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Everything posted by melissad2

  1. Clean the spill as best you can. Gasoline is oil based so you will need something to break that down maybe a little dawn dish detergent. Open the windows and air it out in the sunshine as much as possible. It may take days or weeks of airing out for it to go away.
  2. Lots of people around here use solar covers that heat the pool in the early spring and fall. Sometimes in the dead of summer I wish I could figure a way to cool it down :)
  3. :iagree: In fact I would dare my dh to say anything about it! He never ever says anything to me about cleaning anything. The house and the kids are my domain and if it gets done great if not...well it will still be there tomorrow. In fact there is a giant pile of laundry sitting in the living room that unless he folds it, will not get done. Disclaimer...I'm 35 wks pregnant and cooking/cleaning/school are low on my list right now ;)
  4. I think we average an extra $50/month or so when the pool is running. We have an above ground (whatever the largest round one is). Depends on how much rain we get, more rain=less water but more chemicals so it's a trade off. We buy a large bucket of chlorine tablets, shock, and 2 large bottles of algacide at the beginning of pool season at Sam's for around $200 and it usually lasts trough the summer. We also go to the feed and seed store and get something called "blue stone" or copper sulfate and toss a handful in every now and then because it keeps algae away :) No real cleaning here...that's Wanda the whales job :D
  5. Really:001_huh: Pretty soon you won't be able to wear a pink shirt because it might offend someone. Or pierce your ears...where does the insanity stop! I'm offended ;)
  6. Oh the misery of allergies! I detest having to jump through hoops to get my allergy meds! Maybe I should stockpile sudafed along with my incandescent lightbulbs :D since congress feels the need to stick their noses into my choice of lighting and allergy medications. Also...you need a script for lortab and it is one of the most highly abused drugs out there so obviously requiring a prescription does not fix the problem. Making people accountable for their actions and actually punishing them does.
  7. My dh dropped out of school because he had to go to work full time. Since then he has worked hard and has gotten his GED. He is very smart but hates "school". He is a certified crane operator and builds bridges with the state dept. of transportation. He can also fix nearly anything! We sell cars and he does most of the mechanical, body work and cleanup. He worked his way up from the bottom at the DOT and is now the foreman of his crew and is probably next in line for the job that is the supervisor over all the crews.
  8. Don't eat or drink anything after midnight or risk anesthesia canceling your surgery! They are weird like that :). Hope all goes well and you have a speedy recovery!
  9. My 2yo ds has put pinto beans (dry) up his nose 3 times!!! We did a project involving beans and glue and he kept finding loose beans my 5yo ds left lying around. Then he took a chewing gum paper and balled it up and put it up his nose! Luckily I was able to convince home to blow his nose and get them all out without at Dr vist :) My 5yo ds has never put anything anywhere that didn't belong...thank goodness.
  10. :iagree: I give a spoonful of honey and it works like a charm :)
  11. October is usually not crowded during the week just be sure to check the operating schedule first. We haven't run into heavy crowds in October, March, April or May. It usually doesn't get unbearably hot til May or so however it is supposed to be in the 80's this weekend so I'm sure I will be hot!
  12. I would pick Dollywood :) but I love it so I'm a bit partial! We are headed up this weekend for opening day as we do every year! I think Dollywood has a lot of bang for the buck depending on the ages of your kids. October is the Harvest and gospel festivals and they are great, lots of on site demonstrations for kids including glassblowing, candy making, woodcarving, and black smithing to name a few. Pigeon Forge has a lot to offer as well. I'm a Pigeon Forge/Dollywood expert so feel free to ask me anything ;) FYI....Dollywood offers a special that if you go one day after 3p you get the next day free!
  13. I wish I could go but we have a long awaited trip to Dollywood this weekend so sadly I'm going to miss it :(
  14. My mom applied for help with her bill for hip and knee replacement surgery and the hospital picked up ALL cost after her insurance paid.
  15. FYI a 1991 Chevy conversion van will not have airbags of any kind. Is it going to be worth he expense to your dh to have proper seatbelts installed...I'm not even sure this is a viable option in a vehicle of this age.
  16. I wish I knew :). I am in the 3rd trimester misery so we haven't gotten much done at all. We have just been focusing on reading but FWIW I only have a young 5yo to really focus on right now.
  17. Too much lipase? Check out http://www.kellymom.com for some great info :). I had the same issue and ended up scalding my milk before freezing it.
  18. We drive well over 10 miles for most everything including work! Good luck and I hope you get what you want :)
  19. :grouphug: I dropped my iPhone in the toilet a couple of weeks ago...I feel your pain.
  20. My 2yo was playing in the sprinkler today in the nude :)
  21. I agree! Our Goodwill is way overpriced on most stuff, $4.50 for a pair of toddler jeans that are stained and tattered? No way! I can buy a new pair at Target on sale for $8. I was in there a week or so ago and they had a very old, very ugly, very torn green couch marked at $75 and it had a "sold" sign on it:confused:.
  22. I believe I learned using ABEKA phonics. I went to a small Christian school and I actually came across a few of my books a few years ago :)
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