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Posts posted by LillianinAL

  1. One more question. What level of R&S English would you recommend for a student who has done Hake 6 and some of 8? She is in tenth grade. I'd like her to have more practice with writing good, varied sentences and work on mechanics, paragraph and essay structure, etc., along with the grammar lessons. She has struggled with this area due to dyslexia. Thanks

  2. My dd, 15 and 10th grade, is dyslexic. We have worked through many grammar and writing programs over the years, but her spelling, mechanics, and punctuation have so many errors it's very hard to correct. She has excellent ideas and expresses herself every well. Currently she is finishing EIW eighth grade book and is in Hake Grammar 8. I don't really like EIW, but I don't want to do IEW. My two sons did a combination of R and S English through Book 10, Wordsmith and wordsmith Craftsman, and both did very well. I don't know if I should go back to R and S and Wordsmith for dd or something else. I am having her go back and do copy work of well written pieces also. Any ideas? Thanks!

  3. I am looking for a new approach to phonics/ reading instruction for my ds 7, adopted at 3 from Ukraine. He is behind in language and ADHD. We have used Explode the Code ABC, a little 100 Easy Lessons, tried OPGTR, and now using Bear Necessities from Dancing Bears. He can sound out a word, but not consistently. Thoughts? Thanks,


    We have two ds, ages just turned 7 and almost 6. I am calling them First grade and Kindergarten this year. My 7 year old knows his letters and sounds well, except for a few he mixes up. I have worked on beginning blending with him in 100 Easy Lessons, but he isn't making much progress at all. My almost 6 year old doesn't know his letters very well yet, and I am now doing the Explode the Code Kindergarten books with him. We adopted them from Ukraine at ages 2 and 3. They are fluent in English, but they both have learning issues due to prenatal alcohol exposure. I have used Apples and Pears Spelling with my dyslexic biological dd and really like it, so I am thinking about using Sound Foundation Reading for my boys. I can't decide where to start. Bearing Away or Bear Necessities A1? What do you think, or do you have a different suggestion? Thank you so much!

  5. I have also had a positive experience with Sonlight. My oldest has used all cores but one from PreK through Core 400. He just got his ACT score back- 33. He will be doing the new World History and Worldview with British Lit for English for his Senior year.. I think those courses look excellent, as well as the new, revised Core 400, Government and Economics, which my next son will do this year. The amount of discussion in the high school cores has been plenty for us. I have no doubts they will be well prepared for college, as well as whatever The Lord has for them later in life. I have looked many times at TOG and have a dear friend who uses and loves it, but my children and I are too happy with Sonlight to switch.

  6. I am thinking about using GWG for my 8th grade dd, for whom Grammar does not come easily. She finished Winston Grammar Basic, but I would like her to do more advanced Grammar now. I am thinking about Level 6 to start. How much review of previously learned concepts is in these books? Thank you, Lillian

  7. I am looking at a few programs for my dd, who will be in 9th grade. Math is her weakest subject, followed by Grammar. With writing, she has something to say and expresses herself well, but the mechanics trip her up. I have looked at R&S Math 8, Teaching Textbooks PreAlgebra, and Math USee PreAlgebra. Also I have looked at Growing With Grammar with WWS and at Hake Grammar and Writing. I want to try to move her farther along in these subjects. She will do Apples and Pears Spelling D. She will also be doing Sonlight Core 200, with the reading amounts trimmed down. Any ideas of programs and levels to start with are very welcome. Thanks so much, Lillian

  8. My dd did WWS1 last year for 8th grade. She did very well with it and learned a lot. She would like a change, but I think a second year may be good for her. She has been slower in developing Spelling, Grammar, and Writing skills! But she is doing better now. If you have done book 2 of WWS also, how did you like it? Was it worth it? Did your dc learn a lot of new things from it? Or do you wish you had done another program? Thanks, Lillian

  9. My dd is behind in Math (dyslexic). Last year for 8th grade she did R&S 7, and did pretty well with it. I skipped a little that I didn't feel was necessary for her, and she did somewhat over half the book. The three years before that, she did Teaching Textbooks 5,6, and 7. She did very well with 5 and 6, with me working with her, but got confused with 7. Last year R&S went better. She is very good with mental math and abstract concepts and does better with succinct, not wordy explanations. What would be our best choice for this year, TT PreAlgebra or R&S 8? What I am hoping she can do is 9th- PreAlgebra, 10th- Algebra 1, 11th- Geometry, and 12th- some kind of Consumer Math. Any ideas appreciated! Thanks, Lillian

  10. I am looking for the best writing curriculum for next year for my dds for fall. Older dd is creative and has a good style, but the mechanics of writing are very difficult for her (she's dyslexic). She's done Wordsmith this yer, but there wasn't enough practice. Next dd has learned a lot this year with WWS1. She could do WWS2, but she would like a change. I would like a good program that they could do together. I can help them with writing, but my time is limited with five other children to teach. What do you think? Thanks!

  11. I am looking for Grammar for my dds, who will be in 8th and 9th next year. Between them, they have done several introductory programs. Older dd has most recently done Easy Grammar and next dd has most recently done Winston Grammar Basic. They have some retention, but not at the level I would like. My older dss did very well using R&S from 4th-10th grade, but these two are different learners, and Grammar is a weak area. I would like for them to have one to two more years of Grammar (including diagraming) and Mechanics that is good and thorough without being overwhelming. If they could do it together, that would be a plus. What would you suggest? Thanks!

  12. My oldest ds will be a senior next year. He is currently doing Forster's Pre-Calculus book. He is well over halfway through this book but not near the end. My thoughts for next year are to either have him just finish the book, calling this year Trigonometry and next year Pre Calculus, or to find out a good stopping place and go on to Calculus next year. We are considering Thinkwell's Calculus. Any suggestions as to which route to take? Also, if he goes on to Calculus, how far should he go in the Pre Calculus book? This ds is an excellent math student. He has all A's this year and hasn't needed any help. He isn't sure what field he is majoring in yet. Thank you.

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