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Everything posted by melissad2

  1. Yes, I agree with PP. She should go to ER, our ER often sends hand burns to the burn center for evaluation because of it being an extremity.
  2. I think I'm from the kids will be kids and they will get hurt camp. I wouldn't give my kids a knife to play with or let them play on the monkey bars with drawstring hoodies, but some things have just gone too far. One McDonalds in our town recently remodeled and they took out their grand play place and put in a plastic toddler area that is absolutely NO fun at all even for my 2yo. And yes, we have a trampoline. :leaving:
  3. And boy do I have the nesting bug! I am 33wks pregnant and have been purging toys and cleaning out drawers all morning. Now I am so pooped out I can't catch my breath. Why is it when you are pregnant you drop everything? Then you have to contort yourself to pick it up?
  4. I simply cannot read any more of those idiotic comments on that article because they are making my blood boil. GRRRRRR :cursing: :banghead:
  5. Oh my! What a mess of opinions she has. Maybe she would like to come hear my 5yo read "The Cat in the Hat." She is talking about a minority in the homeschooling world where 11yo's don't know how to read and girls don't go to college. The mom she referred to didn't seem like she wanted to homeschool in the first place much less be dedicated to it...IYKWIM.
  6. Yes if she's been exposed she needs a blood test (mono spot) to see if she has it.
  7. I googled it as well and it seems as though treatment is basically the same as any other breast cancer depending on size and whether it has metastasized or not. One article said that the rate of metatisis was lower but if it did it could be aggressive. Please ask the Dr. for further clarification and speak up if you don't understand what they are saying. Sometimes we medical professionals forget that not everyone's is familiar with the terms we use. Praying for your sister!:grouphug:
  8. Yes...I think I've heard something about unisom and vitamin b-12 maybe?
  9. Preggie pops? Ginger ale? Saltines? That's all I got except zofran....don't be miserable if you need it call your Dr!
  10. Consult an attorney...it really is the best way to handle accidents such as this when insurance companies don't want to pay the bills. The insurance companies have attorneys protecting them and so should you. My mom has been in several accidents that were not her fault and has had to have several back and neck surgeries....and without an attorney I'm not sure she would have gotten her bills paid.
  11. :iagree: I love mine! I'm the only coffee drinker here so it works for us. I use the "my k-cup" and I think I have to use more coffee to get it how I like it...I have to fill it to the top and it can be kind of messy which is a con.
  12. Hi! Welcome! As you can see I am still a newbie around here and I've never been accused of being a "troll"...yet :) Trolls like to "stir the pot" and come right out of the gate asking questions or making statements to get everyone fired up.
  13. I bought a maya wrap ring sling from eBay to use with the new one. I haven't tried it out yet but it seems thin enough yet sturdy and it is adjustable. It also comes in different lengths depending on your size and height.
  14. "I just a dad" and "must decides" really? Thank God for tutors I guess... On second thought, if this is for real then the poor kid must be super exhausted! I couldn't keep up with that kind of schedule at any age! What about giving her a break and letting her be a kid :)
  15. My kids are too small to care what pi is but the do like pie so maybe we will have pie for dessert :)
  16. Oh yes it is!!!! I started taking vit. D3 after ds2 was born because I felt so bad and within days I felt like a new woman!
  17. Just make it fun...that's what I do. Everything is a learning experience at that age right?!? I focus on one reading lesson a day with my 5yo but he just turned 5 and we are not starting anything too structured til the fall. My goal is to have him reading by then ;)
  18. We are kicking off summer travel early and leaving in eight days for opening weekend at Dollywood! We have a trav trailer and if gas doesn't hit $5/gal hopefully we can afford to pull it more than once. Mostly we go to Pigeon Forg for Dollywood but we have gone to Charleston before so hopefully a beach trip is in our future. I will be having a scheduled c-section on April 24th so as soon as I feel ok we are headed back to Dollywood. We buy season passes and I don't want to waste them :)
  19. Dh keeps his with him beside the bed. The charger is there if needed. Mine usually stays downstairs anyone that would need me in the middle of the night knows to call dh's phone if I don't answer mine. During the day I keep mine on one of the end tables and I can usually hear it wherever I am.
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