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Everything posted by melissad2

  1. Because bullying and fighting is normal behavior :confused: Maybe she needs to read a few more articles about children being bullied to death. Does she have kids? If so, she probably one of those "kids will be kids" moms when it comes to that kind of stuff.
  2. That is true but I think they kind of signed up for that. I was in dance as a child and our costumes and dance styles were pretty much the same especially in Jazz. If the moms were so upset about it why did they allow their girls to do it? If I disliked that much I would have pulled my kid out of the dance. Disclaimer....I have a house full of boys so I can't really say what I would do if I had a daughter.
  3. I saw the episode...the costumes were not really all that bad IMO they were flesh colored bikini tops with sequins and shiny white "booty" shorts. They really were not any worse than some of the other costumes they have worn. They did not place in the competition so I don't think the judges liked it very much but Abby is all about pushing the envelope. They really played up the moms reactions to the costumes. Really I've seen much worse on children at the beach or waterpark.
  4. I have some various scrap gold that I would like to sell. It would have to be sold as scrap as most of it is broken or missing stones etc. I'm not to sure about selling by mail as I haven't heard good things about them. Should I take it to a jewelry store or one of those "we buy gold" places?
  5. Vitamin D deficiency? My 5 yo c/o leg pain a lot too, but so did I as a kid.
  6. Are you sure you are not talking about MY 5yo :001_smile:. I beg him daily for 5 minutes of quiet time!
  7. I am SO printing this article out and giving to my uncle who is totally convinced that the world is ending 12/21 :lol:. In fact we had an argument about it last week because I told how ridiculous he was. I am not one to hold my tongue and if you can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen :). He's still mad at me because I told him that no one knows when the end of time will be except for God and when it's your time to go its your time to go end of the world or not.
  8. We have one...the kids burn a lot of energy on it. Accidents can and will happen anywhere trampoline or not. Just set rules and teach kids to be safe! I had one as a kid and no one ever got hurt :) Although I know kids get hurt on them all the time but they also do on bicycles, swimming pools and monkey bars and we let them have those.
  9. My 2yo told me that he swallowed a penny then he said he swallowed a quarter :confused: I never found either one of them he didn't seem distressed and I don't believe he swallowed them in the first place. I keep waiting for him to tell me he ate a silver dollar :) Although this is the kid that I have had to call poison control for twice! He is a climbing monkey genius who has super kid abilities to open any "childproof" lid, lock or latch out there!
  10. I think all the boys should have to go outside to an outhouse to tinkle! My oldest ds is terrible at it and I am about to start making him clean the potty. My youngest hasn't potty trained yet but I'm sure he will be equally bad at it.
  11. Just looking for a better protection software? Free would be great but inexpensive is ok too!
  12. I have eliminated red#40 and most caffeine. Sugar and other additives I haven't tackled yet. The elimination of red #40 improved my 5yo's behavior by leaps and bounds, I can tell in a minute if he's had something he's not supposed to have! Sleeping is not an issue they are early to bed, early to rise kids. I do try to get them outside daily for at least an hour or two. My 5yo is about to start tball so I'm sure that will help some. Me? I'm 32 weeks pregnant so I'm always tired! My mom lives next door and takes them for a couple of hours a few times a week,so that is nice. However, sometimes they get a little too much sugar or caffeine at grandmas so I have to keep an eye on that! I'm hoping that as we move into warm weather I can wear them out really good outside!
  13. Hmmm...I've never really tried staying out of it. I guess I feel like the referee who has to keep peace.
  14. I don't know how to stop it! They are constantly fighting about everything! They hit, kick, bite and pinch each other! Someone is always crying or whining about something! I put them in time out all the time it doesn't seem very effective however. The 5yo knows better but just cannot seem to control himself! The 2yo is entering the terrible 2's and some of it I know is his age. They can play together sometimes very nicely so I know it can be done!
  15. I used to coupon and saved a good bit but the coupons have gotten so bad and harder to get and store policies have changed for the worse. I don't find it worth my while most of the time. I find shopping the sales and filling in at Aldi is my best bet.
  16. I have no idea but it happens here too. I have a secret stash of 9 volts just for that reason. Nothing like sending dh to store in the middle of the night to get batteries!
  17. http://shine.yahoo.com/healthy-living/seven-million-tons-8220-pink-slime-8221-beef-180500764.html The famous "pink slime" in a public school cafeteria near you!
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