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Everything posted by melissad2

  1. If you signed an "as is" form then unfortunately you're stuck with it. At least on my state you are ( we sell used cars and everyone who buys from us signs one).
  2. Turn on the a/c and see if you smell it then. If you do I would get it professionally detailed and be sure they deodorize the a/c system.
  3. Toddler diarrhea? I can't post a link from my phone but you can google it. My now 5 yo had it when he was 2 and it has long since resolved.
  4. No help here but:bigear: because I'm trying to get my 2yo to give up his paci as well!
  5. I'm a nurse and I try hard to avoid working he morning after a full moon :). Our floor gets all kinds of crazy that day!
  6. Ativan and other similar medications often make older combative patients worse. Sometimes they cause them to hallucinate which does not help at all! Hope she is better soon!:grouphug:
  7. :iagree: Although mine always seemed to have some cold symptoms to go with it. It could also be roseola but I believe that rash is usually on the trunk.
  8. I'm an RN and I work prn, usually 2-4 weekend days per month sometimes more sometimes less depending on financial needs :)
  9. I'm so lost in the sea of baby carriers! I have a moby wrap and I liked it when they were small and I used a cheapo infantino carrier once at Disney but it hurt my back. I have been looking at mei tai, baby hawk, ergo, bjorn, among others and I just can't decide. So if you had one you loved or hated tell me why. Also if you used a moby for larger babies how did you figure it out?
  10. We really like their breakfast sausage and I buy their all natural gummie snacks for the kids ( it's the only place around here I cans find them without food coloring). I also like their version of " honey bunches of oats".
  11. There's a whole procedure to programming them which you may can find on the Internet. You can also take them to your local dealership and have them programmed but you might want to see what they charge for that first.
  12. I know what you mean we went 9 days without our heat pump waiting on repairs and brrrrr....space heaters don't quite do the job. I hate worrying about turning up the heat for fear of the electric bill. We keep ours on 68 and I'm still cold!
  13. I feel your pain...although not with the hot water heater. Our heat pump has been broken for 9 days and FINALLY fixed today so we have been thankful for our space heaters. Although I'm not sure how thankful I will be when I get the electric bill :glare:.
  14. Someone always bags our groceries here....I thought every store did (except Aldi). They always ask if we need help to the car and I always say "why yes I do thank you"! I'm pregnant and usually have a 5yo and 2yo with me so loading groceries is dang near impossible. By the time he has them in the car I have the kids loaded and I'm outta there! I'm usually always greeted by the store manager in at least one of the stores I go in...and they have bagged my groceries more than once. They have also offered to go back and get an item that I realized I had forgotten before!
  15. Ummmm...no way would they do that to my kids without seeing me in court! That is just wrong on so many levels!
  16. I hate my stairs...especially today after toting laundry up them while pregnant! My next house will either have no stairs or have a laundry room upstairs!
  17. We have a Kenmore front loader and I love it! Clothes are clean, smell fresh and it has a sanitary cycle for extra stinky clothes:D We have had them for about 5 years and haven't had any repairs or problems (fingers crossed)!
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