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Everything posted by melissad2

  1. :iagree: I had to start reminding my dh to get his work clothes out the night before so I didn't have to hear the drawers open and close a thousand times! I would lay there and think "I hope he slams his finger in the drawer!". He would also set the alarm clock 30 minutes early and hit the snooze 6 times :banghead: I threatened to make him sleep on the couch :)
  2. I know what you mean! I rarely eat popcorn anymore either. My teeth are really close together so it's easy for one of those suckers to get lost in there!
  3. I use water, a little baking soda and some fabric softener. It lasts a couple of days but I assume that would depend on what kind of fabric softener you use.
  4. Oh...I'm sending my dh out to buy a few later this afternoon. I'm sure I have a snowballs chance in hades of winning but what the heck! I have. I idea what I would do with the money but I'm sure it would involve paying off mortgages and traveling. My dream is to buy a luxury motorhome and travel the country...so I would definitely do that!
  5. Yep, I posted on their Facebook page and all I got was "oops, the certificate will be good by Saturday and we no longer have the $25 rewards". I agree that the store is terrible now! I went in there briefly and promptly left! This is probably the last business I do with them!
  6. A couple of months ago I ordered so nursing bras from JcPenneys using their ship to store option. Well it took nearly 2 weeks for them to get there so they sent me a rewards certificate in the mail. The letter attached says "please accept this $25 merchandise certificate...." and the certificate attached is for $10:confused:. Ok fine, so I go to use it on a couple of kids shirts online and I get the message "sorry this rewards certificate has expired". Really? You can't make this stuff up! :banghead::cursing:
  7. There is one in my kids room but it is not hooked to satellite and all they have is a DVD player which they never watch. So it's kind of like a useless box right now which is fine with me :)
  8. Interesting! It could work...with some direction. She does love to read to them. Although she can be bossy and flits from one thing to another quickly. I probably wouldn't send my kids over there because they have a boat canvas shop that I can see with lots of trucks with boats in and out. I actually cannot see their house from the road.
  9. First, we live in a rural area and there are not many kids around for mine to play with. There is a little girl who lives with her grandma across the street. She is 7yo and she has started to come over everyday after school. I cannot handle her everyday! Two or three times a week is my max! Not to mention I'm about to drop this baby any day and quite frankly I don't feel like entertaining my own kids much less someone else's! What do I say? What about after the babaly gets here and I don't want ANY company? Her grandma knows I'm pregnant and due in 3 weeks. Not to mention I don't think she has much in common with my 5yo ds, I think she just comes over for snacks and to play with his toys!
  10. I agree with PP, be careful with the acetaminophen. Lortab is not that much different from Percocet except that the Percocet is maybe a little stronger. It is not all that uncommon to dose 2 Percocet 5/325 every 4 hrs and taking 600-800mg ibuprofen every 8-12 hrs. Honestly there is not much more that a surgeon is going to prescribe for laparoscopic surgery. Since darvocet was pulled from the market the only other pills for pain are strong narcotics such as demerol, morphine and dilaudid. If you are in more pain than Percocet can handle you need to be seen in the office to rule out complications, otherwise each day should get a lot easier. Feel better soon!
  11. :iagree: I haven't slept much either...and oh my the allergies! If it wasn't for Zyrtec, afrin, and chlortrimeton I would surely die! Sorry you are feeling bad...we are on the home stretch though!
  12. Mine were gone as of this morning...poor marketing on their part I do believe.
  13. I'm having a scheduled c-section on April 24th...so all I can think is 26 more days!
  14. WHY? I feel like my hips are out of place, my fingers hurt, my legs hurt, my back hurts and my muscles ache! I don't remember feeling like this with other pregnancies! I did however have body aches while nursing my youngest and ramped up the vitamin d intake and felt better within days. Is it just normal pregnancy aches and pains or something else?
  15. I would probably just end contact with her. She sounds kind of manipulative to me.
  16. :grouphug: Hope today is a better day. FWIW I have pulled my screaming ds out of several stores and thought surely I would have a lovely cps visit. I mean full on tantrum with lying in the floor kicking and screaming! With many dirty looks I just scooped him up and took him to the car...I thought someone would surely think I was kidnapping/hurting him! I wonder why people feel the need to stick their noses into so much of other peoples business? However, you hear stories of children truly being hurt or in danger and no one does anything? Walmart is a hot bed of potential tantrums! Toys, candy, electronics, junk food! It's a miracle anyone gets out of there without some kind of kid drama :)
  17. Pretty much par for the course. Take the pain meds,wait 30 minutes and then get up and walk around for 10 minutes or so. You might call and ask if you can take ibuprofen in between...that usually helps quite a bit. Tomorrow will be better!
  18. Well, no its not wrong. I just could never imagine my husband putting it to me that he expects a meal waiting on him, house to be spic and span and school done. But as I said before we have a different kind of relationship. My dh likes to work and never ever sits still. He often tells me to go rest and he will clean the kitchen or fold the laundry, in turn I don't care if he leaves to go fishing after the kids are in bed :) thats how we roll. I also work at least one weekend a month FWIW.
  19. I'm just hung up on a husband "expecting" certain chores to be done. He helped make the kids he should feel obligated to clean up after them. We don't expect each other to do anything but I do what needs to be done in the house eventually and he maintains outside eventually. Life happens and in the end it doesn't matter how clean your house was, what really matters is that your kids are happy and educated :) I want my kids to have memories of having fun and how much time mom spent with them not memories of how neat and clean the house was.
  20. I think maybe my dh and I have a different kind of relationship than most. He doesn't "expect" me to do anything. If I cook dinner that's great if not the he knows where the kitchen is. If the laundry gets done fine if not then it will still be there in the morning. He would never tell me to make sure the house is clean and dinner cooked by the time he got home. In fact, I think he would be afraid that if he did he might find his belongings in a big heap in the front yard when he got home :D. I do the best I can with a 5yo, 2yo and newbie on the way. We live in our house and if someone doesn't like then they don't have to come in. If we are expecting company then we all pitch in and clean everything up. No one except my mom drops in without notice.
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