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Everything posted by melissad2

  1. I have Mt. Laundry on my sofa too....I absolutely hate folding and putting it up. DH will fold it but it rarely gets up the stairs. In my next house I absolutely do not want any stairs! I also don't separate much either just throw it in and hope for the best! Every now and then I will get a wild hair and bleach socks and undies but most of the time I don't.:leaving:
  2. I don't think my mom was all that keen on the idea of my bf'ing. She would say stuff like "if you give him a bottle he will sleep longer" or "if you give him a bottle, I could help you more" and my favorite "when he can ask for it, he doesn't need it anymore". I also hear people, especially first time moms with the comment that they didn't make any milk....well that's probably because you didn't put baby to the breast often enough. They will say that the baby was hungry all the time and wasn't being satisfied...that's just mother nature telling your body to amp it up! I got a few strange looks and comments when I nursed my toddler in public but frankly by that time I didn't care that much. I was careful and covered with a nursing cover at first but then my DS decided that he didn't like his head to be covered while eating and pulled it off...so I just had to get over it! :D I also don't understand why people don't understand that breasts were actually designed to feed babies and not for male pleasure. How exactly do they think people fed their babies before bottles and formula were invented:confused:
  3. It is "eat whatever you can get your hands on night because mom is pregnant and doesn't feel like cooking anything" here! :auto:
  4. I have an appt with my OB Monday morning so I will ask his opinion. I won't have to walk all over the park because I'm planning to take my moms little motorized scooter ;). I'm a nurse so I feel pretty confident that I can recognize any issues early on enough to get the heck out of dodge. I've never delivered before 38 weeks and they were all c-sections. We have been there many times and are very familiar with the area and it's only a quick trip for 3 days.
  5. HPT's from the drugstore are often more sensitive that the one's they use at the Dr's office. Your urine was probably more dilute by the time you took it at the office. It is rare to get a false positive HPT, much more common to get a false negative. I would request a blood draw and take another HPT in the morning.
  6. I've actually never gone into labor...this will be my 3rd scheduled c-section. It only takes about 4 hours or less to get there and my dh can have the camper broke down and ready to go in 30 minutes if necessary :D I think we are going to go, we won't lose but about 40 bucks if we cancel and we buy season passes to the park yearly anyway :)
  7. At the end of March and I would be about 36 weeks pregnant. Is it okay to travel that late in pregnancy? We will be about 250 miles from home at an amusement park and we will be driving and pulling our travel trailer with us.
  8. Glitter and all its friends...glue, paint, play dough, and confetti! But I put up with it for the sake of all the kindergarten crafts!
  9. And you had a 2yo and a 5yo what would you buy? I don't have a lot of manipulatives or stuff to put on the wall yet and the art supplies are pretty slim except for crayons and paper. I would like to order online and free shipping is always nice :) *The title should read "If YOU had...." obviously*.
  10. :grouphug: I'm so sorry to hear that. My dad has stage 4 prostate cancer so I know all the feelings you describe. I'll be praying for you and your dad.
  11. I've had completely the opposite experience. I have 2 boys and just found out the newbie is going to be a boy as well. I am completely fine with it and have experienced nothing but disappointment from others with the exception of most of my immediate family. I have heard enough of "awwww too bad it's not a girl" and " at least you don't have to paint the nursery" and the ever popular " well, you can try for a girl next time". How about "Congratulations!"? To me every baby is a blessing regardless of gender :)
  12. I would hope I would have the guts to do the same! Stuff like this makes me want to get a CWP and a gun immediately!
  13. :iagree: I would get outta there ASAP! I also would not take a vacation with him.
  14. Oh my I've had this issue with my disposal before, in fact I will no longer put any rice, pasta, or potatoes down the thing anymore. My hubby has had to go under the house and cut apart pipes to find the clog...that stuff is like cement in the pipes. Sometimes it is in the pipe between the disposal and the drain of you have a double sink but if not its probably down the line somewhere. Hope you get it fixed soon!
  15. 25 F here in SC... And our heat is broken...brrrrr! So thankful for our edenpure heaters right now!
  16. Chips ahoy chocolate chip cookies which I dip in my coffee in the morning....a terrible for me pregnancy craving that I just can't help :D
  17. I'm looking for a good bread machine that is not too expensive but does the job well. Any recommendations out there?
  18. Plop it in a big ole' pot of pinto beans...cook all day serve with cornbread and chow-chow! Mmmmmmm good!
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