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Everything posted by melissad2

  1. I think she was being a mama lion and was trying to get to him to play. I've heard stories of wild animals protecting babies and small children. Maybe all animals have a soft spot for cuteness :)
  2. My 5yo seen a bunch of older kids riding without training wheels at the campground and that was motivation enough. As soon as we got home he wanted the traing wheels off and his dad pushed him down the hill on the grass a few times and he was off!
  3. Oh I forgot about swaddle blankets! The ones with the velcro tabs...they are awesome!
  4. Swing Bouncy seat Front carrier (I'm trying out a maya ring sling this time, got it on eBay) Play mat ( was the only thing that kept my first entertained for 5 min so I could potty)
  5. Virtual hugs make me :) Out of 30 invites 6 called to say they were not coming. I did not expect my MIL to come either as she is odd (that's another long story). However the rest did not call and say they were not coming. It's not about the gifts...I don't really need anything but just showing up. I'm in the south and it is common to have showers for each baby usually a diaper/wipe shower for subsequent babies especially of the same gender. Oh well...going to eat a whole lotta cake now ;)
  6. I had a baby shower today (diaper and wipe shower) and two dear friends put in a tremendous amount of time and effort into making it nice. Well, out of 30 invites only 3 bothered to show up :( I make an effort to attend all the junk they invite me to but that is going to change! Grrrrrrrr!
  7. I don't have an 8yo yet but my kids like to go to bed early and get up early. 7pm to bed and 6-7am to rise :)
  8. Our Y is nice like that. However it is in the "rich" part of town and is almost a 15 mile drive for me one way, so even if I could afford the membership I couldn't afford the gas there to use it. It's a sore spot with me because I thought the Y should be accessible to every one and ours is not.
  9. I do the same thing. However whenever we have a little e tra somewhere I will buy myself a new shirt or whatever I may need at the time. I usually always buy for my kids first...isn't that what moms do?
  10. Red # 40 is evil! Makes my oldest completely lose it almost instantly.
  11. You will probably wake up one day and be like...WOW up you grew overnight :). My 5yo grew 5 inches in a year! The pediatrian measured him twice himself to be sure :). Kids tend to do that, grow all at one time then stall out for a while. If you are concerned take him in to be sure.
  12. IDK....I've built a house before and it was no cake walk. Lots and lots of stress on a marriage. If something happens to your marriage are you still going to be able to pay your dad? I wouldn't want to add stress to my relationship with my father. If I was in your shoes I would fix my marriage first before making any life altering decisions. All this buying a house stuff sounds like a distraction from the real matter at hand.
  13. We love Pigeon Forge and go a couple of times a year. Definitely check out wonderworks and the aquarium. Also the Titanic museum is quite interesting but I wouldn't recommend it if you have small kids...they will get bored fast! I love the Dixie Stampede but it is pricey so we hardly ever go. There are a couple of caverns that are awesome too..Forbidden Caverns and Tuckaleechee Caverns. I preferred Tuckaleechee Caverns as it was more scenic. Cades Cove is beautiful but watch for bear!
  14. I've had lots of trouble with dog groomers too! Been to nearly everyone in town! Finally started taking my shih-tzu to Petsmart and I am pleased with them even though they cost twice as much, my dog doesn't come out looking like she tangoed with the weed eater!
  15. Scheduled c-section :) I think I would lose it if I had to go a week late!
  16. I'm no help but I sympathize...computers make me :banghead:
  17. :eek: What am I'm going to do!?!? None of us have a fever but we do have cough, runny nose, scratchy throat and generally feel awful! I'm dosing everyone with allergy meds as the pollen counts here are very high. Praying it's just allergies and we don't end up getting a newborn sick!
  18. I wear new balance shoes...nurse mates and rockers hurt my feet. In fact I still have a pair of really cute Mary Jane nurse mates that I wore exactly once and could not tolerate them! I wear contacts, they don't usually bother me but hospitals are usually low humidity so take eye drops just in case. I have short hair but in nursing school it was long and I pinned it up. We had to wear nursing caps (gasp) when I went to school! I don't wear a watch to work...there are clocks with second hands in every room so no real need. We also do all our charting on computer so I don't need one for that either. I remember lugging a drug book and note cards to every clinical and now they have all that on their iPhones :)
  19. The entire house has the allergy crud! I just hope no one develops a fever because the baby will be here in 13 days and they won't let my kiddos up there if they have had a fever in the past 2 wks!
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