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Everything posted by Mom28kds

  1. I started the year doing writing and literature for my 9th grader coming from public school. I decided he needed some grammar because he was struggling in his writing so I figured it was best to go back and make sure he was solid. I just started AG today but I'm not sure if I need writing and literature still or if I'd be ok with dropping one of them for this year since I added grammar? I'm new to the high school scene and I want to be sure we are doing what we need. He is not a child who thrives on school work haha. Trying to get him through with what he needs. Thank you :)
  2. Hmmm, maybe I should stick with it, make it work and look for other options for further Sciences. I guess it would be pretty expensive.
  3. I've started my 9th grader with Apologia Physical Science and he's struggling because Apologia is so detailed. I was wondering if I should just hang tough for the whole year or see if there is any other Physical Science that he could switch to which would allow us to continue just not at quite a rigorous pace. He is an average student taking Pre-Algebra. Mentioning this because I know there are some sciences that require Algebra 1.
  4. That's a good idea. Which fix it do you recommend? Have you used the AG Review and reinforcement or just Fix it?
  5. What are your experiences with these. I have 2 middle schoolers and a 9th grader. All could use help with grammar so I'm backing up to give more attention to grammar before I do a whole lot of writing. Two of them are coming from public school and I'm just realizing they need more help in this area. Thanks :)
  6. I used to be able to find the threads I started but I've checked my content and I can't pull anything up. I don't know the specific words I used just that I sometimes like to refer back to the recommendations that people gave me. Can someone please direct me? TIA
  7. Help! I'm currently using EIW9/EIL9 and it's not working for me or my DS. I can't figure out how to grade them because I don't have enough experience myself in writing or literature. Is there something out there that will walk us through a little better?
  8. How are you liking the writing and literature? Is it easy to understand and grade? We are doing EIW/EIL and thinking of switching over.
  9. Following! Is WTTW easy to grade for someone with no literature experience?
  10. Could I do Easy Grammar plus with such a student? I like the fact that it doesn't have a grade level. I don't want her feeling like she's doing lower level work even if she it
  11. Yeah I'm worried about overloading her with work. What's the difference between the ultimate series and regular Easy Grammar? Thanks for the link. I'll check it out :)
  12. Can this be used if there isn’t much grammar background or for a struggling student? I have an 8th Grader that struggles so I just want to double check that this level wouldn’t be too difficult and assume prior knowledge of the other levels.
  13. I'm going to be doing EIW 7 with my 7th and 8th grader. Does it have enough grammar. My 8th grader is a struggling student coming from public school. I'm not sure if I should add in grammar or if EIW is good. I don't want to overwhelm but want them to be prepared. TIA
  14. Ok thanks! I'll check on that. I just saw they have a placement test.
  15. Yes she can add, subtract, multiply and divide but begins to stress on multi digit numbers or when things begin to get complicated with more than 1 step. That is the same at home when given more than 1 task to complete.
  16. After being in PS for 2 years, I'm not real sure where she is at. She couldn't really do homework so anything she did was in class. I had a handle on things when at home of course and she finished CLE 5. To be honest though, I don't know what she has remembered. I'll need to give a placement in just about anything we do.
  17. I'm not the greatest in Math and really need the answers and teachers guide especially in the upper levels so I'll need that for anything I do. I can't just wing it and make it work for her. I can do it if I have things laid out.
  18. I've never heard of Tanton materials. I'll check them out along with MUS. I've gathered with MUS that I'd need to start from the beginning and it's quite costly. I'll double check though since so many have recommended it.
  19. Thank you! I did explain to her how in high school things weren't divided up into grades but she would have to go back a grade or 2 in CLE. I'll still give her the choice to do that if she wants. Some things I don't give them choices but in this instance I want something that we aren't feeling defeated from the very beginning.
  20. Thanks! I like the sounds of it covering what she needs but she specifically said she doesn't want computer course. I think because before she got moved to get more help her teacher used alot of Khan academy and she didn't do well at all with the pace the teacher was expecting. Therefore, decided she hated online. I'll do it if it's what's best though :) I'll check it out again.
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