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Posts posted by esavvymom

  1. Thanks everyone for the replies and suggestions.  Then going to be the plan then...Biology.    I'll have some time between getting the new material and finishing our old, so I'm just going to touch on a few terms and topics from the Physical science that I know they aren't familiar with, but just to fill in the blanks and time, and then move on.  Not for test knowledge or anything like that...just for fun and background.   Then I'll turn around and sell the Physical Science material to put back in the coffers for the next set of books.  :)


    Good!! I'm excited. 

    • Like 2
  2. I'm looking for some advice from those who may have gone down these roads before me.

    My boys are 10th grade.  We just finished the Apologia "Exploring Creation General Science" book- which I know technically is what they consider Middle school science.  I have the next book- Physical Science, again considered MS science by Apologia.


    Should I just skip that and move the the high school Biology Text?    Since we are already in our 10th grade year, my older son's goal is to make it to Physics before college.   Chemistry has to be done by both of them, and my youngest would likely do a Marine or Advanced Biology his senior year.  


    By skipping Physical Science, will I be skipping some essentials that won't be made up elsewhere??  I have to keep SAT/ACT in mind obviously as well.   Our last physical science would have been long time ago with elementary science.       Do we go to the Biology and then maybe do a "condensed" version of Physical Science over the summer maybe...(more for the information than the transcript/grade)?


    I'm trying to decide so that I don't end up further behind or cause them to miss what they need for college.  I know most colleges (and our state) require that we have at least 3 years science, with labs.  I'm leaning towards putting physical science on the back burner for now and moving forward.  Apologia's site says there is no science prerequisite.   Our math requirements are not an issue.


    Thoughts or suggestions??   I've got one learner that can handle whatever I throw at him.  The oldest son is slower to process the material and needs the time to get through it and his notes/work....so just doubling up isn't a great option, at least not for the oldest.





  3. Not after reading THIS Article:




    From the article (references and such would be in the article)

    In 2010, the largest outbreak of whooping cough in over 50 years occurred in California. Around that same time, a scare campaign was launched in the California by Pharma-funded medical trade associations, state health officials and national media, targeting people opting out of receiving pertussis vaccine, falsely accusing them of causing the outbreak.

    However, research published in March of this year paints a very different picture than the one spread by the media2.



    In fact, the study showed that 81 percent of 2010 California whooping cough cases in people under the age of 18 occurred in those who were fully up to date on the whooping cough vaccine. Eleven percent had received at least one shot, but not the entire recommended series, and only eight percent of those stricken were unvaccinated.


    Plus- reading the stories of those who took the vaccines: Specifically the page about DTP/Pertussis vaccines - http://thinktwice.com/dpt.htm

    But that site has lots of others too.



    I think you have to ask yourself, who is providing the basis of the "studies"? A 3rd party, or the Drug-company?

  4. I think the "DESIRE" comes from people not wanting the government telling them what they can and cannot do, when all they/we are trying to do is live within our "right" given to us by our Constitution. I don't desire the guns because I'm a redneck, gov't hating, violent person. But I also have to wonder why a gov't is so adamant about taking away various freedoms that we have. Taking those rights and guns away will NOT stop man from killing each other, or committing crime.


    The nature of man is sinful. They WILL continue to commit these crimes. Laws are already in place to not allow criminals or mentally ill folks to have these weapons, but how well are those laws working?? Hardly at all. Rather than making NEW laws to take away the freedoms from everyone else, why not work on fixing and enforcing the laws they already have. And that goes for lots of areas in this country. Our gov't is too quick to make a new "tougher" law or sign a treaty with the UN (crazy) giving away our rights as a sovereign nation to legislate and deal with our own problems.


    By the way, the comment "how many Americans seem to lose it while toilet training their children and shake or beat or drown them." - WHAT!?!?! Show me that statistic please. That's a general statement based on practically nothing. That's about as accurate as a French student thinking all American are "fat, loud, and carry shot-guns".

  5. I think you would want to post this in the "FOR SALE" thread, not here. This is just for testing out posts, etc. And I think you have to have posted 50 or more posts on this site to be ABLE to list your items for sale.


    (I'm working on that myself, I haven't been online this site in ages. )

  6. Is the adult tooth somewhat behind the baby tooth rather than directly underneath? That happened with my oldest. The baby tooth was a bit loose but wasn't going to come out on its own due to the position of the adult tooth. The dentist pulled it, and the adult tooth emerged within a few weeks.



    I haven't looked recently, but no....when I've looked before, the adult tooth is not visible. If it was, I'd have no hesitation. When I looked on the internet, most dentist websites were not for it - unless the adult tooth was visible.


    I'm concerned about pulling it also because the incisors or canine (two over from front) ARE poised to come in crooked- can't come in yet because their are teeth in the way. So that was another reason I didn't feel good about pulling that front tooth- so the other teeth didn't try to take it's place.


