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Everything posted by melissad2

  1. It is a sad day when a 9yo has the capacity to shoot a classmate. Yet another reason to homeschool.
  2. I vaccinate my kids, however I would be highly upset if someone did it without my consent. I'm certainly glad I wasn't the nurse that gave it without verifying consent, she could lose her license or worse be charged with assault and battery.
  3. Dealerships make a lot of money on selling these extended warranties. My mom and dad both used to work at a dealership (not in sales though) and the salesmen used to really push the warranties because they made more commission on them.
  4. Don't buy it...it's usually a scam. There are so many exceptions to everything they usually worm their way out of paying for most things. If you do decide to buy it make sure you read all the fine print. Is this a warranty from the dealership?
  5. BBQ chicken, corn, french fries (I think) and maybe a salad if my lettuce is not brown :) .
  6. Yep, I usually get more headaches while pregnant, combined with some kind of weird sinus allergies that seem to only occur when I'm pregnant, it's been kinda rough :( . Only 9 wks to go though! :)
  7. Yes, my mom has huge 40ft vaulted ceilings and without the fans on it gets too hot upstairs and they freeze downstairs. You have to reverse the direction of the fans in the winter to pull the heat down.
  8. I buy ground beef on sale and brown it then portion it out in freezer bags to pull out when I need meat for spaghetti, taco filling, sloppy joes etc.
  9. :iagree: This is one of the big reasons I do not want my children in ps!
  10. Hmmm...maybe it is a single ingredient? I did eliminated MSG but that wasn't it. I hope it's not chocolate because that would be a disaster! :) I haven't done a daily log yet but I'm going to start one today!
  11. I have always had migraines and usually take maxalt for them but I am 30 wks pregnant and maxalt is contraindicated during pregnancy :( so my OB prescribed prodrin which is the same as midrin but a new formulation. So I felt a migraine coming on today so I took one and now my scalp is tingling all over? Has anyone ever taken midrin and experienced scalp tingling? I really wish I could just figure out what is triggering them so I could eliminate them but the triggers don't seem consistent at all. Sometimes eating certain things will cause one and the next time it doesn't:confused:.
  12. Mine are still there but if they take them away then it's really not a big deal. My son got bored with it in about 4 lessons. Glad I had a free trial because I wouldn't subscribe to it.
  13. I caught that one also! I was like.... Ummmm ok??? The Asian lady garnished her meatballs with like a hundred bucks worth of saffron too! And the same lady who kept mispronouncing tofu was mashing it up in the pan with a spatula trying to get it to melt, then she turned over the food processor on the counter to get the sauce out because she couldn't figure out how to get the lid off!:lol:
  14. I just wanted to say that I feel your pain! I am due May 1st also! I am "schooling" my 5 yo now and we pretty much are just focusing on reading. I decided to keep it easy til August (when he would be eligible for kindergarten) and just focus on making him a good reader. Luckily, my mom lives next door and is available to take them a few hours so I can catch a nap. Being pregnant with littles around is exhausting!
  15. The one last night had me :lol: and :banghead: because one of the ladies kept saying "tufu" instead of "tofu" and Bobby Flay kept correcting her. After she said it wrong like 4 times he was like "are you real?" Then another girl was trying to put a meat grinder together and after about 10 minutes of her fiddling with it Chef Anne goes over to help her out and she's like "lefty loosey, righty tighty!" and the poor girl still couldn't produce anything edible.
  16. I have a brother hl 2270 dw laser and it's wonderful! It's only black and white though...it's fast, cheap and wireless. I just bought an aftermarket toner cartridge for $20 on amazon! The printer was $99 with free shipping.
  17. I was thinking about this last night when I was watching "worst cooks in America" and was utterly dumbfounded when I realized how little these people knew about food! Not only did they not know where most of the food comes from they had zero knowledge of basic cooking skills. Not one of them could follow a basic recipe and come out with something edible!
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