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Everything posted by melissad2

  1. It seems to me that they can't see the forest for the trees. They get so caught up in the "daily requirements" and the little nutrition facts on the package that they can't see that the quality of the food is horrendous. Just because the nutrition facts on the food is the same speaks nothing for the quality of the ingredients.
  2. Oh no...I didn't mean to to imply that at all! I just think that our society as a whole has become germ obessesed and over uses thing like hand sanitizer and antibacterial everything :)
  3. Mine have done that too! Makes me:ack2: but they are very healthy so far!
  4. Everything! I use mine for dough, cookies, cakes, mixing meatloaf, icing and many more that I can't think of right now. They have attachments for meat grinding, pasta and ice cream.
  5. :iagree: I have a cousin that is like that too. When her kids were babies they had a bottle of hand sanitizer in every room. Both of her kids have asthma and multiple allergies. I, on the other hand, believe in letting kids get dirty. If they pick up a chip that landed on the floor and eat it I do not freak out! Kids will be kids and that is the kind of stuff they do. That being said, I am a nurse and do use hand sanitizer at work but I still prefer soap and water.
  6. I read somewhere that you could grind grains with it. I just ordered the ninja ks 1100...if you order from their site and use coupon code ninjamaster for 16% off and if that one is expired try register4 for 15% off. I looked high and low for the most versatile machine I could. I was looking for something I could purée stuff and grind rice and oatmeal for baby cereal sine I am going to make my own baby food this time around.
  7. Genetics maybe? IDK but I know that I have pretty bad environmental allergies that seem to be soooo much worse when I'm pregnant:confused:
  8. Have you hear of the "hygiene hypothesis"? It suggests the we as a society are too clean, giving the immune system nothing to do hence the rise in food/environmental allergies and asthma. My kids immune syystem should be plenty active :) I nearly have to hose them down after they play outside. I also do not own a bottle of hand sanitizer.
  9. YES! Get one! They are awesome! I got mine at Target and it was $14.95 I think. It is useful all the way through pregnancy and postpartum. I'm 30wks and use mine everyday because my maternity pants slide down and with this I don't have to pull my pants up all day long :)
  10. I have PCOS too. I took metformin to conceive my first but it took a long time. My second was conceived on the first round of fertility meds and now I'm expecting my 3rd who was a complete surprise! There is hope!
  11. I got 2 quilted bed coverings with trains, cars, and planes, 2 shams, 4 sets of sheets and 4 pillowcases all for $50! They look brand new and originally came from Target :)
  12. I don't really like being outside. I don't like being hot or cold. I do it for my kiddos though :)
  13. Because it gives me the freedom to.... Go where I want when I want. Teach my kids in a way that it individulized and works best for them. I can keep politics out of it. We can go on vacation in March. I can call a teacher workday if I want :) I don't have to worry about someone hurting my kids. I don't have to worry about someone giving them chicken nuggets if I didn't pack a proper lunch. :leaving:
  14. I actually have both... We sell cars and I have a minivan and a Tahoe. I love love love my Tahoe but I drive the minivan more. It's easier to get the kids in and out of and easier to load groceries in it. We use the tahoe mostly for pulling our camper to TN and it is very comfortable for travel.
  15. The story just ran on CNN but it was the same. They didn't say what was missing unless it was a vegetable. They stated that "all school lunches must contain 2 servings of fruit or vegetables, 1 grain, 1 dairy, and 1 meat". What if the child cannot have grains? Or dairy? Or is a vegetarian?
  16. :iagree: In fact, I had to do just that when my son was born with a heart defect and sent to the NICU and then flown to a children's hospital. The insurance company denied ALL of his claims because they said we needed "preapproval" for the services he received:confused:. OK...we didn't expect him to be born with a heart defect and sort of had other things on our mind in the midst of it all! They eventually paid everything but our deductible.
  17. I just don't like schools, teachers or government in general interfering with my parenting decisions. FWIW it is not about the sandwich or chicken nuggets to me. It goes way beyond a simple dumb decisions on the schools part and messes with my sense of boundaries.
  18. This kind of thing really gets me angry and reinforces my decision to homeschool. I really cannot believe they are inspecting children's lunch boxes! Send your kids to PS and give up the right to decide what they eat! If I wanted my kid to have hershey bars and coke for lunch it is not up to them to decide for me what is okay for MY child to eat (not that I would allow that). They tell you what to dress your kids in, what to send them to eat, what kind of backpack to put their books in, what to kind of pencils to use....and the list goes on and on. Maybe I have an issue with authority but gee whiz! I birthed these kids and I will make decisions as I see fit. Public schools are WAY overstepping their bounds!
  19. For me it would depend on how close we were to going home anyway. I would hate to have 4 more days left on vacation and leave then get home and everyone was well. Although barfing kids in a car doesn't sound like much fun either...
  20. Digitals are not as sensitive as regular pregnancy tests. I've never had bad luck with First Response and it's a pink dye test which rarely give false positives :)
  21. I say do whatever makes you happy and don't worry what everyone else thinks. That said, I were to renew my vows I would do it on a beach somewhere with just my dh and my kids.
  22. Thanks for the suggestions! I have gargled with salt water for tonight and if it is still lingering tomorrow I am going to turn myself into an experiment and try some of these out! :D
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