    The more I think about it, I think I'll take him the orthodontist to get their opinion, vs just the pediatric dentist.


    Thanks for the feedback everyone!!

  7. My DS (who is almost 10), has yet to lose his one last top-front tooth. He lost two on either side, and one of the middle front teeth (all of the bottom front). But this ONE lone hold out tooth....it's a little loose, and has been awhile, but doesn't seem to get much looser. It's been like that for MONTHS.


    At previous dentist visits, the x-rays show the tooth is there. The last visit with a new dentist, she wants to pull the front tooth to "encourage the adult tooth to come in". I said 'no'. Why on earth would that work?? If the adult tooth is not moving NOW, why would the baby tooth being gone help it?


    I had a friend who's son had that done and she said he was without a tooth for almost 2 years. NO thanks.


    Just wondering if others had similar situations. My son needs to see a orthodontist (?) about braces for his front teeth because of other problems with the adult teeth that are there/still to come. Maybe I should just go see him and get his opinion?

  8. I'd agree with you - I'd at least go with the business casual for most of them (khaki's, nice shirt - like a polo or collared-shirt, at minimum). He'd be comfortable, but look well put together and make a good impression. If you're going to a ball game or something really casual, then obviously denim, nice shirt works then.

  9. We've used TT for almost 14 years. Early on, we'd use TT to do them at home, gather materials (receipts), etc, and then would take them to a well known tax preparer. After doing that a couple of years, and EACH and EVERY year, we'd have to tell the preparer about things they forgot to ask about (charity, interest deductions, etc). It got to the point where WE were telling THEM what to enter. We got fed up and have done it ourselves ever since (12+ yrs now).


    We've never had a problem. TT has always stepped us through the process and flagged any potential "triggers" for the IRS. So far so good.

  10. My DH is sensitive to soaps and we always used Tide Free. But it is so expensive! A hostess of mine told me about homemade laundry soap. I tried it and have been doing it for the last year and a half. LOVE it. It is so cheap to make, and easy.


    This site has the recipe that I use:



    I think a 2 gallon bucket lasts me about 1.5 to 2 months depending on how much laundry I have to do. I find the Bar Soap (Fels Naptha) at our local Ace Hardware store. Some grocery stores and Walmarts have been known to carry it, but it's not every one. Borax is usually in any of the stores (look on the top shelf or the very bottom for those "weird" ingredients. ;) This website carries the Fels Naptha and Washing Soda at a good price.




    And I have an HE washer, and it works great in it. With store-bought, I had to leave the door open and be sure to remove the wet clothes very soon after completed, otherwise everything STUNK. Not with the homemade stuff. I do not have that sour-smell problem, even if I forget a load for more than 1 day! But when I had to switch back to Tide for a few loads, the machine started stinking again.


    Good luck! Oh- and there are YouTube videos of people making it too...to see how easy it is. Try it at least once!

  11. I converted to Mac this past year with a MacBookPro for ME. The kids still used the two old PC desktops.


    My intention was to wait until summer to get a Mac desktop as a replacement for one of them.


    Now a PC has died and the other one has issues, so am considering getting one now.


    I would LOVE the fancy 27" monitor, but honestly, I can't justify the price increase for it! The 21" inch is sufficient.


    OR, should I get the mini mac and buy a larger screen and use it? In fact, if I got the mini mac I could use the PC monitor for now with it until I could save up for a larger screen.






    I am able to get the education discount (I think hsers can get it but they let me put in my last school of employment when I went in.) and in the summer they give freebies out......ipod touch has been the freebie the last couple of years.


    Do they give out the freebie with a mac mini or only with the full imac or macbook? Anyone know?


    My plan was to go in during tax free weekend in Aug and get the Education discount, the freebie, and no tax.


    Anyway, looking forward to thoughts.





    I haven't read through the replies to see if anyone already answered this, but I am in NC, so I know what we did in this state.


    YES- you can get an education discount as a Homeschooler. If you use it online, you just have to register your "school" on their education site. I forget where, but you'd see it.


    ANd YES - if you buy during the tax-free weekend in August (if you can wait that long), you still get the "free" stuff they often offer. We've gotten two iTouch players that way in the last two years. But, I heard rumors last year that they may not do it again this fall because of budget shortfalls, etc. We'll see.



    We own the 21" iMac for our school room, but we've also purchased mac-mini's for both of our parents. They love them and are easy to use. So if you are trying to be cost-efficient, then go with the mac-mini with the memory upgrades, etc. Use your existing monitor/keyboard, etc. The only thing is you do end up with a lot more cables, but it's a very small box! Our parents both love theirs. I would at least try ONE mac mini- just be sure to order one with the memory upgraded - it makes it so much nicer to have lots of memory, and then later in the year if you decided you wanted an iMac, you can get it in the Tax-free weekend?


    (and don't forget your Apple Care plans!)



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