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Everything posted by melissad2

  1. There is a mandatory meeting of the homeschool association that I am joining tomorrow night and since I am new to all of this....do I take my kids or leave them home? DH cannot attend as he will be at work and the 2yo is an early to bed kind of kid so do I take the 4yo or leave him home?
  2. I have a serious bed bug phobia! So much so that last year we bought a camper so that I wouldn't have to stay in a hotel!
  3. Depending on the size of the pool you may need to put several bags of shock in it at once. We have a large above ground and I had to put 10 bags in mine and 2 bottles of algacide at the beginning of the year because we just could not get rid of the green.
  4. Put a pork butt in the crock-pot sprinkle it with salt and put the lid on...cook it for about 8hrs on low or until it starts to fall apart! Really that's all, you can then pull it and you can put your favorite BBQ sauce on it. Serve with slaw and fries! yum yum
  5. Wow, I didn't even check the one's I bought to see the size:confused:. However I have noticed this everywhere and it really irks me. Sugar is now 4lbs and pepsi and coke have started to sell smaller 1.5L bottles at the old 2L prices. I would prefer them to leave the size alone and raise the price instead of being sneaky about it and making it smaller. I feel like they are hoping that I won't notice or something :001_huh:.
  6. I'm not much help on the recovery part but my son had one as a newborn because he was born with pulmonary valve stenosis. He was cathed and his valve repaired when he was four days old. He was under general anesthesia and he spent the night under heavy sedation because its impossible to keep a newbie still :D. There is a new type of way that they seal the incisions that don't require them to stay still as long but I'm not sure if it's used in children or not...it is called vasoseal.
  7. First I want to say that he is a real cutie! :D I have had two shih-tzu's in the past and one we had to have put down last year because he could no longer fight the leukemia he had and the other I had to give away to my uncle because she didn't do well with small children at all. They were VERY difficult to housebreak especially the boy. I wish that I had him neutered much younger than I did, maybe that would have helped. He would go outside and potty several times then come inside and hike his leg on something....you had to watch him like a hawk. He was the sweetest dog though and was quite smart other than the potty thing. :001_smile: We have a beagle/basset mix now and she has been so much easier so far, the vet said to keep at it and then one day it will just "click" that outside is the place to potty.
  8. We just adopted a beagle/basset hound mix and so far she's quite the sweety! She is only about 12wks old and has chewed a few things here and there namely the cord to a lamp (unplugged thank goodness)! She seems to be very smart and eager to please, house training is going fairly well and she only barks when the kids get her wound up. She was mouthing and nipping a lot but I think I got that under control. We've owned shih-tzu's in the past and had to have one put down last year due to cancer, and while they are great dogs they seem to have more health issues and are high maintenance.
  9. I used to eat fiber one bars and take colace daily and if that didn't work I would take milk of magnesia :ack2:
  10. If it makes you feel better I had to call poison control:svengo:yesterday because my youngest sprayed a household cleaner in his MOUTH! It was in the kitchen sink and he pushed the kitchen chair up to the sink and got it before I could get to him. I had turned my back for two seconds to get the new puppy out of whatever mischief she was in and BAM he's got a mouthful of cleaner! Thankfully all is fine and the cleaners are safely tucked away and locked under the sink where they should be to begin with!
  11. I feel you pain:D I have had several busted lips and nearly broken noses over the past 4 years! My littlest likes to flop his head backwards and sometimes I don't move fast enough! My oldest has the boniest knees and elbows ever and seems to try to knee me to death while he's getting comfortable. I think we are going to try circle time to see if that helps!
  12. AMEN!!!! My dad has prostate cancer that has spread to his bones and while he has done chemo/radiation and is technically in remission right now, there is no cure for this once it has spread and it will come back. My fil died from lung cancer and there's a girl I work with who's dh has pancreatic cancer and he's only 35! I pray for a cure daily!
  13. It's pronounced holly...but spelled holley as in "holley carburetors" a brand name for carburetors:D. My dh is into hot rods:auto:
  14. OH my the AGONY of thrush...I've been through it with both of mine. The purple stuff is called genetian violet and it does work although it will permanently stain any clothing you get it on so tell her to wear nursing pads to prevent staining. I would also tell her to take some probiotics to help balance out the good bacteria in her system. I ended up giving my ds diflucan because it kept coming back and using the genetian violet on myself and don't forget to boil any pacifiers or bottles for at least five minutes to kill the yeast....if she's using any.
  15. Red #40 is the devil!:cursing: It makes my 4yo unbearable and it can be found everywhere! I haven't eliminated all dyes because this one seems to be the biggest offender. I actually made the connection after he was on amoxicillin (the pink kind) for an ear infection for 2 wks and I thought we would all go crazy. The next time he needed meds for an ear infection I spoke to the Dr about a different antibiotic and he said that I definitely wasn't crazy and some dyes have quite an effect on kids.
  16. It DOES look like a nice bag of FFP's :lol:
  17. I've been in June and July and it was completely miserable and crowded. We went on our honeymoon in December and it was great hardly any crowds and the weather was perfect, however we left on the 21st which was when a lot of the Christmas crowd was coming in. We also took our little ones last year in Feb and for the first two days we nearly froze to death but the crowds were light. When we go back I think I would like to try Nov or Jan but definitely not July!:D
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