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Everything posted by melissad2

  1. I'm pregnant! Just found out this morning and I'm still quite shocked as my other two were conceived with quite a lot of fertility meds!:D
  2. There was another story on the news this morning, apparently the same scammer sold a woman a laptop for $300 in a gas station parking lot. Only when she got home and opened the fedex box it was paper wrapped with electrical tape. :confused: I can't believe people can be so stupid:lol:.
  3. I try to use coupons especially on diapers! However, with two kids in tow most of the time when shopping it is very difficult to coupon. I shop at ALDI for most staples and then fill in with sales/coupons at another grocery store. It seems like food coupons are not as prominent as they once were:thumbdown:.
  4. My dad was diagnosed with stage 4 PC 3 years ago! It had spread to his bones already so prostate removal was not an option. He had radiation to the spots on his bones and hormone therapy, when the cancer returned he had to have chemo. He started with a PSA of 497 and 3wks ago his PSA was 3.4 when the PSA rises again his oncologist will decide the next course of treatment. There is a lot of research going on out there for prostate cancer and we pray daily for a new curative treatment. We take each day as a gift because his urologist didn't think he would still be around 3 years later!
  5. IDK, I've me a few that were positive about it but for the most part they seem to take it personally, kwim. I met a first grade teacher at the vet's office yesterday that made me thankful that my kids would not ever be her responsibility. She was downright rude and condescending and boy was she giving that red pen a workout.
  6. In the past we have had 2 shih-tzu's, a male who was impossible to house train but the sweetest dog ever, and a female who was the nippiest dog ever. She had to move in with my uncle when we had ds because she bit him. The male had to be put down last year because of a long battle with chronic lymphocytic leukemia, he eventually had a stoke and couldn't be saved. Now we have Daisy...she's a beagle/basset mix and I threaten to get rid of her daily! She likes to chew, she likes to bark, and she likes to poop in the living room after she comes in from a long walk! And I don't like any of it :glare:. Although the kids love her and she really is a loving dog, I think I will give her a reprieve til she hits the 1yr mark and reevaluate the situation then ;). She has to be constantly supervised so as to avoid chewing disasters or potty accidents...is there a boarding school for dogs? Maybe I could send her somewhere and they could send her back all trained and well behaved:lol:.
  7. You know...it is amazing how many of these games I have forgotten about over the years!
  8. These are some great suggestions! Lots to think about! :D
  9. You know he might actually respond to little brother getting a treat or a sticker or something! Great idea! I'm going to try this one!
  10. My 4yo ds has a real issue with hitting:smash:. Anytime he doesn't get what he wants or his 2yo brother does something he doesn't like he hits. I've done time out about a million times for the same thing and he just doesn't get it :blink:! I've tried explaining to him why we don't hit, bought books about not hitting etc etc....and nothing has stopped it! Any suggestions would be appreciated!
  11. I've been through no less than 3 coffee makers in the last year! I'm currently waiting for a great deal on a keurig before my current one poops out on me too!
  12. I weaned my son at 20 months and it took a complete change in routine to get it done! We went camping for the weekend and I just decided that I wasn't going to nurse him while we were gone. I had already gotten him down to nursing just before bedtime so there was enough distraction that he just didn't think about it and I didn't mention it ;) and he just gave it up and hasn't looked back! Ironically we co-slept while camping and I thought that would be a problem but it wasn't :D!
  13. IDK how I feel about it. My kids have gotten spankings and we do the whole time-out thing. Most of the time a time-out isn't effective for my oldest bit OTOH neither is spanking. Now, losing a privilege usually works pretty well for the oldest. I've been look at the Focus on the Family website and find some pretty creative consequences there but don't agree with all of them. I guess I'm still figuring out which parenting style works best for me and my kids. ;)
  14. :iagree: We are Good Sam members and the discounts on campgrounds have paid for the membership several times over. They also offer other discounts and promotion through their website. I would also check out www.rvparkreviews.com to check out potential campgrounds!
  15. I had severe joint pain and muscle soreness after my last pregnancy, turns out I was vitamin d deficent. Started taking vit d3 a couple of times a day and within 3 days it all went away!
  16. When you say "swollen" how swollen do you mean? Are they the size of a pea or the size of a ping pong ball? Some lymph nodes are just more easily palpated than others, and once you find one it is hard to leave it alone which may make it more swollen, kwim? My 4yo has one in his neck that is sometimes visible but this always occurs after a sickness. Lymph nodes can stay swollen months after an illness and can swell up for something as simple as a scratch. Often a scratch on the arm will cause swollen lymph nodes under the arms. Are they sore at all? Can you move them around?
  17. I had a UTI off and on for at least a year after my first son was born. UGH, it was awful! I finally stopped drinking carbonated drinks, started drinking lots of water and cranberry juice and they finally went away and I haven't had one since. If I start to slide and go back to drinking pepsi (which I dearly love) I will feel like one is starting up again so I go back to the water and juice and it goes away.
  18. :bigear: I have the same problem except DS is almost 2 and wakes during the night to get in the bed with me...no advice just :grouphug:
  19. I threaten to get rid of the puppy daily! She's sooooo much work! I had forgotten how much work a puppy is! Have to take them outside hourly and it is 100 degrees, have to train them, they chew up everything, they have accidents, they bark, they make the kids squeal, and they eat things they aren't supposed to and vomit on your carpet :ack2: Still want a puppy? You can have mine :lol:
  20. Have you tried eliminating food dyes especially red #40? Red#40 makes my son completely out of control! And just because it isn't red or orange or purple doesn't mean it isn't in there either you have to read the labels.
  21. My 2yo is the proverbial "mama's boy", no one in the world quite compares to his mommy :D. There are some days that I can't put him down or he follows me everywhere. Just recently he has gotten so that I can leave him with my mom for a few hours while I run some errands. I can't leave him in the nursery at church and he won't have anything to do with strangers. I'm just enjoying the fact that I am his favorite right now:D
  22. I work at a hospital and we experience shortages or unavailability all the time. Usually it is just a particular strength that we can easily substitute but there are at least two drugs that I know of right now that we can not get at all.
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