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Everything posted by Mom28kds

  1. Have you used the Learn Math Fast? It looks intriguing
  2. Thank you for putting a rush on it. I didn't realized spaces filled up. I had gotten a recommendation and just called and left a message. Thank you for all your help.
  3. Thank you! I was just checking on the Jon Peterson yesterday. She says she doesn't want a tutor but we will see :) Yes, she has an IEP but if that's all I need to get her to do then how in the world will I be able to do high school Math with her. She doesn't retain much. That's part of our struggle.
  4. You are all so wonderful!! Thank you so much for the responses. Now off to go look at them all :)
  5. My DD is melting down as we speak. I'm pulling her out of public school after going for 2 years. She did CLE when she was homeschooled before and wanted to go back to that. She has executive functioning issues and stresses out terribly when something is hard or she doesn't understand. In having her take the placement test to see what math level to do she doesn't remember any of it. She'll be going into 8th grade and CLE says to give the 700 placement test. The thought of her going back grade levels for her is so depressing. At the public school she had no idea where she was only that she was in a room that needed extra help. Are there any Math programs that I could look up that doesn't have a grade level on it and I can place her where she needs to be without her feeling like a failure?
  6. I'm interested in TT as well so I'm following this thread. A question I had that might add to this thread. Is it hard to go back and find information that a student might forget or need review on? If I used a text book or even something like CLE I could always go back and have them go over the information or teaching if they forgot. This is a concern about TT. I think I want to try it for high school math because of ease of use and grading for me.
  7. I've tried multiple Science programs including the topical from Apologia (too hard to understand), God's Design for Science (Not enough depth) and SITB. I really liked SITB. It was the only one we could understand that had depth and didn't take forever to do. It's the only one I'd recommend at this time. I'm moving on to Wile's older books for Junior and Senior high now.
  8. Your answer was great! Thank you. We might do a book subscription. We are trying to get away from the library thing because sometimes it takes forever to get a book. I was absolutely interested in the device. I'll look up the paper white. Thanks :)
  9. Any idea if this Visits to and Daily Geography would be good for a high school credit? I'm trying to find a Geography for my 7th, 8th and 9th.
  10. I'm looking for a device that can store and play audiobooks with headphone capability. This would be for a 1st and 2nd grader so an ipad isn't ideal. Currently we are using the library audiobooks and using Mom's ipad and headphones and I'm looking something that is kid friendly to be used in free time. Headphone are necessary because they get distracted if they don't use them. Is there anything out there that would fit this description? Thanks :)
  11. Thank you all!! I think I'm hearing that in the end to just use it as an extra curricular and enjoy the process of learning. It might be useful on a resume as to the quality of the individual.
  12. Thank you! I'm new to this high school thing and direction is what I need :) I was under the impression that it was fine to take things that the kids were interested in and allow them to pursue it further and get high school credit for it. I've seen kids do music or art on their own and get credit for it. I'm just trying to understand why business is different?
  13. My 2 boys (one going into 9th and the other 7th) has decided to start a lawn business this summer. They already have some customers and word is spreading in our neighborhood. Are there any books that we can get or ideas as to how to make this a class/credit for school regarding starting or running a business? They are saving and planning on purchasing their own equipment. They've bought shirts and my older daughter has set up a spreadsheet to keep track of their accounts and keep track where their money should go into the business. Thank you!
  14. Thank you! Sorry I didn't respond sooner. Was on vacation :)
  15. Looks like the other ladies have you covered regarding the rules for Ohio. I'd like to add that the person I use for assessments is in North Dayton and charges $10 per child $30 max for a family. She truly wants to help homeschoolers and doesn't believing in charging an arm and a leg for an assessment. She says that her job is to make sure each child is moving at their own ability not someone else's standards. She's great! On another note, I'd like information on the Dayton groups or the ones that come to the Countryside YMCA as that is my hometown and we are members :)
  16. Are you only doing the Evan Moor or is it just for the word problems part? What is a SLD. She has ADHD non attentive type. In researching the issues I see with her she has definite executive functions issues as well which I've read is a result of the ADHD
  17. She's going into 8th next year. She did get moved to a special Math class but I'm not sure what all they were covering. She had an IEP.
  18. How did you use both programs CLE and Keys to? She'd be ok with CLE but am wondering how Keys to series helps when added alongside. What's the benefit of 2 programs together?
  19. Wow, thank you so much for your detailed answer. I'm not quite sure where she is at after the 2 years in public school. She was homeschooled through 5th grade and she struggles with remembering for one thing. Grasping concepts and problem solving could be issues as well. I could sit down with her and explain her work and she could get it right then but the next day didn't remember how to do it. That was as of a couple years ago. I do plan on doing her work along side of her as well as try to see how she does independently. I'll definitely be hands on. I'll be schooling 3 kids and I'm home with them. Thanks for the encouragement that if I only get the basics done it's ok. Public school was stressful and I'm hoping to slow things down for her. What is Lial? It sounds interesting. I'd like to look for it.
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