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About rookie_homeschool_mama

  • Birthday 09/29/1983

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  • Biography
    27 year old wife and mother to 4 year old girl and 10 month old.
  • Location
    Pittsburgh, PA
  • Interests
    Not a season in my life for hobbies
  • Occupation
  1. Recognize that although you may not like Ken Ham and his ideas, many people who share his conservative christian beliefs were pioneers in the homeschooling movement. The people you refer to as THEY may have helped protect your right to educate your children at home.
  2. Because orthodox Christians believe that all scripture is inspired by God, regardless of whether it was penned by a fisherman or not. From my daughter's First Catechism: Who wrote the bible? Chosen men who were inspired by the Holy Spirit
  3. This bill is sponsored by Ron Paul. Ron Paul for President in 2012!!!
  4. My husband will be in his 3rd year at RPTS(Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary) in Pittsburgh. My daughter is 4 and we'll be starting full swing homeschooling in the fall. Right now we're just doing Phonics and some handwriting.
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