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Susan in TN

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Everything posted by Susan in TN

  1. We're having pancakes. Korean beef bowls are too hard to eat in the van. :D
  2. :D Yep! There are some traits that have seemed to disappear only to reappear later!
  3. They will probably change their spots in ways you do not expect. Ask me how I know.
  4. Go back to sleep and answer this later! If you can't use sesame oil or seeds, can you just leave them out, or substitute something else? (This is the recipe I looked at: https://damndelicious.net/2013/07/07/korean-beef-bowl/ )
  5. Remember the wise words of Teresa the Acute: Don't make unnecessary journeys. Don't take risks on treacherous roads. And don't swim in the sea.
  6. Wally managed to do his whole vacuum cycle yesterday while we were gone without getting stuck or tangled, or choking on a pencil, and he also put himself to bed. I think he's learning!
  7. My mom has always had this giant rhubarb patch in the yard. It likes MN climate much better than TN, but Hope Springs Eternal. I love rhubarb crisp and strawberry-rhubarb jam! If it gets planted this year I really won't be able to harvest any until next year, and it won't be fully producing for 2-3 years. :svengo: Give me patience!
  8. Good morning! Happy Pancake Day/Fat Tuesday/Mardi Gras/Shrove Tuesday! The sun is supposed to come out today! Followed by 9 days of rain. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=EfAhpX_wIBk Coffee!
  9. My advised friend texted me hearts and thank you and said she will make an appointment. :)
  10. We had tomato bisque with goldfish crackers. And now for something completely different. In an alarming turn of events, I gave a person some advice. :svengo: Oh so very gently and with humor because it is advice she really needs to follow about a serious matter (getting professional help). I don't expect that she will ever speak to me again.
  11. I’m coming, too! The company dh works for is sending some of its manufacturing to Mexico and some to Germany. I have mentioned more than once that dh needs to insist on visiting the factories and bringing me along as translator. Dd15 would have to come along to Mexico to translate the things that are too complicated for me. Which is anything beyond 1970’s Sesame Street Spanish. :lol:
  12. OMW I am totally going to print these out to decorate the kitchen table on Wednesday morning!:lol:
  13. (((Bookie & Board Books))) So glad help is being sought.
  14. So good to hear from you - I’ve been thinking about you the past few days. Sorry about the moving mess. A fafsa on moving!
  15. Dh and I try to go out for dinner for Valentine's Day, though never actually on the day, because crowds, and I try to get the kids a little chocolate and maybe cut out some paper hearts for them and we read about St. Valentine. I think we'll do a Fat Tuesday Valentine's Day. I bought a fancy Valentine card for dh a while back and now I can't find it. Bah. Time for sleeps - goodnight!
  16. PSA: Baked Potato + Leftover Cilantro Lime Sauce (from fish tacos) + chopped fresh tomatoes = Delicious!!
  17. Good morning! Lynn, if we blow real hard, maybe we can blow these rainclouds over to CA! 💨 Wally turned himself on at 2:30 this morning for some reason, so I had to chase him down and put him back to bed. And then I couldn't sleep because I kept hearing cars drive around and worried that it was our neighbor out on bail. I wonder if we can rig up Wally to be a guard botvac? Attach a bazooka and laser glare? I'm staying home this morning. Dh is bringing the kids to church. I have to go in later for a nursery workers meeting and then the kids have a children's choir concert this afternoon. The rain is supposed to stop soon. Coffee!
  18. I do solemnly swear that I will not go check out TGC DVD sale. ðŸ“
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