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Everything posted by melissad2

  1. $25 for cut including tip every 5 weeks and I color my own hair. I have very thick fast growing hair that if I don't get it trimmed and thinned that often is a mess!
  2. Well, if the world ends then I won't need anything anyway.:D I've watched a few episodes of "Doomsday Preppers" and those people are just a little too errr...crazy for me. I don't plan to spend the next 20 years eating 20 year old pork and beans parked on the roof with my assault rifle protecting my stockpile of beans. I think I'll just take it as it comes. ;) I don't put much stock in "expert" opinions on the end of the world, only God knows when that will be and I'm ok with that.
  3. IDK, but I sympathize with you. My 5yo has the nickname Sanford because he wants to save everything!!!! I purge his stuff when he's not looking :) its mostly trash and nothing he would miss anyway!
  4. You can leave it out all night unless there is a filling inside that would need refrigeration. The frosting will harden a little on the outside but not enough to notice. I think it's cute btw!
  5. IDK...I've had bad luck with stylists in the last few years as well. My current stylists who both my mom and I go to has been a little off lately. In fact my mom came home a few minutes ago very upset about how short she cut her hair. So, I feel weird if she quits going to her and I still go there...too much awkward for me. My last stylists yelled at my son for rolling a hot wheels across the floor so I didn't go back there. I don't usually take my kids with me but if I have too they are usually pretty well behaved :) It seems like it has gotten really difficult to find a good stylists who cares whether you come back or not. I also don't like salons where they chatter constantly about their boyfriends/husbands, partying half the night, what clothes to wear the next day blah blah blah. I just want a normal person who knows how to cut hair is that too much to ask?!?
  6. It wouldn't bother me in the least. I have taken care of many patients with MRSA in the past and I have never had a problem. Just wash your hands thoroughly and you should be just fine.
  7. You could start by seeing if there is a free clinic that will see you or you can call the diabetes education dept. of your local hospital and see if they can steer you in the right direction. Also a lot of drug companies and diabetic supply companies will supply testing supplies and meds for free or lower cost for someone without insurance depending on income. In the meantime be very aware of your diet, maybe check out a book on diabetic diets and glycemic indexes from the library. Whatever you do don't let it go, keep ringing someone's phone until you get some help.
  8. Oh, that's good...a couple of rolls of quarters and some $1 bills would probably be awesome!
  9. I would take house B til I could find what I truly wanted.
  10. I didn't have a preemie but my friend had a preemie in the NICU for 5 weeks. The things that got them through we're gift cards to local restaurants, people offering to do things around the house that get neglected when you are virtually living at the hospital. Yard work, feeding/walking animals, general things like that. She should appoint a "spokesperson" so that all updates come from the same source instead of her having to tell the same things to different people all the time. Friends and family will be concerned and calling for info and updates....so if they could organize that somehow she won't be bothered by tons of phone calls.
  11. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: WOW! This person is NOT a friend and never was. Let the relationship go, cut off all contact and cut your losses. I would probably send the CD to "nut job" and call it a day. Find yourself some new friends...no one deserves to be talked to that way. If she wanted you to do the pics for free then that is what she should have asked for. She is the one who wasn't up front and she is the manipulator here. She is having a hissy fit because she thought you would do the work for free and now she is trying to get her way.
  12. Trust me, doctors are wrong A LOT of times! These nurses may not have even known who this doctor was. There are Dr's in my hospital that I have never met...if by some off chance they come up to see one of our pts I'm asking the other nurses who they are. Just because a Dr tells them it's ok doesn't mean they can do it. Nurses in a hospital don't work for the Dr's we still have to follow hospital policy or risk being fired.
  13. :iagree: Just because it was the father doesn't mean he had the mothers permission to leave with baby. What if the father took the baby off the floor and tripped and fell injuring the baby? What if they had a disagreement and he just left with the baby? The hospital I work for...if you are a patient you are not allowed to leave the floor. I, as your nurse, am still responsible for you even if you choose to leave, go downstairs and fall injuring yourself. I cannot let myself lose my license because I let something happen to my patient. If you want to leave you have to sign out "against medical advice" thus releasing me and the hospital of all liability. Just think how those nurse would have been portrayed in the media if they did nothing and something happened to that baby! "Nurses did nothing while father abducts baby" or "Father takes baby for walk, trips, and infant dies of injuries." I have not read all the responses but I think most nurses will agree. We have heard it all and seen it all!
  14. Poor puppy...I thought it was funny too. I have a 12 yo female spayed shihtzu who absolutely adores my uncle (who she lives with now because she doesn't like kids) and she pouts for days if he leaves her to go anywhere for more than 24hrs!
  15. Funny you should ask...the UPS man just delivered mine. I haven't used it yet so I'm all ears!
  16. Get one! You will love it! It mixes beautifully and the new ones have a beater with a scraper on the edge so no scraping the bowl!
  17. We got one from Sams and it has held up well. It has to be sealed about once a year or so. We have a trampoline the kids got for Christmas and they love it. I think it was 149 or so from Walmart with the enclosure.
  18. When my oldest ds was born he had a heart defect and had to go to the NICU, I was obviously distraught and was desperately wanting to breastfeed. The lactation consultant at the hospital was horrible! She knew nothing about my pump and couldn't seem to help me figure it out. I couldn't get it to turn on and she was like :confused: and suggested I call Medela and get the to send me a new one! Ummm hello I need one like now, as I'm about to get on a plane to fly with my sick baby to a children's hospital and I just had a csection less than 24hrs ago! Needless to say breastfeeding did not work out and I deeply regret that I wasn't more assertive about it. The children's hospital wasn't any more helpful either :( . With my 2nd I read and researched everything I could and watched videos about proper latching technique as I was determined to make it work. When he was born I had the same lactation consultant and saw her exactly once, although she did come in before I was discharge and asked me if I needed anything? I smiled and told her that I had it under control and didn't need her after all :). I went on to nurse him for 20 months. I think when this one is born I will offer to teach the lactation consultant how to breastfeed. Our pediatrician was very supportive and never told me I was feedin too much or too often. He was always like just " nurse on demand" if baby is hungry feed him :). I hear from women all the time that they didn't have enough mil or their milk didn't come in so they gave a bottle :( and I'm always saying that is the beginning of the end...decreased demand equals decreased supply!
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