀 Ds19 and I went to early service. I unexpectedly won't have to pick up the girls because one of the family's that went on the trip offered to drive them home - they should be getting here any minute. I'm hosting The Ladies of Grief Book Club this afternoon and have a few holiday-themed treats to serve. Coffee!
  15. No - they haven't started yet. You will probably not find anything on the internet. The First Rule of Barkley is you do not talk about Barkley, lol. At least not until it's started. Twitter/X @keithdunn and #bm100 are really the only reliable sources of information. Keith will let everyone know as soon as the Conch is blown. Kitty pic posting has increased dramatically due to the intense waiting! Most people are predicting Monday (between midnight and noon). Since there were 3 finishers last year, they are expecting extra shenanigans from Laz.
  16. For your Saturday Evening entertainment: I was surprised to find the full documentary on YouTube. There will be a quiz.
  17. You would enjoy the stress-managing kitty pic tweets. People are starting to wonder if it's not going to happen for a couple days. Svengo. I guess there's no real rule that it has to start on the weekend, but sheesh. In the meantime, I'm going to watch the youtube documentary that was made on the 2023 race - I believe there were 3 finishers! Including Karel the Belgian dentist, some other guy, and ❤️John Kelly❤️
  18. The Barkley still has not started. Tap Tap Tap ...
  19. Good morning! I was up extra early to bring the girls to scouts - they're driving to the Georgia museum today and then camping overnight. Otherwise today I have a little get-together with some church ladies (lol) and I'm hoping to get the floors mopped. I can't find my little yellow travel sketchbook and it's a little concerning. I'm pretty sure it's in the house. The conch shell has not been blown yet. We're all wondering what Laz is thinking. #bm100 #kittykontent Coffee!
  20. And now for something completely different... In case you were needing some motivation to plan your Pacific Crest Trail adventure...
  21. We are the bestest of friends And we’ll keep on ignoring-to the end We are the bestest We are the bestest No time for meanness Cuz we are the bestest on the net. (Apologies to Queen) Jean, ITT Anniversary 2018 ---------------------------------- To the ITT! In three years we have.... birthed babies moved fathers finished a graduate degree buried loved ones moved contemplated moving adopted new furry babies won.... and lost.... grafted fruit trees planned, planted and harvested gardens written a novel and sought for agents graduated children and sent them to college started therapies started new jobs .... and maybe even educated our children. Hear! Hear! Lynn, 3/15/2018 ---------------------------- Although introverted is what many of us are Open and unashamed we share on ITT Our friends here have truly raised the bar No better company could there ever be Angi, 2018
  22. ITT How happy this group has grown Ramblin’ in this thread alone Expressing one’s hope, another’s fear Offered up for help to bear Each member plays but one tiny part Daily love to the others to impart And members, in order to stay carefree, Know not to go swimming in the sea. - ikslo, year unknown
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