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  1. We currently attend an enrichment co-op. Mainly because it would be pretty near impossible for each family to agree on the core academics and the approaches. With that being said we currently have a: Geography class for upper and lower elementary using: Expedition Earth We used these suggestions to make it co-op ready. There is also a P.E. and Games class focusing on games and sports that are better played in a group. The last class is Spanish. In the future: I would love a FIAR class and a Draw Write Now class.
  2. Here's a link to ours: Our school room However, we do a lot of our 'messy' art projects and circle time at the kitchen table. There are pics of that on the blog under other posts as well.
  3. We did....my ds who is almost 5 learned to read at 3 1/2. Up to that, I taught him (very nonchalantly) his alphabet and the letter sounds. He started recognizing letters in signs while we were driving. Honestly, the video 'Letter Factory' and 'Talking Words Factory' from Leap Frog helped him make the connection from letter sounds to those sounds making words. My mom gave him an old 'Dick and Jane' book and the rest is history. He didn't care for that book. So he started reading books from BFIAR book list. I did give him early readers like BOB books, Abeka Reading for fun, and others....they were more of a chore though. He didn't really care for them then or now. So he reads what is on the book list now for MFW K. I did go through most of Alphaphonics and we are almost done with Queens LLFLO 3. We may go on with Queens VY1 or FLL 1 or CLE Language 1. I haven't decided yet. He is reading VERY well and writing well, too. My father in law is a highschool history teacher and comments on how well he reads and writes---sadly even compared to some of his students. http://greatday2learn.blogspot.com/
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