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Everything posted by melissad2

  1. I would rather have 3 sick children than one sick husband! He had a tooth pulled this week and lord have mercy....you would think he had his jaw removed:001_huh: I've been through 2 c-sections with less drama.
  2. I'm petrified of flying...in fact the only time I've been on a plane was when my first son was born and flown to MUSC because he had a heart defect. It was a small jet...and I guess it was mind over matter because that is the only reason I would get on a plane! As irrational as it may be, I would rather drive!
  3. :iagree: This whole story is a collection of bad judgement and poor decisions. I feel so bad for the siblings of this child, who knows what might have happened to them as well.
  4. It's just my feeling on the matter...it seems as if a lot of the stories the media reports about missing or harmed children it seems as if they were left somewhere or with someone they shouldn't have. I rarely leave my kids with the exception of Grandparents but mine are still little and haven't had many opportunities to be anywhere without us. I do realize the media plays up what part of the story they think will get the most attention. Also, I think there are a lot of parents out there who use no common sense or any rational judgement whatsoever when it comes to their kids.
  5. Sorry :( I have had it for 3...yes 3 weeks! I finally sucked it up yesterday and went to minor care and ended up on antibiotics for a sinus infection. Feel better soon!
  6. I wouldn't go if it was me. FWIW there is no chick-fil-a in Gatlinburg and it is guaranteed to be very cold this time of year!
  7. No real misses here except for the Operation game my son got...I was disappointed that it wasn't anything like the one I had when I was a kid :(
  8. Take a test! I am preggo with a "surprise" now and I didn't think I could conceive without fertility drugs either....turns out....I can :D
  9. I did google it and most stories are about swollen lips and canker sores along with the itchiness....maybe I figured it out before the worst of it? At any rate I quit using it and took some Benadryl:)
  10. I have been using sensodyne pronamel for a few days and I have the worst itchy throat and mouth! Also around my mouth and nose is itchy as well. I have been suffering from allergies which always get worse during pregnancy and have been taking Zyrtec daily. Has anyone experienced a toothpaste allergy?
  11. I put my kids stuff on layaway at Kmart back in Nov. and the total there was $500 for so $250 each there. Stocking stuffers probably anothe $20 each and a few odds and ends totaling around $100. Too much I'm sure but I don't buy a lot of other gifts because Christmas around here really is all about the kids. My mom and dad are getting them a trampoline so they will have that too.
  12. I have a large cherry angioma above my left eye that came up while I was pregnant with ds2. It is bordering on too large to have lasered off and may have to be cut off. I also already have a scar above my left eye from childhood and I don't really want to add to it but this large red thing next to it is awful! So are there any natural ways to get rid of it?
  13. First...CONGRATULATIONS!! IDK why IL's are that way sometimes but I know the feeling! My MIL is never happy about anything, literally! She doesn't really say so but it is pretty obvious. I can't even really describe her behavior but it is quite odd to say the least. She can be very passive aggressive. I would take the easy way out and wait as long as possible to tell and then let DH do it and make it very clear that negativity will not be tolerated and that if they have anything bad to say then they need to keep their mouths closed. What ever happened to "if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all":confused: Every baby is a blessing and should be treated as such!
  14. I've BTDT and may have a little insight....I'm sure you've had all you're hormone levels drawn right? My Dr's office did a research study a couple of years ago about women with endometriosis who were missing the "sticky" protein in the lining of their uterus causing a fertilized egg not to be able to implant. You might google the name "Dr. Fornstein Greenville sc research endometriosis" and see if you can find the study. Incidentally I participated in said study and had an endometrial biopsy done and the next cycle I got pregnant. I also have pcos and used metformin to help me ovulate. I did not have success with clomid...did you know it makes your cervical mucous "hostile"? I had much better luck with femara. At any rate I totally sympathize with you! It took 4 years to conceive my first, a year for the second and now I'm pregnant with a "surprise" :)
  15. Anyone have a really good one? I would like something quick and easy for Christmas morning. TIA
  16. Thanks for all the replies! I gave it a try last night and it was so wonderful! I slept better than I have for months! It really helped with my restless legs and aches of pregnancy! :D
  17. Thanks for the info... I'm going to give it a try after the kiddos go to bed!
  18. I have seen this mentioned several places here so..... What are the benefits? How much do I use? Is it ok while you are pregnant? What about the kids? Thanks for any input!!!!:D
  19. Some roosters, tea pitchers, cake plates and other various knick knacks that desperately need to be dusted....considering that I am almost 20 weeks pregnant that is not likely to happen any time soon :)
  20. :grouphug: Sorry....I too am in the midst of the crud :( Feel better soon!
  21. IME they don't care who orders what at counter service. We used the dining plan and often ordered an adult meal for my son who shared with his little brother. The dining plan shows as meal credits and doesn't distinguish adult or child meals.
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